1、一个人不是在逆境中成长,就是在逆境中消亡。 A person either grows up or dies in adversity.

2、一个人只有先在心里肯定自己,相信自己,才能成就自己! Only when one affirms himself and believes in himself, can he achieve himself!

3、一个人是在对周围生活环境的反抗中创造成功的。 One is successful in resisting the living environment around him.

4、一个人最伤心的事情无过于良心的死灭。 The most sad thing for a man is the death of his conscience.

5、一个轻易得决定,导致了后面的蠢蠢欲动。 An easy decision leads to the impetuousness behind.

6、上帝给予人一部分困难时,同时也添加一分智力。 When God gives people some difficulties, he also adds a little intelligence.

7、不放过每一点疏漏,不放弃每一分希望。 Do not let go of every oversight, do not give up every point of hope.

8、不要计较生命的长久,应该在乎过程是否够精彩。 Do not care about the long life, should care about whether the process is wonderful enough.

9、不论你如何了解一个人,那都是片面的不是全部。 No matter how you understand a person, it is one-sided, not all.

10、世上只有想不通的人,没有走不通的路。 There are only people who can't think of it in the world. There is no way out.

11、二客东南名胜,万卷诗书事业,尝试与君谋。 Two guest southeast scenic spots, ten thousand volumes of poetry career, try to plan with Jun.

12、人生一定要有规划,这样会让你的人生永不偏航。 Life must have a plan, so that your life will never drift.

13、人生中最永恒的幸福就是平凡,最长久的拥有需懂得珍惜。 The most eternal happiness in life is ordinary, the longest possession needs to know how to cherish.

14、人生中真正的信念并不是憧憬胜利,而是相信生活。 The true faith in life is not to look forward to victory, but to believe in life.

15、人生就像舞台表演,台下的观众多了,就证明你的演技在进步。 Life is like a stage performance. If you have more audience, your acting skills will be improved.

16、人生能被人需要。能够有份功能。为人付出。才是最幸福的人生。 Life can be needed. Can have a function. Pay for people. Is the happiest life.

17、人,一辈子都在觉醒中,不论多淡定,遗憾,还是有。 People, all their lives in the awakening, no matter how calm, regret, or have.

18、以感恩心待人,以平常心对事,以进取心工作。 Treat people with gratitude, deal with things with common heart, and work with enterprising spirit.

19、你不去闯怎么知道后面是悬崖还是大海。 How do you know if it's a cliff or a sea if you don't go there.

20、你给世界一个什么姿态,世界将还你一个什么样的人生。 What attitude do you give the world? What kind of life will the world give you.

21、信心是成才的基石。没有信心的人,将一事无成。 Confidence is the cornerstone of success. He who has no confidence will accomplish nothing.

22、再苦再累也要坚强,只为那些期待眼神。 No matter how hard or tired, we should be strong, just for those looking forward to the eyes.

23、努力一点,现在想要的以后你都会有。 Try hard, you will have everything you want now.

24、努力让自己变得优秀,然后骄傲地生活。 Try to be good and live with pride.

25、努力,终会有所收获,皇天不负有心人。 Efforts, will eventually have a harvest, the emperor pays off the heart.

26、发展是硬道理,但硬发展是没道理。 Development is the absolute principle, but hard development is unreasonable.

27、命运不会厚待谁,悲喜也不会单为你准备。 Fate will not treat anyone favorably, and sorrow and joy will not be prepared for you alone.

28、在没遇见最好的自己,之前,定会遇见最糟糕的自己。 Before you meet your best self, you will meet your worst self.

29、增员要有量,增员要有步,增员要有法,增员要有力,增员要有恒。 We should increase the number of staff, step by step, method, strength and perseverance.

30、太多无能为力的事,比如我留不住要走的你。 Too many powerless things, such as I can't keep you going.

31、好汉做事干到底,好马登程跑到头。 A good man does everything to the end, and a good horse runs to the head.

32、如果人没有错误,那铅笔还用橡皮干什么。 If people have no mistakes, what else do pencils do with erasers.

33、容易走的都是下坡路,坚持住,因为你正在走上坡路。 It's easy to go downhill. Hold on, because you're going up.

34、宽容是化解一切仇恨的最好办法,谅解是解决问题的关键。 Tolerance is the best way to resolve all hatred, and understanding is the key to solve the problem.

35、寒冬可以没有阳光,酷暑可以没有阴凉,人生不能没有梦想和方向。 There can be no sunshine in winter, no shade in hot summer, no dream and direction in life.

36、对于世界,我微不足道,但对于我自己,我就是全部。 To the world, I am insignificant, but to myself, I am everything.

37、展望未来,我会以百倍的热情去工作,去学习,去努力,去奋斗。 Looking forward to the future, I will work, study, work hard and strive with a hundred times enthusiasm.

38、彩蝶化茧而出,实现第二次生星,少年奋发图强,见证新一次蜕变。 Colorful butterflies emerge from cocoons and realize the second secondary star. The young people work hard to witness a new transformation.

39、成功者永远影响别人而不被别人影响。 Successful people always influence others and not be influenced by others.

40、我们是国家的主人,应该处处为国家着想。 We are the masters of our country, and we should think about it everywhere.

41、我们都是上帝眷顾的孩子,所以不能轻易掉眼泪,要坚强。 We are all God's children, so we can not easily shed tears, to be strong.

42、我和你的间隔已落空了交集,你选择了抛弃,而我选择了等你。 And you and I have abandoned the choice.

43、所有的努力都值得期许,每一份梦想都应该灌溉! All efforts are expected, every dream should be irrigated!

44、时间给勤勉的人留下智慧的力量,给懒惰的人留下空虚和悔恨。 Time leaves the power of wisdom to the diligent, emptiness and regret to the lazy.

45、最可怕的敌人,就是没有坚强的信念。 The most terrible enemy is not strong faith.

46、最困难的时候,也就是离成功不远的时候。 The most difficult time is not far from success.

47、有些书只需品尝,有些需要吞咽,还有少数的应该细嚼。 Some books just need to be tasted, some need to be swallowed, and a few should be chewed.

48、松驰的琴弦,永远奏不出美妙的乐曲。 Loose strings, never play a wonderful music.

49、欣赏你所拥有的,在他们变成曾经拥有前。 Appreciate what you have before they become what they once had.

50、死心塌地,不过是说说而已,何必当真。 It's just a talk. Why take it seriously.

51、生命过分长久,明天抛却了明天不一定能取得。 Life is too long, tomorrow will not be able to give up tomorrow.

52、生活就是特么一场华丽的杯具,留下我自己独自演绎。 Life is a gorgeous cup, leaving me to perform alone.

53、生活每天都会有变化,期待是一件值得的事情。 Life changes every day, and it's worth looking forward to.

54、生活里没有奇迹,大部分的时候奇迹是你自己创造的。 There are no miracles in life. Most of the time, miracles are created by yourself.

55、用理想去成就人生,不要蹉跎了岁月。 Use the ideal to achieve life, don't waste time.

56、简单的日子,简单的生活,踏踏实实地过。 Simple days, simple life, live a down-to-earth way.

57、讨厌自己明明不甘平凡,却又不好好努力。 I hate that I am not willing to be ordinary, but I don't work hard.

58、识人如辨金与铜,熠熠生辉只是表象,关键是要靠生活之火的熔炼。 To know a person is like distinguishing gold from copper. The key is to smelt the fire of life.

59、路就在脚下,你无力改变终点,但却能决定脚踏出的方向。 The road is under your feet. You can't change the end point, but you can decide the direction you step out.

60、青年时犯错误,成年时同错误进行斗争,老年是为错误而惋惜。 Mistakes are made in youth, they are fought in adulthood, and they are regretted in old age.