1、一旦丢失了就再也找不回来了,就像断了线的风筝。 Once lost, it will never be found again, just like a kite with broken line.
2、不要被表面所迷惑,男人就是生性风流的雌性动物。 Don't be misled by the appearance, men are naturally romantic female animals.
3、不需要轰轰烈烈的爱情,只要一个不会离开你的人。 There is no need for vigorous love, as long as a person who will not leave you.
4、也许,心动都不是恋爱,心定才是。 Perhaps, heart is not love, heart is.
5、人人都会说漂亮的话,谁说得潇洒谁就是赢家。 Everyone will say beautiful words, who said natural and unrestrained who is the winner.
6、以为自己是不再被伤害,才拒绝所有人。 Think oneself is no longer hurt, just refuse everyone.
7、以前总觉得来日方长,总有大把时间挽留和原谅。 In the past, I always felt that there was a long way to go, and there was always a lot of time to retain and forgive.
8、以前爱一个人形影不离,现在爱一个人放在心里。 Before love a person inseparable, now love a person in the heart.
9、余生不用指教,各自安好。 For the rest of my life, I don't have to give advice. I'll be safe.
10、你几句简单的话语,却让我感动流泪。 You a few simple words, but let me moved to tears.
11、你总是牵扯我的情绪,而我对你却只是一个陌生人。 You are always involved in my emotions, but I am just a stranger to you.
12、其实不喜欢你比较好,不失眠,挺自在,还长笑。 In fact, it's better not to like you. I don't have insomnia. I'm very comfortable and I laugh a lot.
13、其实,我一直都在你身后,就差你一个回头。 In fact, I've been behind you all the time, so I need you to look back.
14、别把我对你的爱当做一种投资,因为现在投资有风险。 Don't regard my love for you as an investment, because investment now has risks.
15、别说一辈子,太美的承诺只因为我们太年轻。 Don't say a lifetime, too beautiful promise just because we are too young.
16、命运到最后,记得勿忘心安。 In the end, don't forget your peace of mind.
17、哪些人值得守候,哪些人不该等待,我懂得很彻底。 I know thoroughly who is worth waiting for and who is not.
18、如果我忘了你,记得千万不要叫醒我。 If I forget you, please don't wake me up.
19、寻找的那个人是谁时,灯火阑珊处,已经空无一人。 Looking for the person who is, lights dim, has been empty.
20、少年不知愁滋味,为赋新辞强说愁。 Young people don't know the taste of sorrow, and they express sorrow for the new words of Fu.
21、很多事情,我解释得清楚,你也未必能听的明白。 Many things, I explain clearly, you may not be able to understand.
22、忍把千金酬一笑?毕竟相思,不似相逢好。 Can't you give me a smile? After all, acacia is not like meeting well.
23、忘记了拥抱,忘记了微笑。 Forget to hug, forget to smile.
24、我写下了你的名字,然后眼泪大颗大颗的往下掉。 I wrote down your name, and then the tears fell down.
25、我多想要拥抱你,可惜时光把我抛弃了。 How I want to embrace you, but time has abandoned me.
26、我怕等你喜欢上我的时候,我已经不再喜欢你。 I'm afraid when you like me, I don't like you any more.
27、我没有那么伟大,伟大到把你对我的背叛当做习惯。 I am not so great, great enough to take your betrayal of me as a habit.
28、我真的没有办法,失去和拥有都由不得我。 I really have no way to lose and have by me.
29、我见过千万人像你的发,像你的眼,却都不是你的脸。 I have seen thousands of people like your hair, like your eyes, but not your face.
30、所谓的爱情,只不过是我们一厢情愿。 The so-called love is just our wishful thinking.
31、昨天去市里参加放鸽子比赛,结果就我一个人去了。 Yesterday I went to the city to participate in the pigeon competition, and I went alone.
32、是月老牵错了红绳,还是爱神错投了铅箭。 Is the old moon pulling the wrong red rope, or love casting the wrong lead arrow.
33、曾在一起,不在一起,都是感情。 Once together, not together, are feelings.
34、最好不相知,如此便可不相思。 It's better not to know each other, so we can not miss each other.
35、有些痛,有些疲惫,只有自己懂。 Some pain, some fatigue, only their own understanding.
36、有时候,两个人在一起,也不会真正的快乐。 Sometimes, two people together, will not really happy.
37、有种情绪,适可而止。 There's an emotion, that's enough.
38、泪为你流,心为你碎。 Tears flow for you, heart is broken for you.
39、相思是一篇很长的腹稿,可发表出来往往很短。 Acacia is a very long manuscript, which can be published very short.
40、笑容可以给任何人,但你的心,只须给一个人就好。 Just give a smile to anyone, but it's OK.
41、笨蛋,你要记得,有些话他不只对你一个人说过。 Fool, you have to remember that he didn't just say something to you.
42、终是感情废了人,来世不做孤单魂。 In the end, the feelings of waste people, the afterlife do not do lonely soul.
43、让你父母失望的不是你早恋,而是你的对象不是我。 Let your parents down is not your puppy love, but your object is not me.
44、许多人和事,看淡一些,活着才不会那么累。 Many people and things, look down on some, live will not be so tired.
45、过年没有年味了是吗,那是因为我们都长大了啊。 There's no new year's flavor, right? That's because we've all grown up.
46、适可而止的放弃,至少不会输的太狼狈。 Enough to give up, at least will not lose too embarrassed.
47、那种华丽A颓废,有种令人心惊A美丽。 That gorgeous decadence, there is a kind of amazing beauty.
48、除了她,我再也不会奋不顾身的去爱一个人了。 In addition to her, I will never be desperate to love a person.
49、难过什么,这世界又不是你一个人爱而不得。 Sad what, this world is not a person you love but not.
50、难过的事不用一直去想,因为想忘也是忘不掉的! Sad things don't have to think all the time, because you can't forget it!