1、After only two bottles of cider, they were completely pie-eyed.   喝了两瓶苹果酒之后,他们就醉了。   

2、Country and western music is as American as apple pie.   乡村音乐和西部音乐都是地道美国货。   

3、Don't hold out for pie in the sky. Get realistic.   别总想着天上掉馅饼,现实点吧!   

4、I came in this morning expecting him to be furious with me and he was nice as pie.   今天早上我进来的时候以为他会朝我发火,结果他没有生气。

5、I think I'm right, but if I'm wrong, I'll eat humble pie.   我认为我是对的,如果我错了,我甘愿赔礼道歉。   

6、Oh, come on! Even a child could do that, it's as easy as pie.   哦,快点,小孩都会做这个,很简单的。   

7、She never gets anything done because she has her finger in too many pies.   她总是什么事都掺和点,什么事都做不成。   

8、Tess wants to have a finger in the pie. She doesn't think we can do it by ourselves.   泰斯不相信我们能自己做好,她想掺一脚。   

9、Wendy kept all her belongings in apple-pie order.   温迪把东西收拾得井井有条的。   

10、有关于和英文单词pie的相关短语句子   Pie(馅饼)是一种很有美国特色的.食品,深受美国人的喜爱,美语中有很多与pie相关的短语,今天我们一起来学习一下吧!   
