1、Anger can be blinding   生气是盲目的   “An angry man rarely stops to let facts get in the way of his fury.” – Nikki Sex “一个生气的人几乎不会停下来想想事实。”--尼基   Our anger can usually be resolved when we sit down and re-evaluate the   reasons we?re angry. Often our fury blurs our vision and we forget why we were   angry but we?re too stubborn to go back and check. Remember to look back at what made you angry.   当我们坐下来的时候,我们的愤怒通常都能得到了解决,开始重新评价我们生气的理由。通常我们的愤怒会模糊我们的视角,我们会忘记为什么会愤怒,但是我们太固执不会回过头去审视。记住回头看看是什么让你生气。   

2、Be careful with your words   留心你的`言辞   “It is when you are angry that you must watch how you talk.” – Chaim Potok “生气的时候一定要注意自己的言辞。”--小说家波图克   Although we may not mean the things we say when we?re angry, it is the   negative words that are hardest to take back so be wary of what you say when you?re hit by a surge of anger. Sometimes taking time to vent to someone outside the situation can be most effective and prevent you from hurting anyone.   虽然我们生气的时候可能没有不是说的我们说的这件事,但是生气的时候所说的不好的言词是最难收回的。有时候花点时间有时不在这样的情况下对某些人发泄是最有效的能阻止你不伤害别人的方法。

3、Finger-pointing doesn’t solve much   指责并不解决问题   “Your smile can heal thousands; but your anger can kill millions. Your   ?hand-shake? can encourage tens of people while your ?finger-pointing? can turn ten thousands away from you!” – Israelmore Ayivor   “你的微笑可以治愈几千人,但你的愤怒却可能杀死数百万人。你的握手可以鼓励数十人但是你的指责让数万人远离你。”-- Israelmore Ayivor   Anger can be good for the soul, because if we didn?t have challenges we would never change. But how you direct that anger is the important part. You can spread it positively with actions or negatively. And after all, negativity is harder to clean up.   生气也有好处,因为如果没有挑战就没有改变。但生气的方式是最重要的部分。你可以用积极或是消极的行动表示。毕竟,消极的方式很难清理干净。   

4、Great things can come out of anger   大事会引发愤怒   “I can be most colorful and inventive.” – Christopher Moore   “我可以是最多姿多彩,最有创造性的。”--克里斯托夫?摩尔   Moore is probably talking about his language, but anger can make you see things you would have never considered before. Feeling emotional can bring out ideas you would have never had if you were always happy.   也许摩尔说的是他的语言,但是愤怒会让你看见你以前从未考虑过的事情。如果你过去一直是快乐的感受情绪能引出你以前没有过的想法。   

5、You have a choice   你有选择   “You can get angry, you can get even, or you can get ahead.” – Jeffrey Fry “你可以生气,你甚至可以报复,你可以获得成功”--杰弗里?弗莱   We all have a choice in this world and sometimes you have to let your feelings go in order to advance.   在这个世上我们都有选择,有时候为了前进你不得不释放你的情感。   

6、让你不必生气的名句精选   Quotes That May Make You Less Angry   Many of us try to live a life of tranquility, but that doesn?t mean we never get angry. Sometimes we can?t help it. We let loose and let all the fury out. Read through these quotes to learn how to become less angry and, when you can?t avoid it.   我们中的许多人尝试过宁静的生活,但这并不意味着我们从不生气。有时候也会情不自禁。我们会有懈怠,发泄所有的愤怒的时候。阅读这些名言学着在你没法避免的时候如何变得不那么生气。