
  第1条 试着让生活变得简单,对幸福或寂寞顺其自然。


  第2条 Only once and not rich for a long time, is not happy.

  第3条 Two people together is the fate, always go is happiness.

  第4条 Sleep, eat, smile is also a big happiness in life are obtained.

  第5条 Knowledge is power, knowledge is safety, the knowledge is happiness.

  第6条 活着本身就是一种幸运,年轻本身就是一种幸福。

  第7条 Who do you want to be happy? I hope you learn to eat up bitter.

  第8条 Leave, don’t say wish I happiness, what qualifications do you have to wish me happiness.

  第9条 我们痛苦来源于爱。但我们的幸福也来源于爱。

  第10条 Billions of men, as long as there is a love I, I’m happy.

  第11条 我不一定会很幸福,但我一定会让自己很快乐。

  第12条 生活是需要诚信的,有了诚信才会有幸福可言。

  第13条 一个人成为他自己了,那就是达到了幸福的顶点。

  第14条 I’ve got to give her happiness, if not, then I can take her away.

  第15条 牵住你的手,我们就一起路过无数个春夏的幸福。

  第16条 Falls in the fullest the happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved.

  第17条 幸福从来都是孤独的,而*却总是结伴同行!

  第18条 保持安静、耐心和专注,那么幸福就在你身边!

  第19条 Hold your hand, and we will pass by countless chun xia’s happiness together.

  第20条 做梦的人是幸福的,最苦痛的是梦醒了无路可走。

  第21条 Is because you bad, just want to stay in your side, to give you happiness.

  第22条 If happiness is a journey, I would like to accompany you see all the scenery.

  第23条 I will not necessarily happy, but I will make myself happy.

  第24条 幸福不是对往昔的`回忆,幸福是对未来的憧憬。


  第25条 只贪图一时而不图长久富的人,是不会幸福的。

  第26条 幸福的秘诀是得到*,而*的秘诀是勇气。

  第27条 I want to, what all don’t understand, very happy. It’s a pity that I have not.

  第28条 Happiness is not to the more the better, just can love forever.

  第29条 失恋并不可怕,因它也许是下一段幸福的开始。

  第30条 Because I am a happy, so think to die at any time.

  第31条 幸福不过就是做一些单纯能取悦自己的小事情。

  第32条 True happiness contains completely using a person’s ability and aptitude.

  第33条 如果幸福是一段旅途,我愿陪你看遍所有风景。

  第34条 Split split in my autumn, in autumn in my bones.

  第35条 Happiness just do something simple to please his little.

  第36条 人生至高无上的幸福,莫过于确信自己被人所爱。

  第37条 Everyone is talking about happiness, but really understand the happy people less and less.

  第38条 书是无价之宝,书是打开幸福和成功大门的钥匙。

  第39条 Happiness has always been lonely, but evil is always walk together!

  第40条 Happiness comes from meet on life, Thanksgiving from the perceived happiness.

  第41条 幸福不会遗漏任何人,迟早有一天它会找到你。

  第42条 永远永远,都要记住我们希望对方比自己幸福。

  第43条 我愿用多一点点的辛苦,来交换多一点点的幸福。

  第44条 Happiness exists in life, but life exists in labor.

  第45条 等待着别人给幸福的人,往往过得都不怎么幸福。

  第46条 Have a love of life is happy, life for love is foolish.

  第47条 If you have never appear, I wouldn’t know the taste of happiness.

  第48条 幸福源于对生活的满足,感恩源于对幸福的感知。

  第49条 The dreamer is happy, the pain is waking up the road.

  第50条 如果你不曾出现,那我也就不会知道幸福的滋味。

  第51条 几十亿男人,只要有一个爱我,那我就幸福了。

  第52条 降临在人生的无上幸福,便是确信我们被爱着。

  第53条 睡得着,吃得下,笑得出也是人生的一大幸福。

  第54条 爱上一个人是幸福,同时爱上二个人就是烦恼。

  第55条 Women want the most happiness, is very simple. Want to be a lot of love.

  第56条 Brokenhearted is not terrible, because it may be the beginning of a happiness.

  第57条 幸福的人都是一样的,不幸的人各有各的不幸。

  第58条 上天让我们习惯各种事物,就是用它来代替幸福。

  第59条 A person as his own, it is reached the peak of happiness.

  第60条 Labor is good, life can happiness; Good grass, cattle and sheep fat.

  第61条 Returns all giving, including pain; Grateful for all the happiness.

  第62条 幸福存在于生活之中,而生活存在于劳动之中。

  第63条 要幸福,也要快乐。要大家,少了一个人都不行。

  第64条 有爱情的生活是幸福的,为爱情而生活是愚蠢的。

  第65条 有取有舍的人多么幸福,寡情的守财奴才是不幸。

  第66条 你想成为幸福的人吗?但愿你产生学会吃得起苦。

  第67条 The greatest happiness of life, than even rest a minute.

  第68条 幸福不是要越多越好,恰到好处就能爱意长存。

  第69条 Of the National People’s Congress on the same, the happiness does not happiness, each have each way.

  第70条 Book is a jewel of great price, is the key that opens the door to happiness and success.

  第71条 那些幸福的男女,皆是靠了“好心态”的恩赐。

  第72条 Keep quiet, patient, and focus, then happiness will around you!

  第73条 The happiness of men and women, the gift of all is to rely on the “good”.

  第74条 我一生中,还从未尝到一滴没有搀和毒汁的幸福。

  第75条 Some people suits with happiness, while some people are only suitable for hope in happiness.