1、一朵朵睡莲花在夜色中露出迷人的笑脸。 One after another sleeping lotus flowers show their charming smiling faces in the night.

2、兰花露出迷人的微笑。 Orchid shows charming smile.

3、冬天来了,梅花含着微笑迎风开放。 Winter comes, plum blossom with a smile in the wind open.

4、吊兰像一条绿色的瀑布一样倾泻下来。 The Chlorophytum falls down like a green waterfall.

5、向日葵和初升的太阳打了个招呼。 The sunflower said hello to the rising sun.

6、向日葵挥动着自己的手掌,像风儿打招呼。 Sunflowers wave their palms, like the wind to say hello.

7、向日葵面朝太阳,绽开了它的笑脸。 The sunflower faces the sun and opens its smiling face.

8、含苞的玫瑰花绽开了甜美的笑容。 The budding rose blooms a sweet smile.

9、含苞的玫瑰花绽开了美丽的容颜。 The budding rose bloomed a beautiful face.

10、夜来香在晚上八点绽开了笑脸。 At eight o'clock in the evening, the evening primrose bloomed with a smile.

11、夜来香绽开笑脸,吐出迷人的芬芳。 The evening primrose blooms a smiling face, spits out the charming fragrance.

12、太阳出来了,向日葵被太阳公公吵醒了。 The sun came out and the sunflower was awakened by the sun.

13、太阳花张开了可爱的笑脸。 Sunflower opened a lovely smile.

14、太阳花红着脸蛋羞答答地开放了。 The sun flower blushed and opened shyly.

15、如少女般羞涩的广玉兰开花了。 As shy as a girl, Magnolia grandiflora blossomed.

16、嫩黄的油菜花绽开笑脸,羞怯地张望着。 The yellow rape flowers are blooming with a smile and looking around shyly.

17、山荼花打着羞涩的朵儿静悄悄的开放了! The mountain tea flower is opening quietly with shy flowers!

18、昙花在夜晚羞涩地绽开笑脸。 Epiphyllum in the night shyly blooming smile.

19、春天到了,五颜六色的鲜花露出了笑脸。 Spring is coming, colorful flowers show a smiling face.

20、春天到了,油菜花争先恐后的开放了。 Spring is coming, rape flowers are scrambling to open.

21、春天来了,迎春花在春风中舞蹈。 Spring is coming. Jasminum nudiflorum is dancing in the spring breeze.

22、春温柔地抚摸着万物,桃花绽开了笑脸。 Spring gently caresses all things, peach blossom blooming smile.

23、春风如美酒,醉红了桃花的脸颊。 The spring breeze is like wine, which makes peach blossom's cheek red.

24、月季花露出动人的笑脸,漂亮极了。 Rose dew shows the smiling face of people, very beautiful.

25、月季露出了她那含羞带怯的笑脸。 The rose showed her shy and timid smile.

26、杜鹃花们笑的满脸绯红,格外鲜艳。 Rhododendrons smile all over the face crimson, especially bright.

27、杜鹃花在春风到来时,笑的腰都弯了。 When the spring breeze comes, the cuckoo's waist is bent with laughter.

28、枝头挂满了桂花,打扮得可真漂亮。 The branches are covered with Osmanthus fragrans. They are so beautiful.

29、桃树开花了,一阵风吹来,像是在跳舞。 Peach blossom, a gust of wind blowing, like dancing.

30、桃树换上了新衣,戴上了粉嫩的桃花。 Peach trees put on new clothes, put on the pink peach blossom.

31、桃花露出了红扑扑的脸蛋,娇小美丽。 Peach blossom showed a red face, petite and beautiful.

32、梅花在寒冷的季节露出了笑脸。 Plum blossom in the cold season showed a smile.

33、梅花在风雪中翩翩起舞歌唱。 Plum blossoms dance and sing in the snow.

34、梅花看着人们都匆匆忙忙,偷偷的笑了。 Plum blossom looked at people in a hurry, secretly smile.

35、海棠花在微风中轻轻点头。 The Begonia flower nods gently in the breeze.

36、海棠花妩媚的笑容让游客流连忘返。 The charming smile of Begonia flower makes tourists linger.

37、满树的槐花在枝头微笑着,嬉戏着。 The locust trees are smiling and playing in the branches.

38、烂漫的樱花踏着曼妙的舞步盛开了。 The beautiful cherry blossoms are in full bloom with graceful dance steps.

39、牵牛花在春风里扬起笑脸,吹起了小喇叭! Morning glory in the spring breeze raised a smile, blowing a small trumpet!

40、牵牛花悄悄睁开了紫色的眼睛。 Morning glory opened her purple eyes.

41、牵牛花绽放了绚烂的微笑,开得开心快乐。 Morning glory blooms a gorgeous smile and is happy.

42、玉兰花轻轻地向我们绽开了笑脸。 Magnolia gently opened a smile to us.

43、秋风一吹,金黄的桂花渐渐张开了笑脸。 Autumn wind blowing, golden osmanthus gradually opened a smiling face.

44、美丽的月季花开了,露出了美丽的笑脸。 The beautiful rose blossomed, showing a beautiful smile.

45、美丽的樱花散发着少女的芬芳。 The beautiful cherry blossoms exude the fragrance of a girl.

46、美丽的荷花绽开了笑脸,喜迎每一位来宾! The beautiful lotus blooms with a smile to welcome every guest!

47、艳丽的月季花羞答答地开了。 The gorgeous rose blossomed shyly.

48、花儿张开了眼,从花苞里慢慢探出了身子。 The flower opened its eyes and slowly leaned out of its bud.

49、花园里的花无精打采的低下了头。 The flowers in the garden drooped listlessly.

50、花园里,花朵们都绽开了笑容。 In the garden, the flowers were all smiling.

51、花坛里所有的花都张开了娇嫩的笑脸! All the flowers in the flower bed have opened a delicate smile!

52、花苞像小姑娘一样,咧着小嘴浅浅地笑着! Flower bud like a little girl, grinning with a small mouth!

53、茶花缓缓地露出了可爱的笑脸。 Camellia slowly showed a lovely smile.

54、荷塘里的荷花骄傲地开了。 The lotus in the lotus pond is blooming with pride.

55、蔷薇终于苏醒了,绽放出美丽的笑容。 Rose finally woke up, blooming a beautiful smile.

56、西塞山前白鹭飞,桃花流水鳜鱼肥。 In front of Xisai mountain, egrets fly, peach blossom water, mandarin fish fat.

57、连翘花开了,仿佛孩子天真的笑脸。 Forsythia flowers bloom, like a child's innocent smile.

58、郁金香盛开得如一束束小小的火苗。 Tulips are in full bloom like small flames.

59、风一吹,荷花就扬起了欢乐的笑靥。 As soon as the wind blows, the lotus brings up a happy smile.

60、风儿来了,桂花不情愿地辞别了枝头。 When the wind comes, osmanthus leaves the branches reluctantly.