1、一声问候,一个微笑!祝护士们节快乐! A greeting, a smile! Happy nurses' Day!

2、一身白衣,是你的清纯与美丽。 A white suit is your purity and beauty.

3、今天是护士节,为白衣天使祝福。 Today is nurse's day. Best wishes for angel in white.

4、你们是多么伟大、高尚无私的白衣天使啊! What a great, noble and selfless angel in white you are!

5、你们是天使的化身,降落凡间,带来福祉。 You are the incarnation of angels, landing on earth, bringing happiness.

6、你们的事业是最高尚、最神圣的。 Your career is the most noble and sacred.

7、你悉心的“照料”,是病人健康的确保。 Your careful "care" is the guarantee of the patient's health.

8、你把健康、快乐、平安和希望带给了我们。 You bring us health, happiness, peace and hope.

9、你是天使人间现,巧手换得人平安。 You are the angel of the world now, skillful hands for people's peace.

10、你是战士英姿显,斗败病魔人称赞。 You are a fighter with outstanding appearance and praise from those who defeat the sick.

11、你是白衣天使,纯洁善良,救死扶伤。 You are an angel in white. You are pure and kind. You can help the dead and the wounded.

12、你是祝福的代言人,诅咒病魔,安慰病人。 You are the spokesman of blessing, curse the sick and comfort the sick.

13、你温和的“微笑”,是病人健康的依靠。 Your gentle smile is the patient's health.

14、你用微笑,拂去人们的疾苦。 You use a smile to wipe away people's suffering.

15、你用敬业,谱写一曲生命的赞歌。 You use dedication to compose a hymn of life.

16、你用最灿烂的笑容,抚慰患者的疾苦。 You use the most brilliant smile to comfort the sufferings of patients.

17、你用最真诚的目光,善待每位患者。 You treat every patient with the most sincere eyes.

18、你用热血,温暖寒冷的心腹。 You warm your cold heart with warm blood.

19、你用爱的丝线,缝合病人身心的创伤。 You use the silk thread of love to sew up the physical and mental trauma of patients.

20、你用质的服务,温暖患者的心灵。 You use quality service to warm the heart of patients.

21、你的呵护,是生命延续的卫士。 Your care is the guardian of life.

22、你的微笑,是病痛恶魔的克星。 Your smile is the bane of the sick devil.

23、你的爱心,诠释着职业的高尚。 Your love is the interpretation of the noble career.

24、你的白衣,是健康常伴的护盾。 Your white coat is the shield of health.

25、你的细心,把控着我们的健康。 Your carefulness controls our health.

26、你的耐心,传递着人间真情。 Your patience conveys the true feelings of the world.

27、你细心的“护理“,是病人健康的前提。 Your careful "care" is the premise of the patient's health.

28、医生有你,一路前行。 Doctors have you, all the way.

29、医生辛苦了,一定要保重身体。 The doctor has worked hard. He must take good care of himself.

30、医路平安,感谢你对我生命的守护。 Medical road safety, thank you for your protection of my life.

31、只有你们平平安安,我们就能心安! Only if you are safe, we can be safe!

32、国际护士节,感谢有你,最美的逆行者。 International nurse's day, thank you for being the most beautiful rebel.

33、对工作像情人,亲密有加。 To work like a lover, intimate.

34、对患者像亲人,关爱有加。 To the patients like family members, care has increased.

35、对疾病像敌人,仇恨有加。 Hate diseases like enemies.

36、感谢你们逆风而行为生命而战。 Thank you for fighting against the wind.

37、感谢你们,用生命守护生命。 Thank you for your life.

38、愿你留住所有甜心,时刻开心,生活顺心。 I hope you can keep all your sweetheart, happy and happy.

39、愿可敬的白衣天使们,永远露出灿烂的笑容! May the honorable angels in White always smile!

40、愿您一生奉献,终迎花开。 May you dedicate your whole life and welcome the flowers to bloom.

41、愿护士姐姐幸福健康生生世世。 Wish sister nurse a happy and healthy life.

42、愿护士朋友们快乐一生,幸福一世。 I wish all my friends a happy life.

43、护士节里送祝福,祝你生活永幸福。 Best wishes on nurse's day. I wish you a happy life.

44、护士节里送鲜花,祝你事业绽新花。 Send flowers on nurse's day, wish you a new career.

45、敬佑生命,救死扶伤!致敬生命守护者。 Bless life, help the wounded! Pay homage to the guardian of life.

46、最美医生,感谢有您们,最可爱的人。 Most beautiful doctor, thank you, the most lovely person.

47、有一种平凡的鼓励,让无数人看到希望。 There is an ordinary encouragement, let countless people see hope.

48、有一种忙碌的身影,伴着黑夜直到天亮。 There is a busy figure, accompanied by the night until dawn.

49、有一种阳光的微笑,能驱赶病魔。 There is a sunshine smile that can drive away the disease.

50、注射一针好运剂,愿你工作更顺利。 I'll give you a good luck injection and wish you a better job.

51、注射一针幸福剂,愿你生活更甜蜜。 Inject a dose of happiness agent, wish you a sweeter life.

52、注射一针快乐剂,愿你从此无烦恼。 Inject a happy injection, wish you have no trouble from now on.

53、用你天使的情感,滋润患者心田。 Moisten the patient's heart with your angel's emotion.

54、用你悉心的照管,带健康到患者身边。 With your careful care, bring health to the patient.

55、用你温馨的语言,诠释患者疑难。 Use your warm language to explain the patient's problems.

56、用你美丽的笑脸,让患者展颜。 With your beautiful smile, let the patient show his face.

57、白衣炫五月,天使佑中华。 White clothes dazzle may and angels bless China.

58、祝你们节日快乐,永远健康、美丽! I wish you a happy holiday, always healthy and beautiful!

59、祝你做好全方位护理,幸福永甜蜜! I wish you all-round care and happiness forever!

60、祝可爱的天使们,幸福快乐! Wish the lovely angels happy!

61、祝可爱的护士一生健康,生活幸福美满! I wish the lovely nurse a healthy life and a happy life!

62、祝福你这个白衣天使,更美丽,更出色! Wish you a angel in white, more beautiful and better!

63、祝自己护士节快乐,护师考试加油! I wish myself a happy nurse's day, and I wish you all the best!

64、致敬一线所有医生,祝福好人一生平安! Salute all the doctors in the front line, and wish the good people a safe life!

65、送你一只白口罩,愿你把快乐捂在嘴角。 Send you a white mask, may you cover your happiness in the corner of your mouth.

66、送你一袭白衣,愿你把幸福揣进怀里。 Send you a white dress, wish you to carry happiness into your arms.

67、送你一顶白帽,愿你把好运头上罩。 Give you a white hat. I wish you good luck.