1、上天给人一份困难时,同时也给人一份智慧。 God gives people a difficult time, but also gives a wisdom.

2、上帝为你关上了一扇门,然后就去洗洗睡了。 God closed a door for you, and then went to wash and sleep.

3、交友这件事儿,再饿也不能饥不择食。 No matter how hungry you are in making friends, you can't be greedy.

4、今天,天气很好,心情很好,憧憬很好,见你很好,我也很好。 Today, the weather is very good, the mood is very good, the vision is very good, meets you very good, I am also very good.

5、你不是真正的快乐,但我是。 You're not really happy, but I am.

6、你以为你感动了世界,其实只是温暖了自己。 You think you moved the world, but actually you just warmed yourself.

7、你是我的天下无双,是我的念念不忘。 You are my unique, is my unforgettable.

8、你的眼睛会发光,不适合悲伤,未来路还长,你要挺直胸膛。 Your eyes will shine, not suitable for sadness, the future is still long, you should straighten your chest.

9、删掉的人不加第二次,曾经滚了的那些人,也不看第二眼。 Deleted people do not add a second time, those who have rolled, do not look at the second time.

10、别傻了菇凉,爱你的人不会一次次的伤害你。 Don't be silly, the one who loves you won't hurt you again and again.

11、原谅我很喜欢你却不知道怎么去关心你。 Forgive me for loving you and not knowing how to care about you.

12、只有人欣赏你的成功,没有人计较你的手段。 Only people appreciate your success, no one cares about your means.

13、只有忍得住寂寞,才能够见明日的繁华。 Only when we can endure loneliness can we see the prosperity of tomorrow.

14、听到一些事,明明不相干的,也会在心中拐好几个弯想到你。 Hear some things, clearly irrelevant, will also turn several corners in the heart to think of you.

15、因为在乎你,所以我总是解释,而你却总说我在掩饰。 Because I care about you, I always explain, but you always say I'm hiding.

16、天上星星那么多,地上真心人没几个。 There are so many stars in the sky, and there are few real people on the ground.

17、如果你还可以努力、可以付出,就不要轻言停止和放弃。 If you can still work hard and pay, don't stop and give up.

18、如果发现自己不能创造奇迹,那就努力让自己变成一个奇迹。 If you find that you can't make a miracle, try to make yourself a miracle.

19、如果我们相爱你觉得累了,可以,你和我说,我放你走。 If we love you feel tired, you can, you and I said, I let you go.

20、如果有壹天你发现我已经离开,请你壹定要记得我对你的爱。 If one day you find that I have left, please remember my love for you.

21、对你爱,从来不曾离开,只是,你一直忽略我的存在。 Love for you, never leave, just, you always ignore my existence.

22、少壮不努力,开得法拉利,吃得苦中苦,拖拉机拉土。 Young people do not work hard, drive Ferrari, eat bitter, tractor pull soil.

23、已经路过的风景,就不要再打听。 Don't inquire about the scenery that has passed by.

24、总有一个人,山高水远,为你而来。 There is always a person, high mountain and far away water, for you.

25、想和你说很多的故事,最后却发现你成了我的故事。 Want to tell you a lot of stories, but finally found you become my story.

26、我一直告诉自己,吃多了会死的,然而事实证明我不怕死。 I always tell myself that I will die if I eat too much. However, it turns out that I am not afraid of death.

27、我也曾厚着脸皮讨好一个人,可惜那个人不懂。 I had the cheek to please a person, but that person did not understand.

28、我也终于明白:烟比女人亲,伤肺不伤心。 I also finally understand: smoke is more intimate than women, hurt lung is not sad.

29、我厌恶这世界的丑陋,可是我还是更愿意去爱她。 I hate the ugliness of the world, but I prefer to love her.

30、我忘了自己曾经多美好,不会脏话,不会笑里藏刀。 I forget how beautiful I was, not swearing, not smiling.

31、我想我们没有了以后吧,所谓的顺其自然那只是空话。 I think we don't have it. The so-called let it go is just empty talk.

32、我步步都回头,山是故人眸,柳是纤纤手,遇你之后步步都难走。 I turn back step by step. The mountain is my old friend's eyes, and Liu is a slender hand. It's hard to walk step by step after meeting you.

33、我深深相信,会有那么一个人用尽全力,爱上我的全部。 I deeply believe that there will be a person who will try his best to love all of me.

34、摸到厚厚的东西不一定是钱,有可能是厚厚的抹布。 Touching a thick thing is not necessarily money, it may be a thick rag.

35、放弃有十五画,而坚持有十六画,所以,坚持只比放弃多一点。 There are 15 paintings to give up and 16 paintings to insist on. Therefore, persistence is only a little more than giving up.

36、有些人,看清了,也就看轻了。 Some people, see clearly, also look down upon.

37、生活就算累了点,但还是很美好的。 Even if the life is a little tired, but still very good.

38、真正的快乐是内在的,它只有在人类的心灵里才能发现。 True happiness is intrinsic, and it can only be found in the human mind.

39、真正的爱情是,我让你动了心,你让我安了心。 True love is, I let you move your heart, you make me calm.

40、真正的爱,是给对方*,也给自己*。 True love is to give freedom to each other and to yourself.

41、祝今后的我们,披着各自的骄傲,互不打扰。 I wish the future of us, dressed in their respective pride, do not disturb each other.

42、秋意浓,黄叶稠,梧桐满枝头;晨已旧,日渐浓,寒意溢心头。 The autumn is thick, the yellow leaves are thick and the trees are full of branches.

43、缺席你的从前,让我用未来补回。 Absence of your past, let me use the future to make up for.

44、被恨的人没有痛苦,恨人的人却遍体鳞伤。 The hated have no pain, but the haters are black and blue.

45、说不出来为什么爱你,但我知道你就我不爱别人的理由。 I can't tell why I love you, but I know you are the reason why I don't love others.

46、走吧,去到有光的地方。永远,永远都不要回头了。 Come on, go to the light. Never, never look back.

47、身上的伤口再多再痛,都抵不过心上的一道伤痕。 The wound on the body, no matter how much and how painful, can not withstand a scar on the heart.

48、那种渺小又微不足道的感受,就算遍体鳞伤也要故作坚强。 That kind of small and insignificant feeling, even if all over the body black and blue also want to pretend to be strong.

49、难免抱怨时间的手,把相爱写成相爱过。 It's hard to avoid complaining about the hand of time, writing love as love.

50、鱼和熊掌不可兼得,但单身和穷可以。 You can't have both fish and bear's paws, but you can be single and poor.