1、不知道,如何爱你,看着你,是我唯一的方式。 I don't know how to love you and look at you is the only way for me.

2、亲爱的,我们要永远在一起,只和你在一起。 Honey, we want to be together forever, only with you.

3、人生这么短暂,喜欢就要相互,我喜欢你啦。 Life is so short, like each other, I like you.

4、从此以后,我们没有生离,只有死别。 Since then, we have not been separated, only death.

5、以前过的时间不痛不痒,现在的时间过得不知不觉。 The past time did not hurt, now the time passes unconsciously.

6、你为什么要害我?害你什么?害我那么喜欢你。 Why are you killing me? What's wrong with you? I like you so much.

7、你在我心中永远是最有气质、最特别和最具吸引力的。 You are always the most temperament, special and attractive in my heart.

8、你眼中有山有河有薄雾,胜得过一切的良辰美景。 In your eyes, there are mountains, rivers and mists, which surpass all the beautiful scenery on a good day.

9、做不了你的太阳,就让我做你的影子。 If you can't be your sun, let me be your shadow.

10、其实我真的很不错,你要不要试着喜欢我。 Actually, I'm really good. Do you want to try to like me.

11、几段唏嘘几世悲欢,可笑我命由我不由天。 A few sobs, several generations of joys and sorrows, ridiculous, my life is not from the sky.

12、初次的相见,你便是我无法抹去的思念。 The first meeting, you are I can not erase the missing.

13、只要你需要我,我一直都在你能看得到我的地方。 As long as you need me, I'm always where you can see me.

14、命运不渡你,天地不渡你,江海不渡你,我渡。 Fate does not cross you, heaven and earth do not cross you, river and sea do not cross you, I cross.

15、圣经里说,神爱世人。我不是神,我只爱你。 The Bible says that God loves the world. I'm not God. I love you.

16、多幸运,在最美的年纪遇到你,没有遗憾和可惜。 How lucky, in the most beautiful age to meet you, no regrets and regrets.

17、小时候的梦想是当个科学家,现在呀,只想和你成家。 My childhood dream was to be a scientist. Now, I just want to have a family with you.

18、就你的长相,参加选美顶多拿个前三。 According to your appearance, you can get the top three in the beauty pageant.

19、就是想粘着,还想给你很多很多的爱。 Just want to stick, but also want to give you a lot of love.

20、希望我们老了,还可以漫步牵手看夕阳。 I hope we can walk and watch the sunset hand in hand when we are old.

21、总觉得你的名字和我的名字写在一起,才般配。 Always think your name and my name together, just match.

22、想你在心头,彩虹也微笑开了口,星星也眨了眼。 Miss you in the heart, rainbow also smile open mouth, stars also blink.

23、想你,心到口的距离,卡到喉咙没说出口。 Miss you, heart to mouth distance, stuck to the throat did not say export.

24、愿天上的每一个流星,都为你而闪耀天际。 May every meteor in the sky shine for you.

25、愿有良人共你煮酒弄茶,赴你每场花前月下。 I hope you have a good person to cook wine and tea with you.

26、愿陪你三世:一世枕边书,一世怀中猫,一世意中人。 Willing to accompany you for three generations: a pillow book, a cat in my arms, a lover.

27、我也许不会再见那笑的人,但我很感谢他笑得真好。 I may not see the person who smiles again, but I thank him for his good smile.

28、我只有在做一件事的时候才会想你,那就是呼吸。 I only miss you when I do one thing, that is breathing.

29、我可以称呼你为您吗,这样我就可以把你放在心上啦。 May I call you you you so that I can keep you in my heart.

30、我喜欢的就是你那副不爱别人,只爱我的样子。 What I like is the way you don't love others but only me.

31、我很想你,第一句是假话,第二句是假话。 I miss you very much, the first sentence is a lie, the second sentence is a lie.

32、我总觉得手上的糖,肯定不如你嘴里的甜。 I always think the sugar on my hand is not as sweet as your mouth.

33、我想变成哆啦A梦,把口袋里的东西都送给你。 I want to become Doraemon and give you everything in my pocket.

34、我想给你波澜不惊的爱情,陪你看细水长流的风景。 I want to give you a quiet love, accompany you to see the scenery.

35、我愿留在此地,为你留下退路,成为你的故乡。 I would like to stay here to leave a way back for you and become your hometown.

36、我最重要的几件事就是,吃,喝,拉,撒,睡,你。 The most important thing for me is to eat, drink, pull, scatter, sleep, you.

37、我的世界不允许你消失,不管结局是否完美。 My world won't allow you to disappear, whether the ending is perfect or not.

38、我的爱愿望入你眼里,满眸柔情有深意。 My desire to love into your eyes, eyes full of tenderness and deep meaning.

39、我缺少一样生活必需品,有点贵,买不起,就是你啦。 I lack one necessities of life, a little expensive, can not afford to buy, it is you.

40、把对你的爱倒映在溪水中,谁也抓不去。 Reflect your love in the stream, no one can catch it.

41、既然选择了你,即使你不在身边,我也会安分守己。 Now that I have chosen you, I'll be on my own even if you're not around.

42、春风十里不如你,愿无岁月可回头,且以深情共白头。 Spring breeze ten li is not as good as you, wish no years to go back, and with deep feeling total white head.

43、有些风景,一旦入眼入心,即便刹那,也是永恒。 Some scenery, once in the eye into the heart, even if the moment, is eternal.

44、有时候,不是对方不在乎你,而是你把对方看得太重。 Sometimes, it's not that the other person doesn't care about you, but you take the other person too seriously.

45、没有完全合适的两个人,只有互相迁就的两颗心。 There is no perfect fit for two people, only two hearts of mutual accommodation.

46、牵挂的烛光闪啊闪,这边是我那边是你。 Concerned about the candle flash ah flash, this is me, there is you.

47、要时间嘉许,等春风得意,等正好遇见你。 Time to praise, and so on, and so on to meet you.

48、说不清楚为什么爱你,但你就是我不爱别人的理由。 I don't know why I love you, but you are the reason why I don't love others.

49、走过了悲伤,走过了荒凉,却走不到你和我的天长。 Through the sadness, through the desolation, but not to you and me.

50、跟我在一起让我照顾你,你爱谁无所谓。 Stay with me and let me take care of you. It doesn't matter who you love.

51、那个谁,我爱你爱到可以连自己的情都不要。 That who, I love you so much that I can't even love myself.

52、醒时捕光,睡时捉梦,不如遇见你三生有幸。 It is better to catch light when awake and dream when sleeping than to meet you.

53、鲜衣怒马,相伴天涯,许你三生烟火,伴你一世浮华。 Fresh clothes and fury, accompanied by the horizon, you may have three fireworks, with your life flashy.