1、一日不作,一日不食。 Do not do one day, do not eat one day.
2、不以物喜,不以己悲。 not pleased by external gains, not saddened by personal losses.
3、不堪回首,望向未来。 Looking back, looking forward to the future.
4、不灭之光,照向远方。 The immortal light shines far away.
5、不离不弃,直至终点。 Never give up until the end.
6、不要抱怨,依靠自己! Don't complain, rely on yourself!
7、与世无争,与物无忤。 No struggle, no disobedience.
8、久伴不离,此生不弃。 Long time company, this life does not give up.
9、人多山倒,力众海移。 Many people fall on the mountain, and all the people move to the sea.
10、人心,不是一天凉的。 People's hearts are not cool in a day.
11、以爱之名,为爱付出。 In the name of love, give for love.
12、伤在你身,痛在我心。 Hurt in you, pain in my heart.
13、你情我愿,互不相欠。 You love me and I don't owe each other.
14、你的孤独,虽败犹荣。 Your loneliness, though defeated, is glorious.
15、依心而行,无憾今生。 Do it according to your heart, no regrets in this life.
16、兼听则明,偏信则暗。 If you listen to both, you will be clear; if you believe, you will be dark.
17、凡是过去,皆为序章。 All the past is preface.
18、别和我谈理想,戒了! Don't talk about ideals with me, quit!
19、南风未起,念你成疾。 The south wind hasn't risen. I miss you.
20、受情于此,困之于你。 To be in love is to be trapped.
21、只要你要,只要我有。 As long as you want, as long as I have.
22、君子之交,其淡如水。 A gentleman's friend is as light as water.
23、多寡随意,丰俭由人。 How much or how little is at will, how much is thrifty.
24、天暗下来,你就是光。 When it's dark, you're light.
25、安安心心,简简单单。 Peace of mind, simple.
26、幸福右边,荒芜人烟。 To the right of happiness is desolation.
27、往事清零,爱恨随意。 The past is clear, love and hate at will.
28、往后余生,风雪是你。 For the rest of your life, it's you.
29、忧伤说笑,浮伤年华。 Sorrow laughs, sorrow floats.
30、惟变所出,万变不从。 But if you change what you do, you will never change.
31、明日安在,无人能允。 Tomorrow, no one can answer.
32、没人心疼,也要坚强。 No one loves, but be strong.
33、温柔分人,留走随意。 Divide people gently and leave them at will.
34、爱上现在,梦见未来。 Fall in love with the present and dream about the future.
35、牵他的手,不由自主。 Take his hand, can't help it.
36、生于理想,死于现实。 Born of ideal, died of reality.
37、祸不妄至,福不徒来。 Misfortune never comes in vain.
38、精诚所至,金石为开。 To be honest, to be honest.
39、繁忙笑笑,干活利索。 Busy smile, easy work.
40、红尘初妆,山河无疆。 The first make-up of the world of mortals is boundless.
41、红日初升,其道大光。 When the red sun rises, its path is bright.
42、老鼠扛刀,满街找猫。 Mice carry knives and look for cats all over the street.
43、花看半开,酒饮微醺。 The flowers are half open, the wine is a little drunk.
44、若许一世,为何负情。 If Xu I, why negative feelings.
45、读书百遍,而义自见。 Read a hundred times, and righteousness sees itself.
46、身着白衣,心有锦缎。 In white, with brocade in mind.
47、过分安分,不叫青春。 Too much security is not youth.
48、遇事淡然,不再介意。 Don't mind if you don't mind.
49、长路漫漫,唯剑作伴。 There is a long way to go, only a sword.
50、马行千里,不洗尘沙。 Horses travel thousands of miles without washing the dust.