1、一个人的涵养,来自一颗尊重他人的心。 A person's self-restraint comes from a heart of respecting others.

2、一天一个太阳,点燃新的希望。 One sun a day lights up new hope.

3、不求人夸,不遭人恨就是福! If you don't ask for praise, you won't be hated!

4、不要因为难,因为吃点苦头,就缴械投降。 Don't surrender because it's difficult, because you have to suffer.

5、东西不是拿给别人炫耀的,自己合适就好。 Things are not for others to show off, just fit yourself.

6、举头三尺有神明,人生在世,但求一个问心无愧。 If you raise your head three feet, you will have a God. If you live in this world, you can only ask for a clear conscience.

7、人与人,不是谁都可以实心实意的帮你。 People to people, not everyone can sincerely help you.

8、人之所以活的累,就是想的太多。 The reason why people live tired is that they think too much.

9、人之相信信于诚,人之相伴伴于爱。 People's faith is based on sincerity, and people's company is accompanied by love.

10、人之相惜惜于品,人之相敬敬于德。 People cherish each other in quality, and respect each other in virtue.

11、人和人相处,靠的是一点诚意。 People get along with others by a little sincerity.

12、人生绚丽多彩,不断错过,也不断拾起。 Life is colorful, constantly missing, also constantly picking up.

13、人生路上,有人陪伴,灵魂不孤单。 On the way of life, accompanied by someone, the soul is not lonely.

14、以心随行,便是不离不弃的深情。 To follow the heart, is not to abandon the deep feelings.

15、使这个世界灿烂的不是阳光,而是你的微笑。 It's not the sunshine that makes the world bright, but your smile.

16、做人的心有多大,人生的成就就有多大。 As much as one's heart is, so much is the achievement of life.

17、共老,不是没有风雨,而是风雨后的更加坚定。 It is not that there is no wind and rain, but firmer after the storm.

18、再挑战,再克服,循环往复,不断前进。 Challenge again, overcome again, move forward in a circle.

19、凡事要顾全大局,不然会牵连很广。 Everything must take into account the overall situation, otherwise it will involve a wide range of people.

20、即便明日不停,甚或后日不停,它总有一日会停。 Even if it doesn't stop tomorrow, or even the next day, it will stop one day.

21、只要方向正确,即便不是平坦的大道又如何。 As long as the direction is right, even if it's not a flat road.

22、名利,在乎,就让心累;漠然,才能轻松。 Fame and wealth, care, let the heart tired; indifferent, can be relaxed.

23、多少人想着,念着,守着你的所有。 How many people think, read, guard all you have.

24、失去,不气不馁,心如止水。 Lose, not discouraged, heart like water.

25、好看的皮囊千篇一律,有趣的灵魂万里挑一! Good looking leather bags are the same, interesting soul is one in a thousand!

26、宁可信他有,不可信他没有,对事要有准备、有信心。 It is better to believe that he has something than not to believe that he has not. Be prepared and confident in things.

27、很多时候,过得怎样,全看个人意愿。 Most of the time, it all depends on personal will.

28、心与心,不是谁都可以为你付出。 Heart and heart, not everyone can pay for you.

29、感谢时间,虽然让眼泪夺眶,但是遗憾越来越少。 Thanks for the time, although let tears eye, but regret less and less.

30、感谢生命,让我们学会了成长。 Thanks to life, let us learn to grow.

31、我多想靠近再靠近每一株芳草,去轻嗅它的芳香。 How much I want to get close to each grass and smell its fragrance.

32、无所谓时空,牵挂一直不变! Do not matter about time and space, care has been unchanged!

33、无法得到的,就学会释怀吧。 What you can't get, learn to let go.

34、无论如何,人生都不应逃避。 In any case, life should not be avoided.

35、昨天已经过去,今天已在进行,明天继续相伴。 Yesterday has passed, today is in progress, and tomorrow will continue to accompany.

36、最浓的情,不是山盟海誓,而是真心付出。 The deepest feeling is not an oath, but a sincere commitment.

37、最深的意,不是言语好听,而是默默守护! The deepest meaning is not pleasant words, but silent guard!

38、月亮古今有别吗?人心有别而己。 Is the moon different from the past and the present? People are different from each other.

39、有些人,只会锦上添花,不会雪中送炭。 Some people, will only add to the icing on the cake, will not give timely help.

40、有多少人常常会给你打电话,只为听听你的声音。 How many people often call you just to hear your voice.

41、有多少人每天都走进你空间,只为看看你的心情。 How many people come into your space every day just to see your mood.

42、没有天生适合的两个人,只有后来磨合的两颗心。 There is no natural fit for two people, only later run in two hearts.

43、熟悉的地方没有风景,熟悉的人眼中没有伟人。 Familiar places have no scenery, familiar people have no great man.

44、爱是一面墙,需要彼此共同筑建。 Love is a wall that needs to be built together.

45、生命短暂,人生无常,要把每一天当成最后一天。 Life is short, life is impermanent, we should treat every day as the last.

46、生活是自己的,尽情打扮,尽情可爱! Life is your own, dress up and be cute!

47、生生不息是年轮,炊烟凡尘淼淼生。 Life is a ring, smoke and dust Miao Miao life.

48、用心听,如诗轻捻时光,有沉默有淡然有伤痛。 Listen attentively, like a poem, light twists the time, there is silence, there is indifference, there is pain.

49、看看天空,想想自己有多渺小,笑一笑就过去。 Look at the sky, think about how small you are, smile and pass.

50、真正想念你的人,无论你在不在线,都会给你留言。 People who really miss you, whether you are online or not, will leave you a message.

51、秀才饿死不卖书,壮士穷途不卖剑。 A scholar starves to death and does not sell books; a strong man does not sell swords on his way to poverty.

52、若是动机不纯,那就与恶无异了。 If the motive is impure, it is no different from evil.

53、茫茫人海,因为网络,你我相遇。 The vast sea of people, because of the network, you and I meet.

54、认识什么样的人,就会走什么样的路。 Know what kind of people, will take what kind of road.

55、趁自己还能享受,去做能让自己真正开心的事情。 While you can enjoy yourself, do what makes you really happy.

56、这个世界上没有谁对不起谁,只有谁不懂得珍惜谁。 In this world, there is no one who is sorry for who, only who does not know how to cherish who.

57、遇到困境难以自拔,该放手就放手。 If you can't extricate yourself from difficulties, you should let go.

58、钱财再多,不如人品正;身份再高,不如众人敬。 No matter how much money you have, you are not as good as your character; no matter how high your status is, you are not as respectful as others.

59、错过了今天的太阳升起,不要再错过欣赏晚上的星星。 Miss today's sunrise, don't miss to enjoy the stars at night.

60、阳光是自己的,脚步也是自己的。 Sunshine is your own, and your step is your own.