1、七月的天气,太阳正毒,晒得人汗珠往下直滚。 July weather, the sun is toxic, people sweat down straight roll.
2、不是夏日限定,是来日方长。 It's not the summer, it's the days to come.
3、人间骄阳刚刚好,风过林梢,彼时他们正年少。 They were young when the sun was just shining and the wind was blowing through the forest.
4、今年夏天,热的让人走在街上,就像进了蒸汽浴室一样难熬。 This summer, the heat makes people walk on the street, just like entering the steam bathroom.
5、你泼墨了墙角残缺的欲言,于是就渲染出一个没有跌宕的夏天。 You splashed ink on the corner of the incomplete desire to speak, and then rendered a summer without ups and downs.
6、你看得见我打在屏幕上的字,却看不到我掉在键盘上的泪。 You can see my words on the screen, but you can't see my tears on the keyboard.
7、再这么热下去就不是折翼了,翼都融化了! If it's so hot, it's not a broken wing. The wings are melting!
8、午后的阳光太强烈了,就连稻田里的水,都被蒸得快要沸腾了。 The afternoon sun was so strong that even the water in the rice field was almost boiling.
9、只要心中充满阳光,每一个日子都能过得滚烫。 As long as the heart is full of sunshine, every day can be very hot.
10、夏天像一个不识文的村妇,从里到外都是一种纯正朴拙地美! Summer is like an illiterate village woman, from the inside to the outside is a kind of pure and unsophisticated beauty!
11、夏天像一个夸张的青年,永远迈着大步流星地步伐! Summer is like an exaggerated youth, always taking a big step!
12、夏天像一位健壮的青年,有健壮的腰脚,领着我们向前去。 Summer is like a strong youth, with strong waist and feet, leading us forward.
13、夏天像一位血气方刚的战士,那似火的骄阳便是他闪亮的盔甲。 Summer is like a bloody soldier, the scorching sun is his shining armor.
14、夏天像个电暖气,可是温度调得太高了! Summer is like an electric heater, but the temperature is too high!
15、夏天像巨大的桑拿房,使人们喘不过气来。 Summer is like a huge sauna, making people breathless.
16、夏天如果偶尔没有太阳,人们就像休假一样高兴。 If there is no sun occasionally in summer, people are as happy as a holiday.
17、夏天就像燃烧的烈火,无时无刻不在释放它的热情与活力。 Summer is like a burning fire, releasing its enthusiasm and vitality all the time.
18、夏天来的很慢,夏天才有浪漫。 Summer comes very slowly, summer is romantic.
19、夏天的天气热得像个蒸笼。 It's as hot as a steamer in summer.
20、夏天的星星像眼睛一样眨个不停。 The stars in summer blink like eyes.
21、夏天的白云像魔术师的道具千变万化。 The white clouds in summer are like magic props.
22、夏天里的太阳,就像一个大火球,热的让人无处躲闪。 The sun in summer, like a big fireball, is so hot that people have nowhere to dodge.
23、夏天,是多么快活,多么热闹呀! How happy and lively summer is!
24、夏日午后,马路上的窒热的灰尘,像雾似的凝滞不动。 In summer afternoon, the hot dust on the road is stagnant like fog.
25、大清早,蝉就高声大叫,告诉人们又一个火热的日子开始了。 In the early morning, cicadas shout loudly, telling people that another hot day has begun.
26、天气太热了,我的头发犹如滚烫的开水,好烫呀! The weather is too hot, my hair is like boiling water, so hot!
27、天气热得像个笑话,日子过的像句废话。 It's hot as a joke, and life is like a piece of rubbish.
28、天气闷热得要命,一丝风也没有稠乎乎的空气好像凝住了。 It was so hot that there was no wind, and the thick air seemed to freeze.
29、天气闷热得要命,一丝风也没有,稠糊糊的空气好像凝住了。 It was so hot that there was no wind, and the thick air seemed to freeze.
30、天空象是一只大鸟的丰满的翅膀,全是白色羽毛般的浮云。 The sky is like the plump wings of a big bird, full of white feathered clouds.
31、天空高远、洁净,片片白云轻轻飘着,像大海里浮动的白帆。 The sky is high and clean, with white clouds floating like white sails in the sea.
32、太阳刚一出头,地上像已着了火。 As soon as the sun came out, the ground seemed to be on fire.
33、太阳火辣辣的烤着大地,不远处传来知了的声音。 The sun scorching the earth, not far from the sound of cicada.
34、太阳让人坐立不安在树下乘凉也感到急躁。 The sun makes people fidgety and impatient to enjoy the cool under the tree.
35、小扇引微凉,悠悠夏日长。 The small fan is cool and the summer is long.
36、希望能下这种暴雨。这才是夏天,这才是夏天的雨。 I hope it will rain like this. This is the summer, this is the summer rain.
37、当电风扇变成了电吹风,我觉得人生都失去了意义。 When the electric fan becomes a hair dryer, I feel that life has lost its meaning.
38、想把夏天的微风和你拦进怀里,看橘子汽水味的日落。 I want to catch the summer breeze with you and watch the orange soda sunset.
39、我以夏天的名义穿上短裙,也替月亮夺走你的心事。 I put on short skirt in the name of summer, and take away your mind for the moon.
40、我们呆在家里吧,人行道上都可以煎蛋了。 Let's stay at home. We can fry eggs on the sidewalk.
41、我们家那个玉米地啊,都快成爆米花田了。 Our corn field is almost popcorn field.
42、我见过的最美的夏天,是你穿过人群找到我的那个六月。 The most beautiful summer I have ever seen is the June when you found me through the crowd.
43、我讨厌夏天的理由,无处不在的蚊子。 The reason why I hate summer, mosquitoes everywhere.
44、我遇到你的那天,盛夏刚好来到。 The day I met you, midsummer just came.
45、晴空万里,天上没有一丝云彩,太阳把面烤得滚烫滚烫。 There is no cloud in the sky. The sun is baking the noodles very hot.
46、期待夏天快到来,突然想游泳。 Looking forward to the coming of summer, I suddenly want to swim.
47、柠檬水打翻的瞬间,看到了夏天。 Lemonade overturned the moment to see the summer.
48、清风明月无人管,并作南楼一味凉。 There is no one to manage the clear wind and bright moon, and the south tower is always cool.
49、渐渐地,残星闭上昏昏欲睡的眼睛,在晨空中退隐消失。 Gradually, the remnant star closed her sleepy eyes and disappeared in the morning sky.
50、湖对岸,翠柳成荫,柳丝像一条条绿色的绸带,在微风中飘摆。 On the other side of the lake, green willows become shady. Willows are like green ribbons, fluttering in the breeze.
51、烈日似火,大地像蒸笼一样,热得使人喘不过气来。 The sun is like fire, the earth is like a steamer, too hot to breathe.
52、烈日似火,大地像蒸笼一样,热得使人喘可是气来。 The sun is like fire, and the earth is like a steamer. It's so hot that people gasp.
53、盛夏的阳光真像蘸了辣椒水,坦荡荡的街上没有一块阴凉地。 The sunshine in midsummer is like dipping in chili water. There is no shade in the open street.
54、竹色溪下绿,荷花镜里香。 The bamboo is green under the stream, and the lotus is fragrant in the mirror.
55、落花随春去,余香伴夏来。 The fallen flowers go with spring, and the fragrance comes with summer.
56、还是深爱着那个夏天里,遇见的少年。 Still love that summer, met the youth.
57、这个夏天很烦躁,希望下一个夏天能和所爱的人朝夕相处。 This summer is very irritable, I hope I can get along with my loved one day and night next summer.
58、这酷热,根本停不下来! It's too hot to stop!
59、连雨不知春去,一晴方觉夏深。 Even the rain does not know the spring to go, a clear side feel deep summer.
60、那一年,我抓住了蝉,就以为抓住了整个夏天。 That year, I caught the cicada, I thought I caught the whole summer.
61、风说了许多,把夏天注得盈满。 The wind said a lot and filled the summer.