1、人生最令人回忆的,永远是童年时光。 The most memorable thing in life is always childhood.

2、我怀念童年,怀念那个满地爬追小狗的时光。 I miss my childhood. I miss the time when I was crawling around chasing the dog.

3、我的童年,我的回忆,我爱我童年的时代。 My childhood, my memories, I love my childhood.

4、我的童年,我的梦。 My childhood, my dream.

5、有那么一种生活,叫做童年。 There is such a life, called childhood.

6、童年似一杯浓浓的咖啡,暖到你的心窝。 Childhood is like a cup of strong coffee, warm to your heart.

7、童年似一杯淡淡的茶,让你百般回味。 Childhood is like a cup of light tea, let you aftertaste.

8、童年似暴风雨过后的彩虹,五颜六色。 Childhood is like a rainbow after a storm.

9、童年像一条清澈的河流,流淌着飞腾的浪花。 Childhood is like a clear river, flowing with flying spray.

10、童年像了吃许多好吃的棒棒糖,甜甜的。 Childhood like eating a lot of delicious lollipops, sweet.

11、童年像是一片飘落的树叶,让我去珍惜。 Childhood is like a fallen leaf, let me cherish.

12、童年啊,你是无瑕的云,是洁白的梦。 Childhood, you are the flawless cloud, is the pure white dream.

13、童年如河,翻腾着无忧无虑的欢乐浪花。 Childhood is like a river, with carefree waves of joy.

14、童年就像一条河,翻腾着考试后无虑的浪花。 Childhood is like a river, tossing the waves after examination.

15、童年很好,只是我们长大了没有童年。 Childhood is very good, but we grow up without childhood.

16、童年是一场梦,虽然幼稚,但十分美好。 Childhood is a dream, although childish, but very beautiful.

17、童年是一幅画,是一幅五颜六色的画。 Childhood is a painting, a colorful painting.

18、童年是一幅画,画中有我们美好的过去。 Childhood is a painting in which we have a beautiful past.

19、童年是一幅画,画里有我们五彩的生活。 Childhood is a painting in which we have colorful life.

20、童年是一座博物馆,展出天真稚嫩的作品。 Childhood is a museum, displaying naive works.

21、童年是一朵朵白云,承载着希望与欢乐。 Childhood is a white cloud, carrying hope and joy.

22、童年是一束花,是一生最美丽的花。 Childhood is a bunch of flowers, is the most beautiful flower in life.

23、童年是一粒柠檬味的棒棒糖,酸甜酸甜的。 Childhood is a lemon flavor lollipop, sweet and sour.

24、童年是五彩缤纷的,就像雨后的彩虹。 Childhood is colorful, like a rainbow after the rain.

25、童年是五颜六色的,是开心的,是快乐的。 Childhood is colorful, happy and happy.

26、童年是坐标,记录着人生的起点。 Childhood is the coordinate, recording the starting point of life.

27、童年是基石,奠定了人生的未来。 Childhood is the cornerstone, which lays the future of life.

28、童年是欢快的童符,发出优美的琴声。 Childhood is a joyful rune, which makes a beautiful sound.

29、童年是纯白的百合,美丽,清秀又不失典雅。 Childhood is a pure white lily, beautiful, elegant and elegant.

30、童年是纯真的,是有趣的,是美丽的。 Childhood is pure, interesting and beautiful.

31、童年是美丽的花儿,绽放着甜甜的笑容。 Childhood is a beautiful flower, blooming with a sweet smile.

32、童年是雨,滋润初生的花。 Childhood is rain, moistening the newborn flowers.

33、童年是风,吹来朵朵天云。 Childhood is the wind, blowing clouds.

34、童年的时光,是人生中最美好的一段时光。 Childhood is the best time in life.

35、童年的趣事多如繁星,数不胜数。 There are many interesting things in childhood, such as stars.

36、童年记忆如繁花般绚烂,童年,美丽的童年。 Childhood memory like flowers, childhood, beautiful childhood.

37、童年,一个人人都留恋的时刻。 Childhood, a moment everyone yearns for.

38、童年,一段有欢乐与泪水但却无忧无虑的时光。 Childhood, a period of joy and tears but carefree time.

39、童年,人生的出发点,梦一样美好的回忆。 Childhood, the starting point of life, like a dream of beautiful memories.

40、童年,充满着纯真、难忘。 Childhood is full of innocence and unforgettable.

41、童年,又像一串冰糖葫芦,又香又甜。 Childhood, and like a bunch of ice sugar gourd, fragrant and sweet.

42、童年,又像一串糖葫芦,越嚼越甜。 Childhood, like a bunch of sugar gourd, the more chewing sweeter.

43、童年,就是一颗神奇的糖果,越品越回味无穷。 Childhood, is a magic candy, more products more aftertaste.

44、童年,是一个美满的故事。 Childhood is a happy story.

45、童年,是一幅画,画出了童年的美妙。 Childhood, is a painting, drawing out the beauty of childhood.

46、童年,是一幅迷人的画,勾勒出美丽的故事。 Childhood, is a charming picture, outlines the beautiful story.

47、童年,是一片辽阔的绿地。 Childhood is a vast green space.

48、童年,是一首诗,吟出了童年的幸福! Childhood is a poem, reciting the happiness of childhood!

49、童年,真是肆无忌惮的年龄! Childhood, is really unscrupulous age!

50、重温童年的美好,修正童年的错误。 Review the beauty of childhood and correct the mistakes of childhood.