1、一束鲜花,一份真情,一份信念,祝开业吉祥,大富启源! A bunch of flowers, a true feeling, a belief, I wish you good luck and fortune!

2、一艘刚刚起航的航船,让我们一起向往建设更美好的明天。 A ship just set sail, let us look forward to building a better tomorrow.

3、为你开店感到热情,愿你生意充满热度,舒畅通行。 I feel warm for you to open a shop. I hope your business will be full of heat and smooth.

4、今日开业大吉,蓬荜顿生光辉,金玉即刻满仓,财源定会滚滚而来! Today's opening ceremony is very auspicious, and the wealth will surely roll in!

5、今日开张,祝福送上,祝开业大吉大利,生意红红火火。 Today's opening, best wishes to you, good luck and prosperous business.

6、伸出一双手,耕耘很重要,福气有你勤劳才牢靠。 Stretch out your hands, hard work is very important, good luck has you hard work to be reliable.

7、初八开业大吉日,生意兴隆接地气。迎接不暇满是客,财源茂盛福运发。 On the eighth day of the eighth day of the lunar new year, business is booming. Welcome to be full of customers, rich wealth, fortune.

8、前天祝贺早了点,今天祝贺挤了点,明天祝贺迟了点,现在祝贺是正点。 The day before yesterday's congratulations were earlier, today's congratulations were crowded a little, and tomorrow's congratulations were a little late. Now the congratulations are on time.

9、在您开业之际,愿您开业顺顺利利,祝您事业兴兴旺旺。 On the occasion of your opening, I wish you a smooth and prosperous business.

10、在这春暖花开,群芳吐艳的日子里,祝你的事业更上一层。 In this warm spring and blooming days, I wish you a better career.

11、平凡的人听从命运,只有强者才是自己命运的主宰。 Ordinary people listen to the fate, only the strong is the master of their own destiny.

12、开门见喜宾客来,市利丰厚广聚财。大路通畅宏图展,吉星高照福运宅。 Welcome to the opening ceremony, guests come, the market is rich, and wealth. The road is smooth, the grand plan exhibition, the auspicious star shines on the house of fortune.

13、开门见喜生意隆,业务繁忙不得闲。大家祝贺来捧场,吉星高照福运连。 It's a good start. Business is booming and business is busy. Congratulations on your coming to the stage. Good luck.

14、您带去春的生机,在这美好的日子里,祝您生意兴隆!万事如意! You bring the vitality of spring, in this beautiful day, I wish you a prosperous business! Everything goes well!

15、打开一扇门,送出你微笑,财运由你热情牵引到。 Open a door, send out your smile, fortune is drawn by your enthusiasm.

16、新店开业,大吉大利。朋友,祝事业越办越红火!大展宏图! The opening of the new store is a blessing. Friends, I wish the cause more and more prosperous! realize one 's ambition!

17、朋友,新店开业,大吉大利。祝事业越办越红火!大展宏图! My friend, it's a great success to open a new store. I wish the cause more and more prosperous! realize one 's ambition!

18、未来幸福展望,打开独立经营梦,开始奋斗拼搏情,愿你万事顺畅。 Future happiness outlook, open the dream of independent management, start to struggle, I wish you all the best.

19、树雄心创伟业为*添色,立壮志写春秋与日月增光。祝开业大吉! He has made great achievements to add color to the rivers and mountains, and made great ambition to write about the spring and Autumn period, the sun and the moon. Good luck in opening!

20、水陆兼呈皆上品;宾朋尽兴共加餐。无人不道佳肴美;有客常来满座香。 Both water and land are top-grade; guests and friends enjoy the meal together. There is no one but a good meal.

21、洋溢的喜气,一脸的和气,从此一定一本万利。 Full of joy, a face of amity, from now on, we will surely make a fortune.

22、派福神为你发来贺电,祝你生意兴隆财聚不断。 Send a congratulatory message to you. I wish you a prosperous and prosperous business.

23、祝君青云直上,飞黄腾达,祝君事业有成,高登显位! I wish you success in your career and high position!

24、祝愿你的店在新年的一里红红火火,日进斗金。 I wish your shop a prosperous new year.

25、祝新年开业大吉大利,财源滚滚,事业蒸蒸日上! I wish you all the best in the new year!

26、竞争中总会有风险,敢于承担风险和责任,就能在竞争中获得胜利。 There will always be risks in competition. If you dare to take risks and responsibilities, you can win in the competition.

27、财源茂盛达三江,江深水远凭你游,游到龙宫,再现王者风采! The wealth is flourishing and reaches the three rivers, and the deep water of the river is far away. You can swim to the Dragon Palace and reappear the king's demeanor!

28、面对挑战总是那么自信!祝贺你,又成功向前迈了一步。 Always confident in the face of challenges! Congratulations, another successful step forward.

29、面对挑战总是那么自信!祝贺你,又成功向前迈了一步。祝开业大吉! Always confident in the face of challenges! Congratulations, another successful step forward. Good luck in opening!

30、香拂面,紫气兆祥,庆开业典礼,祝生意如春浓,财源似水来! Fragrant face, purple auspicious, celebrate the opening ceremony, I wish business as strong as spring, wealth like water!