1、人性,因感恩而美丽。 Human nature is beautiful because of gratitude.

2、人活着,是要懂得百善孝为先,百话礼为首。 To live, one should know that filial piety is the first and etiquette is the first.

3、人生在世记恩情,父母恩情似海深。 Life in the world to remember gratitude, parents like deep sea.

4、冲破人生的冰河,培育不灭的希望。 Break through the ice of life and cultivate the immortal hope.

5、别丢了良心,总辜负;要心怀感恩,去付出。 Don't lose your conscience and live up to it; be grateful and give.

6、即使陌路,仍感谢曾经相遇。 Even if strangers, still thank once met.

7、处世而欲人感恩,便为敛怨之道。 To be grateful is the way to collect resentment.

8、天意怜幽草,人间重晚情。 Heaven's pity on the grass, the world heavy late love.

9、学会感恩,你的内心会越来越强大。 Learn to be grateful, your heart will become stronger and stronger.

10、常言感激,便是修行。 As the saying goes, gratitude is practice.

11、心存善念,懂得感恩。 Be kind and grateful.

12、心存感恩,人生一定一帆风顺! Be grateful, life will be smooth!

13、心怀感恩,跟随你的伯乐前进。 Thank you and follow your heart.

14、心怀感恩,过一种美与善的生活。 Be grateful and live a life of beauty and kindness.

15、怀感恩之心,让生命更精彩。 Gratitude makes life more wonderful.

16、感恩一年里,一直关心我的人。 Thank you for the people who have been caring about me for a year.

17、感恩一路上,一直陪伴我的人。 Thank you for the people who have been with me all the way.

18、感恩即是灵魂上的健康。 Gratitude is the health of the soul.

19、感恩岁月知惜时,注重当下常努力。 Be grateful for the years, cherish the time, pay attention to the present and make constant efforts.

20、感恩朋友给我包容。 Thank you for your tolerance.

21、感恩生命旅程中的所有事物。 Be grateful for everything in the journey of life.

22、感恩生活中,一直关心我的人。 I am grateful for the people who care about me all the time in my life.

23、感恩生活人诚实,知足常乐人悦心。 Thanksgiving life, honest, contented, happy people.

24、感恩相伴,梦想同行。 Thanks to accompany, dream to go together.

25、感恩英雄,大爱无疆!感谢你为我们拼过命! Grateful hero, love boundless! Thank you for fighting for us!

26、感恩越强烈,收获的惊喜就越多。 The stronger the gratitude, the more pleasant the harvest.

27、感恩,感谢,感激所有。 Thank you, thank you, thank you for everything.

28、感恩,是结草衔环,是滴水之恩涌泉相报。 Thanksgiving, is a knot in the grass, is the gratitude of dripping water, gushing spring return.

29、感激的圣水,能滋润干枯的心。 The holy water of gratitude can moisten the dry heart.

30、感谢你们的信任,感恩我们尚在的善良。 Thank you for your trust and our kindness.

31、感谢你们,不离不弃。 Thank you all for being here.

32、感谢你,让我学会坚强。 Thank you, let me learn to be strong.

33、感谢大地,给我无穷的支持与力量。 Thank the earth for its endless support and strength.

34、感谢天,感谢地,感谢命运,让我们相遇。 Thank God, thank you, thank fate, let us meet.

35、感谢天,感谢地,感谢大家。 Thank you, thank you, thank you.

36、感谢天,感谢地,感谢阳光照大地。 Thank you, thank you, thank you for the sunshine.

37、感谢有你,忙忙碌碌,我都不会忘记。 Thank you for your busy, I will never forget.

38、感谢有你,日日夜夜,我都留在心里。 Thank you, day and night, I stay in my heart.

39、感谢朋友给了我友谊和支持。 Thank you for your friendship and support.

40、感谢江河,它让你拥有清水。 Thanks to the river, it gives you water.

41、感谢父母,把我抚养长大,为我无私付出。 Thank my parents for bringing me up and giving selflessly for me.

42、感谢苍穹,给我提供了一个施展的舞台。 Thank the sky for providing me with a stage.

43、感谢贵人的相助,祝你克服困难。 Thank you for your help. I hope you can overcome the difficulties.

44、感谢贵人,助我度过难关,为我人生指路。 Thank you for helping me through difficulties and guiding my life.

45、感谢队友,如数家珍! Thank you, my teammates!

46、懂得珍惜,学会感恩。 Know how to cherish, learn to be grateful.


48、星星能照亮夜空,感恩可掂量自我。 Stars can light up the night sky, gratitude can weigh self.

49、春风,谢谢你裁剪了我的衣衫。 Spring breeze, thank you for cutting my clothes.

50、最深的感恩,是理解别人的付出。 The deepest gratitude is to understand the contribution of others.

51、朋友,谢谢你陪我走过每个春暖花开的季节。 Friends, thank you for accompanying me through every spring blooming season.

52、父母之恩,水不能溺,火不能灭。 The kindness of parents, water can not drown, fire can not be extinguished.

53、珍惜才能拥有,感恩才能天长地久。 Cherish can have, Thanksgiving can last forever.

54、真心对我好的人,谢谢你! Thank you for being kind to me!

55、知恩图报者,贤者也。 Those who know how to repay their gratitude are wise people.

56、知足者常乐,感恩者多福。 Those who are content are always happy, and those who are grateful are blessed.

57、落红不是无情物,化作春泥更护花。 Falling red is not a heartless thing, turn into spring mud to protect flowers more.

58、要让别人感激自己,就得先学会感激别人。 To make others appreciate themselves, you must first learn to appreciate others.

59、谢谢你信任我,我定不会让你失望。 Thank you for trusting me. I won't let you down.

60、贵人恩人,永世不忘!谢谢你,对我那么好。 You will never forget your kindness! Thank you for being so kind to me.


62、风雨同舟,感恩有你。 Farewell 2020, hand in hand 2021, wind and rain together, thank you.