1、一直走千万别回头,别管我心痛去找你的天空。 Always go, never look back, never mind my heartache to find your sky.

2、下辈子我一定长成你喜欢的样子,然后不喜欢你。 In the next life, I will grow up to be what you like, and then I don't like you.

3、不是我的太阳,在明媚的光也照亮不了我的心。 Not my sun, in the bright light can not light up my heart.

4、不是笑笑就可以瘦脸的,因为你没有脸可以瘦。 It's not that you can be skinny with a smile, because you don't have a face to be thin.

5、不要拿一个人的往事,去怀疑一个人的本质。 Don't take a person's past, to doubt a person's essence.

6、不要挑战我的忍耐力,小心我让你哭的很有节奏。 Don't challenge my endurance, or I will make you cry in rhythm.

7、不要痛傻瓜争辩,要不别人会搞不清到底是谁傻。 Don't hurt a fool to argue, or others will not know who is stupid.

8、与其为了不爱你的人去死,不如现在早早死。 It's better to die early now than to die for someone who doesn't love you.

9、世界上唯一不用努力,就可以得到的只有年龄。 The only thing you can get without effort is age.

10、世界上,没有挤不出的时间,只有不想赴的约。 In the world, there is no time that can't be squeezed out, only appointments that you don't want to go to.

11、也许等待是一种考验,就在听见你的永远之前。 Maybe waiting is a kind of test, just before hearing you forever.

12、今日百毒不侵的女汉子,哪个以前不是心软成病。 Today's invulnerable woman, which was not soft hearted before.

13、付出那么多,最后换来A却是冷冷A一句分手吧。 Pay so much, the final exchange is a cold break-up bar.

14、你嘲笑人的技术有提高了吗?我看马路都弯了。 Do you laugh at the improvement of people's skills? I think the road is crooked.

15、你的过去我来不及参与,你的未来我将奉陪到底。 I have no time to participate in your past. I will accompany you in the future.

16、你知不知道秋分是什么意思?是从此夜长梦多。 Do you know what the autumnal equinox means? From then on, I have a long dream.

17、你要是嫁人,不要嫁给别人,也不要嫁给我。 If you marry, don't marry anyone else or me.

18、做最原始的自己,比做任何人的复制品都好。 It's better to be the original self than to be a copy of anyone.

19、写不了最美丽的结局,只能给你最感动的开始。 Can not write the most beautiful ending, can only give you the most moving start.

20、别人都在假装正经,那我就只有假装不正经啦。 Other people are pretending to be serious, so I have to pretend to be not serious.

21、化妆品对女人而言是信心,对男人而言是幻觉。 Cosmetics are confidence for women and hallucinations for men.

22、千万别等到人人都说你丑时才发现自己真的丑。 Don't wait until everyone says you're ugly.

23、可不可以和世界请个假,我想暂时离开一下。 Can you take a leave with the world? I want to leave for a while.

24、哎,报应啊,连说的话都和我当年一模一样! Ah, as like as two peas, I even said what I said.

25、在家不能对着手机笑,家长会以为你在谈恋爱。 You can't smile at your mobile phone at home. Parents will think you are in love.

26、姐妹是用来那来分享的,不是用来拿来出卖的。 Sisters are used to share, not to sell.

27、屁,是屎的灵魂,那些特别臭的,就是屎的冤魂。 Fart, is the soul of the excrement, those especially smelly, is the ghost of the excrement.

28、当你有足够的能力的时候,就不怕所谓的失去。 When you have enough ability, you are not afraid of the so-called loss.

29、我不是诸葛亮的草船,不要总是把你的贱向我射。 I am not Zhuge Liang's straw boat, don't always shoot your cheap to me.

30、我不知道什么叫年少轻狂,我只知道胜者为王。 I don't know what is youth frivolity, I only know that the winner is king.

31、我不需要别人来给我安慰,我比谁都爱自己。 I don't need other people to comfort me. I love myself more than anyone else.

32、我好难啊,让我觉得我上辈子一定是道数学题。 I'm so difficult. I think I must have been a math problem in my last life.

33、我就那折翼的天使,再也飞不到你的怀抱中去。 I am the angel with broken wings, and I will never fly to your arms.

34、我才不要做谁的甜心宝贝,我要做夺你命的鬼。 I don't want to be someone's sweetheart. I'm going to be the ghost that takes your life.

35、我本来可以过得很好很快乐的,都是没钱害了我。 I could have been very happy, but I had no money.

36、我的人生一半是倒霉,另一半是处理倒霉的事。 Half of my life is bad luck, the other half is dealing with bad things.

37、抽烟伤身体,为了自己的健康,你得多想想。 Smoking hurts your health. You have to think more about it for your own health.

38、据说每个人心里,都有一只想旅行的小魔鬼。 It is said that everyone has a little devil who wants to travel.

39、插人家洞的是插头,有洞被人家插的是插座! Plug into other people's hole is the plug, there is a hole to be inserted into the socket!

40、摔倒了又怎样,爬起来继续,我们还很年轻。 What if we fall down? Get up and continue. We are still young.

41、无论做什么,记得为自己而做,那就毫无怨言。 No matter what you do, remember to do it for yourself, then there is no complaint.

42、时过境迁,曾经熟悉的你们熟悉的自己都变了。 As time goes by, what you are familiar with has changed.

43、明白人生得失的道理,掌握人生幸福的秘诀。 Understand the gain and loss of life, master the secret of life happiness.

44、是金子,总会花光的;是镜子,总会反光的。 If it is gold, it will run out; if it is a mirror, it will always reflect.

45、暧昧不清的关系,无非就是想占有但不想负责。 Ambiguous relationship, but want to own but not to be responsible.

46、有时候你以为天快要塌下来了,其实是你站歪了。 Sometimes you think the sky is going to fall down, but actually you stand on the wrong side.

47、有时候,你欺骗一个女孩会付出很沉重的代价。 Sometimes, you can pay a heavy price to cheat a girl.

48、每个笑而不语的人,心中都有一个不可能的人。 Everyone who laughs but doesn't speak has an impossible person in his heart.

49、没个人都很纯洁,只是社会教会了他们如何邪恶。 No one is pure, but society has taught them how to be evil.

50、没有登上巅峰的人,怎么有资格说自己喜欢低谷? How can a person who has not reached the peak be qualified to say that he likes the trough?

51、男人狼心狗肺起来,比你想象中的要狠得多。 A man with a heart and a dog's heart, is much more cruel than you think.

52、白头偕老不就是染个头发,打掉几颗牙的问题。 Growing old together is not a matter of dyeing your hair and knocking out a few teeth.

53、第一眼就喜欢的东西,往往跟自己没什么关系。 What you like at the first sight is often nothing to do with yourself.

54、等待的久了,也就麻木了,最后爱你你都不知道。 Waiting for a long time, also numb, finally love you you do not know.

55、若我离开,可以换来你的笑容。那你,还是哭吧! If I leave, I can get your smile. Then you should cry!

56、要快乐,要开朗,要坚韧,要温暖,对人要真诚。 To be happy, to be cheerful, to be tough, to be warm, to be sincere to people.

57、谁不知道你上课玩手机,有谁对着裤裆在傻笑。 Who doesn't know you play mobile phone in class, who is giggling at the crotch.

58、贱到无论他曾如何伤害你,而你却总想起他的好。 Cheap to no matter how he hurt you, but you always think of his good.

59、这世界这么多泛泛之众,哪来那么多深情于我? There are so many general people in the world, how can I have so much affection?

60、逼出来的坚强,忍出来的性格,装出来的不在乎。 Forced out of the strong, forbearance out of the character, pretend to care about.