1、万念归一,用虔诚追求高分梦想! Ten thousand thoughts return to one, pursue high score dream with piety!

2、不要轻言放弃,否则对不起自己。 Don't give up, or I'm sorry for myself.

3、与其轻人,不如重我。 It is better to value me than to despise others.

4、人之幼稚,不学则愚。 People are childish, if they don't learn, they are stupid.

5、人最可悲的是自己不能战胜自己。 The saddest thing about people is that they can't beat themselves.

6、人若无志,与禽兽同类。 If man has no will, he is like a beast.

7、今日披星戴月,明日成就梦想。 Today is the day, tomorrow is the dream.

8、从始至终,没有一个人抬头一次。 From the beginning to the end, no one looked up once.

9、会当凌绝顶,一览众山小。 Will be lingjuding, a small list of mountains.

10、但愿人长久,千里共蝉娟。 I wish you a long time.

11、你好好奋斗,我为你加油。 Hello good struggle, I cheer for you.

12、凝聚产生力量,团结孕育希望。 Cohesion produces strength and unity breeds hope.

13、初三属于我们的只有一次。 Junior three belongs to us only once.

14、别让未来的你,讨厌现在的自己。 Don't let the future you hate the present yourself.

15、勇夺第一,舍我其谁。 Take the first place and give up who I am.

16、十年磨砺,励志凌绝顶。 Ten years of hard work and great inspiration.

17、只要努力,一切都还不晚。 As long as we work hard, it's not too late.

18、向着中考,我们启航。 Towards the entrance examination, we set sail.

19、君子成人之美,不成人之恶。 The gentleman helps others to achieve their moral perfection but not their evil conduct.

20、含泪播种,含笑收获。 Sow with tears, harvest with smiles.

21、啊,相信自己,一切都会成功的! Ah, believe in yourself, everything will be successful!

22、埋头读书,抬头做人。 Study hard and be a man.

23、天下兴亡,匹夫有责。 Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world.

24、夯实基础,避短扬长。 Consolidate the foundation, avoid the short and improve the long.

25、宁吃百日苦;不留终生憾。 Better to suffer for a hundred days than to regret for a lifetime.

26、工欲善其事,必先利其器。 Sharp tools make good work.

27、希望是穷人的面包。 Hope is the bread of the poor.

28、常说口里顺,常做手不笨。 He is always smooth in his mouth and not stupid in his hands.

29、弱者认命,强者抗命。 The weak plead, the strong resist.

30、得道者多助,失道者寡助。 He who gains more helps, but he who loses less helps.

31、心中有集体,进步在自己。 In my heart, there is a collective and progress in myself.

32、心无旁鹜,志在必得。 If you have no desire, you will get it.

33、愿你合笔时,如收刀入鞘。 When you close the pen, let it be like putting a knife in its sheath.

34、我中考,我自信,我成功! I am confident and successful!

35、我们乐观自信,我们潜力无穷。 We are optimistic and confident, and we have boundless potential.

36、我心不变,我行撼天。 My heart does not change, I shake the sky.

37、才思奔笔底,创意蕴心中。 Talent and creativity are at the bottom of the pen.

38、扬理想之风帆,抵成功之彼岸。 Raise the sail of ideal, reach the other side of success.

39、捐躯赴国难,视死忽如归。 To die in national calamity, to die suddenly.

40、提高一分,干掉千人! Raise one point, kill thousands of people!

41、有希望在的地方,痛苦也成欢乐。 Where there is hope, pain becomes joy.

42、淡看世间事,心情如浮云。 Indifferent to the world, mood such as floating clouds.

43、满招损,谦受益。 Full loss, modest benefit.

44、现在决定未来,知识改变命运。 Now decides the future, knowledge changes the destiny.

45、用我们的努力铸造人生的美丽! With our efforts to create a beautiful life!

46、用最多的梦面对未来。 Face the future with the most dreams.

47、百日冲刺,勇创辉煌! Hundred days sprint, create brilliance bravely!

48、相信自己能突破重围。 I believe I can break through the encirclement.

49、种下一种个性,收获一种命运。 Plant a character, reap a destiny.

50、细节决定成败,态度决定一切。 Details determine success or failure, attitude determines everything.

51、经验是负债,学习是资产。 Experience is debt, learning is asset.

52、自弃者扶不起,自强者击不倒。 He who abandons himself cannot rise, and he who strengthens himself cannot fall.

53、行健不息,自信自强。 Keep healthy and self-confident.

54、观海得深,瞻天见大。 To see the sea is to see the sky.

55、让挑战目标点燃生命激情! Let challenge goal ignite life passion!

56、谁把握机遇,谁就心想事成。 Whoever seizes the opportunity will succeed.

57、谋事在人,成事在天。 It's in the man who plans, it's in the sky.

58、身体和梦想,总有一个在路上! Body and dream, there is always one on the way!

59、遵章守纪,严格自律。 Abide by the rules and discipline, and be strict in self-discipline.

60、释放ATP,样样争第一。 Release ATP, everything is the first.

61、锲而不舍,存义精思。 Persevere, keep justice and think carefully.