1、一觉醒来,开启新的美好。 Wake up and start a new beauty.
2、亲爱的晚安,盖紧被子,做梦我娶你,么么! Good night, my dear, cover the quilt tightly, dream that I will marry you, Mo!
3、亲爱的晚安,祝你开心快乐永远安康! Good night, dear. I wish you happiness and good health forever!
4、亲爱的,晚安!今晚做个好梦! Dear, good night! Have a good dream tonight!
5、亲爱的,晚安!祝福你梦里有我,好梦成真! Dear, good night! I wish you a dream of me, a dream come true!
6、亲爱的,晚安,梦里见! Good night, my dear. See you in my dream!
7、你不睡,我不睡,你看我俩多般配。 You don't sleep, I don't sleep. You see how well matched we are.
8、你晚上还来梦里找我,我在老地方等你。 You come to my dream at night, and I'll wait for you in my old place.
9、你的晚安,是我永远也听不腻的情话。 Your good night is a love word that I will never be tired of listening to.
10、你的眼神太温柔了,笑起来融化了老夫的铁骨丹心。 Your eyes are too gentle, smile melted my heart.
11、去睡觉吧,女神,熬夜会丢失胶原蛋白的。 Go to bed, goddess. You'll lose collagen if you stay up late.
12、喝了你酿的爱情的酒,我愿意沉醉而不愿醒。 After drinking the wine of love you brew, I would like to be intoxicated rather than wake up.
13、夜深了,早点休息,晚安! It's late at night. Have a rest early. Good night!
14、宝贝,我们梦里见鸭。 Baby, we see ducks in our dreams.
15、宝贝,要不要放下手机,跟我一起同睡眠“私奔”? Baby, do you want to put down your cell phone and elope with me?
16、思念熬不到天明,所以我选择睡去。 Miss can't endure till dawn, so I choose to sleep.
17、想你,念你,爱着你直到我心跳的最后一次,亲爱的,晚安。 Good night, my love, for the last time.
18、愿你心情舒畅,甜甜睡到天亮。 May you be in a good mood and sleep till dawn.
19、愿你珍惜美好的拥有,梦里和开心握手。 I hope you cherish the beautiful possession, and shake hands with happiness in the dream.
20、我会珍惜你给的每一个晚安,肩膀虽小却足够依靠。 I will cherish every good night you give me. Though my shoulders are small, they are enough to rely on.
21、我发现说晚安并不重要,重要的是每天对你说晚安。 I find it's not important to say good night, it's important to say good night to you every day.
22、我已经乖乖躺下了,就等着你一句晚安了。 I've been lying down, waiting for you to say good night.
23、我已经盖好被子了,你可以说我晚安了。 I've covered the quilt. You can say good night.
24、我已经闭好了一只眼睛,等你和我说晚安,我就闭上另一只。 I've closed one eye. When you say good night to me, I'll close the other.
25、我帮你关上月亮啦! I'll close the moon for you!
26、我想做一朵流云,被风吹成你喜欢的样子。 I want to be a floating cloud, blown by the wind like you like.
27、我是梅菜你是肉,我想扣住你的手。晚安,宝贝。 I'm Mei Cai and you are meat. I want to hold your hand. Good night, baby.
28、我每想你一次,星星就多了一颗的样子。 Every time I think of you, there is one more star.
29、我闭好了一只眼睛,等你对我说晚安,就闭上另一只。 I close one eye, and when you say good night to me, close the other.
30、把今天所有的烦恼都忘掉,听一首歌好好睡一觉。晚安! Forget all the troubles of today, listen to a song and have a good sleep. good night!
31、明天我刚好有事情路过你们家楼下,一起吃早餐吧。 Tomorrow I happen to have something to pass by your house downstairs. Let's have breakfast together.
32、晚上要盖好被子,不要着凉了,睡觉前喝点牛奶知道吗! At night to cover the quilt, do not catch cold, drink milk before going to bed know!
33、晚什么安,我巴不得你想我想得夜不能寐。 What's the night? I wish you couldn't sleep at night.
34、晚安啦,不偏不倚,刚好是你。 Good night, impartial. It's just you.
35、晚安嫦娥姐,晚安织女星,晚安小仙女。 Good night, sister Chang'e, good night Vega, good night fairy.
36、晚安,你会我们去梦里,谈一个甜甜的恋爱。 Good night, you will we go to the dream, a sweet love.
37、晚安,愿你睡得香香! Good night. Have a good sleep!
38、晚是世界的晚,安是有你的安。 Night is the night of the world. ANN is the one with you.
39、晚睡的姑娘,都会被月亮抓去罚站的。 Girls who go to bed late will be caught by the moon and punished.
40、晚风传唱清曲,勾起绵绵睡意。 The evening breeze sings Qingqu, arousing the sleepiness.
41、有没有兴趣做一对江洋大盗,晚上一起去抢被子。 Do you have any interest in being a pair of big thieves and robbing quilts together in the evening.
42、梦中相见,好梦成真。 Meeting in a dream makes a dream come true.
43、每晚睡前听你说晚安,是属于我的最简单而持久的幸福。 Listening to you say good night every night before going to bed is the simplest and lasting happiness that belongs to me.
44、每晚记得给我一句晚安,让我知道明天还有你在。 Every night remember to give me a good night, let me know you are still there tomorrow.
45、洗漱一番,美美睡一觉;祝好梦!晚安! Take a shower and have a good sleep! good night!
46、点点思念伴你晚安,声声祝福望你好梦! Little miss with you good night, sound blessing, hope you dream!
47、猪到这个点大多都睡了,所以我的猪猪女孩你要去睡了吗? Most of the pigs are sleeping at this point, so my pig girl, are you going to sleep?
48、甜心,不早了,尽早休息吧,熬夜对身体可不好哦! Honey, it's late. Take a rest as soon as possible. Staying up late is not good for your health!
49、睡觉吧,不然我待会儿又要想你了。 Go to bed, or I'll miss you again later.
50、睡觉吧,你的头发不允许你瞎想。 Go to bed. Your hair doesn't allow you to think.
51、睡觉吧,你的头发最害怕你瞎想。 Go to sleep. Your hair is afraid of your imagination.
52、祝你今夜“酣然入梦”,“美梦连连”! I wish you a wonderful dream tonight!
53、祝你今夜,睡眠安稳,好梦相随,吉祥陪伴。 I wish you good sleep, good dreams and good luck tonight.
54、祝你晚安,安然入睡,睡梦甜甜美美,甜甜蜜蜜。 I wish you good night, sleep safely, sleep sweet and beautiful, sweet honey.
55、离睡着,还差一万九千七百八十次想你。 From sleeping, there are still 17980 missing you.
56、等睡在你怀里,我就不用熬夜了。 When I sleep in your arms, I won't have to stay up late.
57、老婆早点睡啦,不然明天会变国宝的…我会心痛的哦。 My wife went to bed early, or tomorrow will become a national treasure I'll have heartache.
58、请收好今晚的月光,星光,还有接住梦里的我。晚安! Please put away the moonlight, starlight and catch me in my dream. good night!
59、轻轻道声晚安,祝你梦也甜蜜! I wish you a sweet dream!
60、轻轻道声晚安,祝君美梦都圆! Good night softly, wish you a happy dream!