1、** gang. There's no need to be so high-profile.

2、一路走来,我用我的善良喂了不少没良心的狗。 Along the way, I fed many heartless dogs with my kindness.

3、他不爱我,我现在才知道,却还是没勇气放手。 He does not love me, I just know now, but still did not have the courage to let go.

4、他说爱你的时候,是无心之过,别轻易感动。 He said that when he loves you, it's unintentional. Don't be moved easily.

5、你不必觉得愧疚,也谢谢你赠我空欢喜一场。 You don't have to feel guilty. Thank you for giving me a good time.

6、你原本就可以看得透彻、又何必自找失落。 You can see clearly, why look for loss.

7、你名字那么普通,也就我听到才会心头一震。 Your name is so common that I will be shocked when I hear it.

8、你好像和万人都藕断丝连,唯独将我隔绝冰封。 You seem to be connected with thousands of people, only isolate me from ice.

9、你爱,或者不爱我,爱就在那里,不增不减。 You love, or don't love me, love is there, no increase or decrease.

10、你的幸福是我们的幸福,可是你怎么就离开了。 Your happiness is our happiness, but how did you leave.

11、你越善解人意,越没有人在乎你的委屈和脾气。 The more understanding you are, the less people care about your grievances and temper.

12、其实你我这美梦气数早已尽,重来也是无用。 As a matter of fact, you and I have already exhausted my dream, and it is useless to do it again.

13、其实我不敢想像,没有你,生活会是怎样。 In fact, I can't imagine what life would be like without you.

14、即使再精明再潇洒,我始终是你眼里的傻瓜。 Even if you are smart and smart, I am always a fool in your eyes.

15、只想找一个理由,把期待已久的眼泪流出来。 I just want to find a reason to shed my long-awaited tears.

16、听人说,回忆是一座桥,却是通向寂寞的牢。 It is said that memory is a bridge, but a * leading to loneliness.

17、哪次分手我没有挽留,可这次我是真的累了。 Which breakup I did not retain, but this time I am really tired.

18、回忆总是幸福的,是在微笑的时候揭开伤疤。 Memory is always happy, is in the smile when the scar.

19、回忆慢慢的过去了,在痛苦之中只剩下了迷茫。 Memories slowly passed, in the pain only left confused.

20、多少时候,因为得不到,所以才假装不想要。 How often do you pretend you don't want it because you can't get it.

21、失望是一天天积累的,而离开是很长的决定。 Disappointment is accumulated day by day, and leaving is a long decision.

22、如果我不在,别人欺负你的时候我会很难过。 If I'm not here, I'll be very sad when people bully you.

23、如果我就此忘了你,你会不会觉得难呼吸。 If I forget you, will you feel difficult to breathe.

24、寂寞中有我,热闹处无我,我总在人群之外。 There is me in loneliness, but I am not in the busy place. I am always outside the crowd.

25、就算声嘶力竭的苦苦求你留下别走,也没用。 It's no use asking you to stay.

26、已经迷离的眼眶,看不尽的却是你的决绝。 Have blurred eyes, can not see is your determination.

27、幸福就是,单身时候一个人还能微笑着入睡。 Happiness is that when you are single, you can still smile and fall asleep.

28、很多时候,感动和失落都只是因为一句话而已。 Most of the time, moved and lost just because of a word.

29、总有一个人,爱而不得,藏在心底,不能说。 There is always a person, love but not, hidden in the bottom of my heart, can not say.

30、成全也不是一种美德,拒绝也不是一种界过。 Success is not a virtue, nor is rejection a boundary.

31、我不但喜欢被人爱,还喜欢有人告诉爱上了我。 I not only like to be loved, but also to be told to fall in love with me.

32、我不难过,这不算什么,只是为什么眼泪会流。 I'm not sad, it's nothing, just why tears flow.

33、我像一个拾荒者,悄悄收藏起时光的底片。 I am like a scavenger, quietly collecting the negatives of time.

34、我像疯子一样喜欢你,你却想瞎子一样看不见。 I like you like a madman, but you can't see like a blind man.

35、我只是普通人家的孩子,没有什么高贵的气质。 I'm just a child of ordinary people. I don't have any noble temperament.

36、我喜欢哪怕距离很远,感情却一直不变的友谊。 I like the friendship even if the distance is far away, but the feelings are always the same.

37、我在你面前就像个小丑,每天逗你开心逗你笑。 I'm like a clown in front of you. I make you laugh every day.

38、我在河的对岸观望我的青春,看得平静又伤感。 I watched my youth on the other side of the river, calm and sad.

39、我是多么留念过往,我是那么不舍与你的回忆。 How I miss the past, I am so reluctant to give up with your memories.

40、我知道你是贱人帮帮主,没必要这么高调吧。 I know you're the leader of the

41、所有的心如刀割,都是用情至深时磨好的刀。 All hearts are like knives, which are sharpened with deep feelings.

42、接受了各种各样的失望后,发现一个人真好。 After accepting all kinds of disappointments, it's nice to find someone.

43、放弃你我真舍不得,我只能说我还不够资格。 I really can't give up on you. I can only say that I'm not qualified enough.

44、旧时光,好像泛黄的照片,珍藏在记忆的扉页。 Old time, like yellowing photos, is treasured in the title page of memory.

45、时间会冲淡这一切,距离也会让我们好过些。 Time will dilute all this, and distance will make us feel better.

46、时间告诉我,无理取闹的年龄过了、该懂事了。 Time tells me that the age of vexatious is over, and it's time to be sensible.

47、是深爱辜负了珍惜,还是距离淡化了牵挂! Is deep love failed to cherish, or distance desalinated care!

48、曾几何时、你想过我的感受,对你只字不提。 Once upon a time, you thought about my feelings and didn't mention anything about you.

49、最害怕依赖成了习惯,所以宁可不靠近温暖。 Most afraid of dependence has become a habit, so I prefer not to be close to the warm.

50、没你,看着人来人往的街道,感觉多么陌生。 Without you, looking at the streets of people, how strange.

51、没有欲望是麻木不仁,欲望太多是精神病人。 No desire is insensitive, too much desire is a mental patient.

52、爱一个人是劫,有人劫后余生,有人在劫难逃。 Love a person is robbery, some people survive after robbery, some people are doomed.

53、爱情就如同一些东西,生不带来,死不带去。 Love is like some things, life does not bring, death does not take.

54、爱是一个人的事、幸福是两个人的事。 Love is one person's business, happiness is two people's business.

55、留点*给思念放肆,在今天最寂寞的时候。 Leave some freedom to miss wanton, in today's most lonely time.

56、眼泪的存在,是为了证明悲伤不是一场幻觉。 Tears exist to prove that sadness is not an illusion.

57、糟糕时模仿心情好,犹如烧焦的菜盛装打扮。 When bad, imitation is in a good mood, like a burnt dish dressed up.

58、落花瞬间掉落那么美丽,下一秒却不见踪影。 Falling flowers fall so beautiful in a moment, but no trace is seen in the next second.

59、谢谢你从开始到现在,一直不离不弃的爱着我。 Thank you from the beginning to now, has been inseparable love me.

60、过度考虑别人的感受,是一种对自己的不认同。 Over consideration of other people's feelings is a kind of self-identity.

61、那些让我们哭过的事,总有一天会笑着说出来。 Those things that make us cry will be said with a smile one day.