1、上海是一座繁华茂丽的大都市,不仅早晨是雄伟万分,就连夜景也是别具特色。 Shanghai is a prosperous and beautiful metropolis, not only in the morning, but also in the night.

2、你走在我所陌生的黑夜中,如果至今还在黑夜中踱步,我们会努力成为出口的路标。 You walk in the dark night I am not familiar with. If you still pace in the dark night, we will try to be the exit sign.

3、偶然一声鱼跃,冲破江夜的寂静,接着又陷入无边的静谧。 Once in a while, the fish leaped, breaking through the silence of the River night, and then falling into the boundless silence.

4、几颗大而亮的星星挂在夜空,仿佛是天上的人儿提着灯笼在巡视那浩瀚的太空。 Several big and bright stars hung in the night sky, as if the people in the sky were carrying *s to patrol the vast space.

5、夏天的夜晚十分安静,只有青蛙的叫声,一切显得那么安谧。 Summer night is very quiet, only the frog's call, everything seems so quiet.

6、夕阳向大喜爱洒下金辉,整个古城披上了蝉翼般的金纱,大喜爱蒙上了神奇的色彩。 The setting sun sprinkles the golden splendor to the great joy love, and the whole ancient city is covered with the golden gauze like cicada wings, and the great love is covered with magic color.

7、夕阳向大地洒下金辉,整个古城披上了蝉翼般的金纱,大地蒙上了神秘的色彩。 The setting sun sprinkles golden light on the earth. The whole ancient city is covered with cicada like golden yarn, and the earth is covered with mysterious color.

8、夜已深了,明月当空,繁星点点,晚风吹拂着人的面颊,感到阵阵清凉。 The night is already deep, the moon is in the sky, the stars are dotted, and the evening wind blows on people's cheeks, feeling cool.

9、夜晚的灯光真是变幻莫测,五彩绚丽,让人深深陶醉在了其中。 The night light is really unpredictable, colorful, people deeply intoxicated in it.

10、夜深了、习惯性望着你照片发呆,不知道不觉泪划过脸颊,才知道留下的只有寂寞。 Late at night, habitually looking at your photos in a daze, do not know tears across the cheek, only know that left only lonely.

11、夜深了,天上的星星都已经睡了!此时此刻,只想发个信息,告诉你,晚安,吾爱! It's late at night, the stars in the sky are asleep! At this moment, just want to send a message to tell you, good night, my love!

12、夜深了,村庄、树林、明静的池糖,像水墨画似地静谧。 Deep in the night, villages, woods and clear pools of sugar are as quiet as ink paintings.

13、夜渐渐深了,天空显得无比深邃,地面上散着的路灯好像也昏昏欲睡起来。 As the night grew deeper, the sky became very deep, and the street lamps scattered on the ground seemed to be drowsy.

14、夜空中,月亮昏晕,星光稀疏,整个大地似乎都沉睡过去了。 In the night sky, the moon is faint, the stars are sparse, and the whole earth seems to be sleeping.

15、夜色抹去了最后一缕残阳,夜幕就像剧场里的绒幕,慢慢落下来了。 The night wiped out the last ray of the sun. The night was like a fluffy curtain in the theater, falling down slowly.

16、夜色象野猫悄悄从山梁上滑下来,把所有的声音一起装进峡谷,峡谷便打起鼾声。 At night, like a wild cat, it slipped down the ridge and loaded all the sounds into the canyon. Then the canyon began to snore.

17、天空像一块洗净了的蓝黑色的粗布,星星仿佛是撒在这块粗布上闪光的碎金。 The sky is like a piece of washed blue and black cloth, and the stars are like broken gold shining on this coarse cloth.

18、好一颗流星在夜空里划出银亮的线条,就像在探寻着世界里最美好的未来。 A good meteor makes silver lines in the night sky, just like exploring the best future in the world.

19、抬头遥望星空,夜空深邃依旧,群星灿烂依旧,田野的蛙虫奏着优美动听的乐曲。 Looking up at the starry sky, the night sky is still deep, the stars are still brilliant, the frogs and insects in the field play beautiful music.

20、星星比任何时候都要多,又大、又亮,它们既不眨眼,也不闪烁,是恬静的,安详的。 There are more stars than ever. They are big and bright. They don't blink or twinkle. They are quiet and peaceful.

21、暮色像一张灰色的大网,悄悄地撒落下来,笼罩了整个大地。 Twilight, like a large gray net, quietly falls down and covers the whole earth.

22、月光是隔了树照过来的,高处丛生的灌木,落下参差斑驳的黑影。 The moonlight is from the trees, the high bush, the uneven mottled shadow.

23、月光照在微波粼粼的海面上,海面上映托着石头的倒影。星星在一旁眨着快活的眼睛。 The moon shines on the shimmering sea, and the reflection of the stone is reflected on the sea. The stars blinked happily.

24、有一种痛苦的生活:以前在黑夜里抬头望着星光,此刻在霓虹里抬头看着黑夜。 There is a painful life: in the past, looking up at the stars in the night, now looking up at the night in the neon.

25、极美的星夜,天上没有一朵浮云,深蓝色的天上,满缀着钻石般的繁星。 Beautiful starry night, the sky does not have a floating cloud, dark blue sky, full of diamond like stars.

26、柔和的月光洒在河面上,微分拂过,宽阔的水面如同撒了一把细碎的银子。 The soft moonlight sprinkled on the river, the differential brushed, the broad water like a handful of silver.

27、淘气的小星星在蓝幽幽的夜空中划出一道金色的弧光,像织女抛出的一根锦线。 Naughty little stars in the blue and quiet night sky draw a golden arc, like a brocade thread thrown by the weaver girl.

28、漆黑的夜晚,除了闹钟的滴答声和树枝的摇摆声,周围一片寂静。 In the dark night, except for the tick of the alarm clock and the swing of the branches, there was silence around.

29、疲倦的月亮躲进了云层休息,只留下几颗星星像是在放哨。 The tired moon retreated into the clouds to rest, leaving only a few stars as if watching.

30、融融的月光,奶水似的透过洋槐树的枝丫,洒在山村泥墙的小院里。 Melting moonlight, milk like through the branches of locust trees, sprinkled in the small courtyard of the village mud wall.

31、这是冬夜的特色,天上亮,地上黑,仿佛寒气把光也阻隔了似的。 This is the characteristic of winter night. The sky is bright, and the ground is black, as if the cold has blocked the light.

32、门外西边的林梢,挂着的上弦月已经变成一片金色的西瓜,不再是一条弯弯的眉毛。 At the western end of the gate, the first quarter moon has turned into a golden watermelon, no longer a curved eyebrow.

33、静谧的深夜,仰头看着天空的弯月,心情豁然开郎。 Quiet late at night, looking up at the curved moon in the sky, the mood suddenly open Lang.

34、黑夜的孤独里没有声音,黑夜的灵魂站在千里之外,黑夜的视野里早已没有了等待。 There is no sound in the loneliness of the night. The soul of the night stands thousands of miles away. There is no waiting in the vision of the night.

35、黑夜给了我黑色的眼睛,我就用它来为黑夜寻找幸福,捍卫黑夜的孤独。 Night gave me black eyes, I will use it to find happiness for the night, to defend the loneliness of the night.

36、黑沉沉的夜,仿佛无边的浓墨重重地涂抹在天际,连星星的微光也没有。 Dark night, as if the boundless thick ink heavily daubed in the sky, even the stars have no light.

37、黑色笼罩了一切房屋,月色朦胧,树影婆娑,风儿轻轻,吹拂着群星那晶亮的脸庞。 Black covers all the houses, the moon is dim, the shadow of the trees is whirling, the wind is gentle, blowing the bright faces of the stars.