1、一朵玫瑰传情,两心浪漫分享。值此情人佳节,送你小诗一首。 One rose spreads love and two hearts share romance. On this Valentine's day, send you a poem.

2、七夕不只天上有,人间真爱抢前头。预祝朋友别无恙,携手幸福到永久! Tanabata is not only in the sky, but also in the world. I wish my friends all the best, hand in hand happiness forever!

3、七夕情人节,愿天下有情人终成眷属,七夕快乐。 On Valentine's day, I wish all lovers in the world will get married and have a happy Chinese Valentine's day.

4、亲爱的,无论你的爱是加减乘除,我最爱的都是你!情人节快乐! Dear, no matter your love is addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, my favorite is you! Happy Valentine's Day!

5、今日七夕来临,给你一颗真心。此生幸福携手,恩爱直到白头。 Today's Chinese Valentine's Day is coming. Give you a heart. Happy life hand in hand, love until the white.

6、你我鹊桥边,相对两无言,温情融天际,爱意永缠绵。 Beside the magpie bridge, you and I are speechless, warm and harmonious in the sky, and love forever.

7、你的梦幻妩媚,让我痴心无悔。岁岁情人节之会,年年与你相随。 Your dream is charming, let me infatuate without regret. Valentine's Day is with you every year.

8、喜欢情人节和你一起许下的誓言,一生不变,相爱永远。 Like Valentine's day and the vows you made together, the same life, love forever.

9、好想做你的情人,记在你的心里。情人节快乐! I really want to be your lover and keep it in your heart. Happy Valentine's Day!

10、当曲终人散我正孤独,我想着你;214情人节,此刻更想你! When the song ends, I'm lonely, I think of you; 214 Valentine's day, I think of you more now!

11、思绪万千忆往常,啜泣无声泪已淌。自古多情空遗恨,爱到深处惟断肠。 Thoughts of the past, sobs silent tears have flowed. Since ancient times, love has always been empty, but heartbroken.

12、情人如春露,温馨在心头;情人节,祝福他们,对她们一定要好。 Valentine's day, bless them, be good to them.

13、情人节到了,愿我俩心心相映,白头到老! Valentine's Day is coming. May our hearts and minds meet and grow old!

14、情人节到了,送上我的祝福,道一声我爱你! Valentine's Day is coming, send my blessing and say I love you!

15、情人节,愿天下有情人幸福美满,快乐一生! Valentine's day, I wish the world a happy lover, happy life!

16、想你,直到地老天荒,直到永久。情人节快乐! Miss you, until the end of time, until forever. Happy Valentine's Day!

17、愿你心情舒畅,桃花灿烂,生活开心乐不断! Wish you a happy mood, a bright peach blossom and a happy life!

18、我们之间没有惊天动地的虐恋情深,但我有一颗真心,满满的全是你。 There is no earthshaking love between us, but I have a heart full of you.

19、无论月圆月缺,月亮始终代表我的心。亲爱的,情人节快乐! No matter the moon is full or not, the moon always represents my heart. Happy Valentine's day, dear!

20、有一种表白,纯洁无暇。情人节到了,祝你节日快乐! There is an expression of purity. Valentine's Day is coming. Happy holiday to you!

21、期盼共度佳节快乐相伴,不知我可否如愿? I'm looking forward to a happy holiday together. I wonder if I can do it?

22、此时只愿与你随,相知相守不离分。祝情人节快乐! At this time, I only want to be with you and keep close to each other. Happy Valentine's Day!

23、没有你我会孤单,寂寞塞满了心田。情人节将至,期待爱情花开。 Without you, I would be lonely and filled with loneliness. Valentine's Day is coming, looking forward to the flowers of love.

24、浪漫情人节,花香飘四方。情人不分老少,大家齐把节过。 Romantic Valentine's day, the fragrance of flowers. Lovers, young and old alike, celebrate the holiday together.

25、相伴是福,携手向前是共同的愿望。祝情人节快乐! Company is a blessing, hand in hand to move forward is a common desire. Happy Valentine's Day!

26、看你是一种享受,抱你是一种浪漫!亲爱的,情人节快乐! Seeing you is a kind of enjoyment, holding you is a kind of romance! Happy Valentine's day, dear!

27、真爱你的我将真情真心全给你,情人节里一句真话送给你:我是真的爱你! Love you, I will give you the true love, Valentine's day, a true word to you: I really love you!

28、祝朋友:顺心如意,幸福快乐,笑口常开,情人节快乐! I wish you all the best. Happy Valentine's Day!

29、送你一颗情人草,爱情美满伴到老。情人节快乐! Send you a love grass, love happy companion to old. Happy Valentine's Day!

30、送你郁金香,祝你幽魅尊贵永远快乐;送你玫瑰花,祝你有情人终成眷属! Send you tulips, wish you happiness forever, send you roses, wish you have a lover to get married!