1、一念情深,执迷不悔。 A thought of deep love, unrepentant.
2、一月不见,相当想念。 I haven't seen you in January.
3、万般皆苦,只可自渡。 All things are bitter and can only be crossed by oneself.
4、不怕念起,唯恐觉迟。 I'm not afraid to read it, but I'm afraid I'm late.
5、不离不弃,相守一生。 Never give up, stay together for a lifetime.
6、人间很苦,有你很甜! The world is very bitter, you are very sweet!
7、以爱为名,画地为牢。 In the name of love, painting is a *.
8、你不在时,一切是你。 When you're away, it's all about you.
9、你在梦里辗转成歌。 You turn into a song in your dream.
10、你就是我,一生的传奇。 You are the legend of my life.
11、你是书吧?越看越想睡。 Are you a book? The more you look, the more you want to sleep.
12、你是我跳动的心脏。 You are my beating heart.
13、你是首选,是例外! You are the first choice, the exception!
14、你的名字,我的心思。 Your name, my mind.
15、你的爱情,我的故事。 Your love, my story.
16、你要不爽,可以亲我。 If you don't like it, you can kiss me.
17、你,我一生最爱的人。 You, the one I love most in my life.
18、倾心相守,永不分离。 Love each other, never separate.
19、厮守海角,非你不娶! Stay at the Cape, only you don't marry!
20、只问深情,不问西东。 Only ask deep feelings, not west east.
21、同甘共苦,坚守一生。 Share weal and woe, stick to life.
22、和你在一起,真有意思。 It's fun to be with you.
23、唯独见你,万般柔情。 Only see you, all kinds of tenderness.
24、喜欢什么,我给你买。 What do you like? I'll buy it for you.
25、四季很好,如果你在。 Four seasons are good, if you're here.
26、多少往事,甜在心头。 How many past events are sweet in my heart.
27、将心比心,方知刻骨铭心。 Only by comparing one's heart with one's heart can one know that one's heart is deeply rooted in one's heart.
28、小可爱已到,请签收。 Dear, please sign for it.
29、小骨,随师父回家。 Xiao Gu, go home with master.
30、岁月多姿,也不及你。 The years are more colorful than you.
31、往后余生,不能没你。 I can't live without you for the rest of my life.
32、往后余生,请多关照。 For the rest of your life, please take care of it.
33、心中无事,意中有人。 Nothing in mind, someone in mind.
34、念你,是真爱无暇。 Miss you, is the true love has no time.
35、我在,不哭,一辈子。 I'm here, I don't cry, all my life.
36、我想和你,在一起。 I want to be with you.
37、我爱你,你听见了吗。 I love you. Do you hear me.
38、我的命,为你珍惜。 My life, cherish for you.
39、我要照顾你一生一世。 I'll take care of you all my life.
40、握着老婆手,左手握右手。 Hold your wife's hand, your left hand your right hand.
41、携手白头,读书品茗。 Hand in hand, reading tea.
42、时光荏苒,而你不再。 Time flies, and you don't.
43、春宵酒醒,芬芳何寻。 Spring night wine wake up, fragrance where to find.
44、春风十里,不如你! Spring breeze is better than you!
45、有多少爱,可以重来。 How much love can be repeated.
46、*如画,画是你。 Picturesque, painting is you.
47、没有言语,彼此懂得。 No words, understand each other.
48、海枯石烂,天荒地老。 The sea is dry and the stone is rotten.
49、深爱到老,牵手一生。 Love to the old, hand in hand for a lifetime.
50、爱的真心已发出,请签收! Love has been sent out, please sign!
51、甜心,帮我签个名吧。 Honey, sign for me.
52、生命虽短,爱却绵长。 Life is short, but love is long.
53、生活的路上,照顾你。 Take care of you on the way to life.
54、相濡以沫,共闻花香。 Smell the flowers together.
55、相逢是首歌,温暖我心窝。 Meet is a song, warm my heart.
56、神爱世人,而我只爱你。 God loves the world, and I only love you.
57、花是你的,你是我的。 The flowers are yours, you are mine.
58、若非死别,绝不生离。 If you don't die, never live.
59、途有好伴,不觉路远。 A good companion on the way is a long way to go.
60、陪伴你,是一种快乐。 Accompany you, is a kind of happiness.