1、一个人的生活很累,但是你要相信自己可以把它过得很好。 A person's life is very tired, but you have to believe you can live it well.

2、一个人真的很好,无非就是*中带点孤独。 A person is really good, nothing but freedom with a little lonely.

3、一切都不可能重头再来,余生,请善待自己! It is impossible to return to everything again. Please treat yourself well for the rest of your life!

4、一切都靠自己不要对任何人有期待给自己一个时间,给自己一个微笑。 Everything depends on oneself not to anyone to have the expectation to give oneself a time, give oneself a smile.

5、不多谈理想,也藏好了野心,只做好自己本职工作,却常常带来惊喜。 Not much about ideals, but also hide ambition, only do their own job, but often bring surprises.

6、不管生活会不会变好,我都要自己变得更好。 Whether life will be better or not, I want to be better myself.

7、人可以任性一辈子,潇洒了的是青春,痛苦了的才是生活。 People can be willful for a lifetime, natural is youth, painful is life.

8、人有时候很奇怪,相互想念却又越走越远。 Sometimes people are strange, but they miss each other and go further and farther.

9、人活着,发自己的光就好,不要吹灭别人的灯,做自己该做的事。 If a man lives, he will shine his own light. Don't blow out the lights of others and do what he should do.

10、仅仅因为我太年少,未来才有太多思考。 Only because I am too young can I think too much about the future.

11、以后的日子,一定善待自己,顺其自然。好好的。 In the future, we must treat ourselves well and let it go. be nice with yourself.

12、余生不长,过一天少一天,好好爱自己,开心过好每一天才是真! The rest of the life is not long, a day less, love yourself, happy to live every day is true!

13、你不疼自己,谁会更疼你,你不爱自己,没人会爱你! You don't hurt yourself, who will hurt you more, you don't love yourself, no one will love you!

14、你就记着,只要你不怕疼,不怕死,不要脸,就没有你拿不下的东西。 You remember that as long as you are not afraid of pain, fear of death, do not want to face, there is nothing you can not take.

15、你永远不知道自己在别人眼里有多少个版本!只要做好自己,就行。 You never know how many versions you have in other people's eyes! Just do yourself well.

16、你还年轻,别凑活过,接下来的人生,还有万万种可能。 You are still young. Don't live together. There are thousands of possibilities in your next life.

17、做一个安静的人,不争不抢,就算没有人关心,也要好好爱自己。 Be a quiet person, do not fight not to rob, even if no one cares, also want to love themselves.

18、做自己,简单、真实、幸福、追求、不奢求! Be yourself, simple, true, happy, pursue, not extravagant!

19、偶尔自己唱歌给自己听,好坏不重要,心情爽朗就可以。 Occasionally, singing to yourself, good or bad is not important, the mood is refreshing can.

20、凡事靠自己。不依附任何一个人,独立会让自己变得更好。 Everything depends on yourself. Independence makes you better without attachment to anyone.

21、凡事靠自己,有难关尽量自己度!没有人会雪中送碳! Everything depends on oneself, have difficulty to try to be oneself! No one can send carbon in the snow!

22、别为难自己,别辜负岁月,愿你成为自己想成为的人。 Don't be embarrassed, don't live up to the years, and wish you to be the person you want to be.

23、别管我择偶要求高不高,反正最后轮不到你就完了。 Don't worry about my high requirements for spouse selection, but the last round will be over before you.

24、加油吧,我知道一切靠自己。 Come on, I know it's all up to myself.

25、南来北往,不辜负生活,不迷失方向。 From south to north, we can live up to our lives and lose our way.

26、即使全世界的人都不懂你,至少自己还懂自己。 Even if people around the world don't understand you, at least they know themselves.

27、原来有些路不用人陪,一个人走能笑的开怀。 Originally some roads do not need to accompany, a person can laugh.

28、只要自觉心安,东西南北都好。如有一人未度,切莫自己逃了。 As long as you are conscious, the East, West, North and South are all good. If one person is not taken care of, do not escape by yourself.

29、喜欢我就来和我表白,人这一辈子总要体验一下被美女拒绝的感觉吧。 Like me to come and tell me, people will experience the feeling of being rejected by beauty in their life.

30、喜欢早晨的风,好像什么都可以重新开始。 Like the morning wind, as if anything can start again.

31、女人的世界是丰富多彩的世界,没有女人的世界是缺乏活力的世界。 The world of women is a colorful world, and the world without women is a world without vitality.

32、好听的话别当真,难听的话别较真,认真你就输了。 Don't take the good words seriously, the hard ones don't really. You lose seriously.

33、宁可靠自己的力气吃饭,别白白拿别人什么。 Rather than take others for nothing, you should eat with your own strength.

34、少点矫情吧!成年人,谁不是几多风雨催,悲苦各自咽。 Less affectation! Adults, who is not a few wind and rain, grief and sorrow each swallow.

35、希望你活得尽兴,而不是过得庆幸。 I hope you live a good life, not a good time.

36、希望自己成熟稳重,绝处逢生,越活越优秀。 I hope I am mature and steady, and I will never live in life, and the more I live, the better.

37、幸福,只是一个过程,而不是一个结果。 Happiness is just a process, not a result.

38、快乐的人不是没有痛苦,而是不会被痛苦所左右。 Happy people are not without pain, but they will not be affected by pain.

39、情不重不生娑婆,爱不深不堕轮回。 Love does not take place without a SATA, love is not deep and does not fall in rotation.

40、愿你一直努力,一直被爱,想要的都拥有,得不到的都释怀,晚安。 May you always try hard, be loved, have what you want, and let go of what you can't get. Good night.

41、愿我们都有能力爱自己,有余力爱别人。 May we all have the ability to love ourselves and spare no effort to love others.

42、我不想感动谁,我只想有个不会放弃我的人。 I don't want to move anyone, I just want someone who won't give up on me.

43、我不知道年少轻狂,我只知道胜者为王。 I don't know that young people are crazy. I only know that the winner is king.

44、我们爱过不同的人,却很少真的爱自己。 We love different people, but we seldom really love ourselves.

45、我喜欢你,所以我和你在一起。 I like you, so I'm with you.

46、我是一个隐形富豪,所以至今还没找到自己的钱。 I am an invisible rich, so I haven't found my own money yet.

47、我相信世界那么大,我的野心再大,它也一定装得下。 I believe that the world is so big, my ambition is so big, it must be able to be installed.

48、我真的很怕,没有了你我该整天和谁吵吵闹闹。 I'm really scared. I should have been fighting with anyone all day without you.

49、我莫名其妙的地笑了,原来只因为想到了你。 I laugh inexplicably, because I thought of you.

50、我遁着岁月的足迹,走过散落一地的旖旎,寻找流年深处的一季花雨。 I hide the footprints of years, walk through the scattered scenery of a land, looking for a season of flowers and rain in the deep of the current year.

51、战胜自己,终有一天,你会扇动着梦想的翅膀,飞翔在蔚蓝的天空! Defeat yourself, one day, you will fan the wings of your dreams, flying in the blue sky!

52、拧不开瓶盖的都嫁人了,拧得开的都还在自己拧着。 Those who can't open the bottle cap are married, and those who can't open them are still screwed by themselves.

53、故事都会结束,只是有人欢喜有人悲。 The story will end, just someone is happy and someone is sad.

54、新的一年,努力工作,好好爱自己,珍惜身边人。 In the new year, we should work hard, love ourselves and cherish the people around us.

55、旅行,不过是为了迷失自己,然后发现自己。 Travel, just to lose yourself and find yourself.

56、有些事情本身我们无法控制,只好控制自己。 Some things we can't control ourselves, we have to control ourselves.

57、有没有人收闲置宝贝,我最近闲着也是闲着。 Is there anyone who takes idle baby, I am idle recently.

58、未来总会来,让我们用平常平淡的心顺其自然的迎接它吧! The future will come, let us with ordinary and plain heart to meet it naturally!

59、每个人都应该先学会爱自己,只有爱了自己才知道怎么去爱别人! Everyone should learn to love themselves first, only after love themselves can they know how to love others!

60、沉默不是我懦弱,而是我觉得你没资格。 Silence is not my cowardice, but I don't think you are qualified.

61、没有人会永远陪在你身边。你要习惯孤独,然后依靠自己。 No one will always be with you. You have to get used to being alone and then rely on yourself.

62、爱自己可以让女人优化自我,从而使自己更加完美。 Love yourself can make women optimize themselves, and make themselves more perfect.

63、生命之灯因热情而点燃,生命之舟因拼搏而前行。 The lamp of life is lit by enthusiasm, and the boat of life goes forward by struggle.

64、男人再帅,扛不起责任照样是废物。 Men are handsome again, and it is waste to bear no responsibility.

65、疯狂的事情经历一次就好,比如翻越千山万水的去看望一个人。 Crazy things go through once, such as going over mountains and rivers to see a person.

66、看看一地的红叶,一袭思念,约定挂牵。 Look at the red leaves of a place, a attack of missing, agreed to hang.

67、空想人生不算,需要行动才知道深浅。 It is not a dream life, it takes action to know the depth.

68、突然发现生命中好多不可或缺的人,走着走着就散了。 Suddenly found many indispensable people in life, walking and walking to disperse.

69、结婚后,心凉了女人还是要靠自己的好,靠谁都不行,自己心疼自己。 After marriage, the heart is cool, women still rely on their own good, relying on who can not, their own heart pain.

70、自信与乐观往往比美丽的脸蛋更值钱。 Confidence and optimism are often more valuable than beautiful faces.

71、自己选择的路,跪着也要走完。 The road of choice, kneeling also to go.

72、要明白靠自己才能真正强大,做自己的铠甲,做最好的自己,加油。 We should understand that we can be really strong by ourselves, be your own armor, be the best of yourself, and cheer up.

73、让来的人来,让去的人去;顺其自然,是对生活最大的成全。 Let the people come, let the go go; To be natural is the greatest accomplishment of life.

74、记住这句话:只有自己变优秀了,其他的事情才会跟着好起来。 Remember this: only when you become good, other things will follow.

75、谎言与誓言的区别在于:一个是听的人当真了,一个是说的人当真了。 The difference between lies and vows is: one is to listen to the person who is serious, the other is to say the person is true.

76、过程和结局都有了,再去纠缠,连自己都觉得贪婪。 The process and the end have, and then entangle, even they feel greedy.

77、长大后才发现,生活还需要一点点的演技。 When I grow up, I find that life needs a little bit of acting skills.

78、长得漂亮是你们的优势,活得漂亮是我的本事。 It's your advantage to be beautiful. It's my ability to live beautiful.

79、青灯照壁人初睡,冷雨敲窗被未温。 The green light was the first time the people slept, and the cold rain knocked on the window and was not warm.

80、顺其自然,不会让自己活的太累。 Let it go, and don't let yourself live too tired.