1、一刻,也不离开你。 Never leave you for a moment.
2、一日两人,三餐四季。 Two people a day, three meals, four seasons.
3、一江明月,回首少了谁。 A bright moon, looking back who is missing.
4、一生的爱,陪伴你。 Life's love, accompany you.
5、久处不厌,闲谈不烦。 Long stay makes no trouble.
6、亲爱的,到死爱你! Dear, love you to death!
7、亲爱的,爱你无极限。 Honey, love you no limit.
8、以后我就有家室啦。 I'll have a family after that.
9、你是圆心,我绕你歌唱。 You are the center of the circle, I sing around you.
10、你是我的,小棉袄。 You are my little cotton padded jacket.
11、你的笑,惊艳了时光。 Your smile, amazing time.
12、你若心寒,我是春天。 If you are cold, I am spring.
13、做你,一人的英雄。 Be you, one man's hero.
14、唯你,最深得我意。 You are the only one I want.
15、堵你心头,住你心上。 Block your heart, stay in your heart.
16、天荒地老,花前月下。 Time goes by.
17、好久没见面了,我想你了。 I haven't seen you for a long time. I miss you.
18、如花美眷,似水流年。 As beautiful as flowers, as time goes by.
19、山河尽头,也陪你。 At the end of the mountain and river, I will accompany you.
20、山长水阔,不如你。 Long mountains and wide rivers are not as good as you.
21、幸好有你,万分感谢。 Thank you very much.
22、彼岸花落,相z相惜。 Flowers fall on the other side, and we pity each other.
23、往后余生,全都是你! For the rest of your life, it's all you!
24、心心相印,有所属。 Heart to heart, belonging.
25、情多无语,水深无声。 Love is silent, and the water is silent.
26、情系一生,长相厮守。 Love for life, together.
27、想你,在寂寞的心里。 Miss you, in the lonely heart.
28、想听到,你的声音。 I want to hear your voice.
29、我不怕异地,只怕冷战。 I'm not afraid of other places. I'm afraid of the cold war.
30、我崇拜你,像个英雄。 I worship you, like a hero.
31、我心悦你,不问朝夕。 I love you, never ask.
32、我爱你,爱你一生! I love you, love you all my life!
33、我爱的少年,他如歌。 I love the youth, he is like a song.
34、我要爱,你一万年。 I want to love you for 10000 years.
35、我这一生,只为了吻你。 My whole life, just to kiss you.
36、执此一念,等你十年。 I'll wait for you for ten years.
37、抱你的人,越抱越亲! The more you hold, the closer you are!
38、时间为媒,青春为聘。 Time is the medium, youth is the employment.
39、是想念,让爱不变。 Is missing, let the love not change.
40、暖暖的怀,抱你。 Warm arms, embrace you.
41、有一种牵手,白头偕老。 There is a kind of hand in hand.
42、未经允许,喜欢你。 Like you without permission.
43、永不放开,最后溺爱。 Never let go, finally spoil.
44、海誓山盟,凝聚诚心。 Vow and pledge to unite sincerity.
45、深邃的眸中,有你。 Deep eyes, you.
46、爱上你,是我的情份。 Falling in love with you is my love.
47、爱你损身,更损心性。 To love you is more damaging than to love.
48、爱是沸腾,也是平静。 Love is boiling and calm.
49、独自倚栏,待得冷颜瘦。 Lean on the fence alone, stay cold face thin.
50、现在几点,开心一点。 What time is it? Be happy.
51、白头相守,终生不忘。 White head together, never forget.
52、相亲相爱,心心相印。 Love and love each other.
53、相守以终,相爱以老。 Stay together to end, love to old.
54、真心真意,去陪你。 Sincerely, to accompany you.
55、窈窕淑女,君子好逑。 My fair lady is a gentleman.
56、给我一辈子,我会守护你。 Give me a lifetime, I will guard you.
57、谁,弄脏了我的爱情。 Who, dirty my love.
58、遇人,择城,终老。 Meet people, choose the city, die.
59、都是你,害我失眠了。 It's all you that made me lose sleep.
60、长长久久,甜甜蜜蜜! For a long time, sweet honey!