1、一弯新月升起来了,像只玉琢的香蕉嵌在天幕上,漾着碧辉。 A new moon rose, like a jade banana inlaid in the sky, rippling with green light.

2、人生应该如蜡烛一样,从顶燃到底,一直都是光明的。 Life should be like a candle, from the top to the end, always bright.

3、人生的价值,即以其人对于当代所做的工作为尺度。 The value of life is measured by the work he has done for the present age.

4、他两只大手托着脑袋,这脑袋这时候看上去好像有几百斤重似的。 He held his head in two big hands, which seemed to weigh several hundred jin at this time.

5、冬天的太阳像月亮一样苍白无力。 The sun in winter is as pale as the moon.

6、刚一出屋,脸和鼻子就像用刀割一样冻得难受。 As soon as I came out of the house, my face and nose were as cold as a knife.

7、刺玫瑰纵使刺伤了我的手指,始终还是凋谢不了我的恋情。 Thorn rose even if stabbed my finger, still can't wither my love.

8、勤勉而顽强地钻研,永远可以使你百尺竿头更进一步。 Study hard and tenaciously, and you will always be able to make further progress.

9、北极星橡盏指路灯一样挂在天空。 The North Star is like an oak guiding light hanging in the sky.

10、古榕树根如蟠龙,皮若裂岩,像个百岁老人,捋着长须。 The roots of ancient banyan trees are like dragons, the skin is like cracked rocks, like a centenarian, stroking his long beard.

11、只见十余株又高又大的枫树,满树枫叶已是一片红,宛如一堆堆淋不灭的火焰。 Only saw more than ten tall and large maple trees, the maple leaf is a red, like a pile of drenched flames.

12、和煦的春风在悠悠地吹着,像有一只温柔的手在抚摸着她的头发和脸庞。 The warm spring breeze is blowing like a gentle hand touching her hair and face.

13、夏天的一个晚上,天上星星闪烁,一阵阵凉风驱散了白天的余热,大地一片寂静。 One summer evening, the stars twinkled in the sky, and the cool wind dissipated the waste heat of the day. The earth was silent.

14、太阳会发光,会发热,是个大火球。 The sun will shine and heat. It's a big fireball.

15、她站了起来,回答得那么准确,那么自然,那么流畅,似乎早有准备似的。 She stood up and answered so accurately, naturally, fluently, as if she had been prepared.

16、小伙伴们在雪地上堆雪人、打雪仗,玩得可高兴了! My friends are making snowmen and fighting snowfights in the snow. Have a good time!

17、小岛把湖水分成两半,北边像圆圆的太阳,叫日潭;南边像弯弯的月亮,叫月潭。 The island divides the lake into two parts, the north is like a round sun, called the sun pool, and the south is like a curved moon, called the moon pool.

18、小草也在微风的吹拂下晃动着,好像随着晨风在清请地唱歌起舞。 The grass swayed under the breeze, as if singing and dancing with the morning wind.

19、恍忽间明白:明媚的春天之所以如此的美,是因为它让人的心情在此刻绽放。 Suddenly understand: the beautiful spring is so beautiful, because it makes people's mood bloom at this moment.

20、我以后要把学到的知识活用,决不生搬硬套。 In the future, I will make full use of what I have learned and never copy mechanically.

21、我们走进教室,只见窗口那里不断地滚进浓雾,教室里简直就像一个大蒸笼。 We went into the classroom, only to see the window where the continuous rolling into the thick fog, the classroom is like a big steamer.

22、我热爱春天,我喜欢闻到花儿的芳香,看到大树的新绿,听到小乌的欢唱。 I love spring. I like to smell the fragrance of flowers, see the new green of trees and hear the singing of Xiao Wu.

23、我的心像刀绞一般,泪水迷糊了我的眼睛。 My heart is like a knife, my eyes are blinded by tears.

24、我被烫得直甩手,不停地对着手吹气。 I was so hot that I shook my hands and kept blowing at them.

25、我贪婪地读着书,如同一只饥饿的小羊闯进芳草嫩绿的草地。 I read greedily, like a hungry lamb breaking into the green grass.

26、敢于面对困境的人,生命因此坚强;敢于挑战逆境的人,生命因此茁壮。 Life is strong for those who dare to face difficulties, and strong for those who dare to challenge adversity.

27、早晨,太阳像个刚出门的新媳妇,羞答答地露出半个脸来。 In the morning, the sun, like a new daughter-in-law who had just left the house, showed half of her face in shame.

28、时来必须要趁时,不然时去无声息。 When time comes, we must take advantage of it. Otherwise, we will go without a sound.

29、春天到了,果园里的果树长出嫩绿的芽,一片茂盛,到处都是鸟语花香。 When spring comes, the fruit trees in the orchard grow tender green buds and are full of flowers and birds.

30、春天是一个富有生命力的季节,也是一个美丽神奇,充满希望的季节。 Spring is a season full of vitality, beauty, magic and hope.

31、春雨,像春姑娘纺出的线,轻轻地落到地上,沙沙沙,沙沙沙。 Spring rain, like the thread spun by spring girl, gently falls to the ground, sand and sand.

32、春风一吹,柳条四处摇摆,像一个少女正在跳舞,好看极了。 When the spring wind blows, the wicker swings around like a girl dancing. It's very beautiful.

33、春风像一位作家,他的文章到处充满诗情画意,令人回味无穷。 Spring wind is like a writer, his articles are full of poetic and picturesque, which makes people have endless aftertaste.

34、春风像清洁工人,用一把神奇的扫把扫除灰尘,把城市装饰得漂漂亮亮、干干净净。 The spring wind is like a cleaner. It cleans the dust with a magic broom and makes the city bright and clean.

35、有生命就会有希望,有信心就会有成功,有思索就会有思路,有努力就会有收获。 If you have life, you will have hope, if you have confidence, you will have success, if you have thinking, you will have ideas, if you have efforts, you will have gains.

36、朝阳把它的光芒射向湖面,微风乍起,细浪跳跃,搅起满湖碎金。 The sun shines its light on the lake. The breeze blows, the waves jump, and the lake is full of gold.

37、杉树枝头的芽簇已经颇为肥壮,嫩嫩的,映着天色闪闪发亮,你说春天还会远吗? The buds on the branches of Chinese fir are quite fat, tender and shining in the sky. Do you think spring will be far behind?

38、清清的湖水倒映着蓝蓝的天,白白的云,高高的山,红红的房,美丽极了。 The clear lake reflects the blue sky, white clouds, high mountains, red houses, and is extremely beautiful.

39、渐渐地,残星闭上昏昏欲睡的眼睛,在晨空中退隐消失。 Gradually, the remnant star closed his drowsy eyes and disappeared in the morning sky.

40、琅琅的读书声从各个教室飞出来,像动人的童声大合唱,音符满天。 The sound of reading came out of every classroom, like a moving children's chorus, with notes all over the sky.

41、秋叶是静美的,如果没有风的飘逸,就*落体慢慢的下落,铺下满地的金黄。 Autumn leaves are quiet and beautiful. If there is no wind, you can fall freely and slowly, spreading the golden color on the ground.

42、绽开笑容的棉桃银花朵朵,白絮如雪,一望无际。 The cotton, peach and silver blossomed with smiles, white as snow, endless.

43、老榆树的树身很粗很粗,树皮裂成了一块儿的,像大片的鱼鳞。 The old elm's body is thick and thick, and its bark is split into pieces, like large scales.

44、起伏的黄土山头,真像一片大洪水的波涛。 The ups and downs of the Loess Mountain are like waves of a flood.

45、这只天真可爱的卷毛狮子狗,小黑尾巴一摆动起来,像个滚动的小绒球。 This cute poodle with curly fur is like a rolling ball.

46、那盛开的桃花像一团团云霞,映照充满生机的大地。 The peach blossom in full bloom is like a cloud, reflecting the land full of vitality.

47、金色的阳光透过缝隙,洒在褐色土地滋生的小草上。 Through the gaps, the golden sunlight sprinkled on the grass growing in the brown land.

48、长安街华灯高照,川流不息的汽车,灯光闪烁,像银河从天而降。 Chang'an Street is shining with bright lights, and cars are flowing all the time. The lights are flashing, like the Milky way falling from the sky.

49、问君,可知我半笺幽恨寄断肠,尘封心底的门扉,在爱与痛的边缘辗转徘徊。 Ask you, you can see that my heart is half full of sorrow and sorrow, and I am wandering on the edge of love and pain.

50、龙山头,像一座大墓似的耸立在夜色中。 Longshan head, like a big tomb, stands in the night.