1、一个人最富有的就是希望,最贫穷的是绝望。 The richest man is hope, the poorest is despair.

2、一切终会离去,只有岁月如约而来,生死不离。 All will leave, only years as promised, life and death do not leave.

3、不是每句“对不起”,都能换来“没关系”。 Not every "I'm sorry" can be exchanged for "it doesn't matter.".

4、不要徘徊,不要犹豫,放飞梦想吧!展望未来吧! Don't linger, don't hesitate, let your dream fly! Look to the future!

5、不要用借口搪塞失败,不要让骄傲占据心灵。 Don't excuse failure, don't let pride occupy the heart.

6、不要跟一般人一般见识,即使是特殊人也一样。 Don't take common sense with ordinary people, even special people.

7、不要高估两年内的自己,不要低估十年后的自己。 Don't underestimate your own in two years.

8、不起跬步,无以至千里;不积小流,无以成江海。 If you don't take a small step, you can't reach thousands of miles; if you don't accumulate small streams, you can't become a river.

9、与其用华丽的外衣装饰自己,不如用知识武装自己。 It is better to arm yourself with knowledge than to decorate yourself with gorgeous coat.

10、两种不同的认识,取决于两种不同的人生心态。 Two different understandings depend on two different attitudes towards life.

11、人如果只靠吃饭活着,那饭就不叫饭而叫饲料。 If people live only by eating, then the rice is not called rice, but called feed.

12、人生只有走出来的美丽,没有等待出来的辉煌。 Life only comes out of the beautiful, there is no waiting for the brilliant.

13、人生希望像江河一泻千里,却常常有漩涡与逆流。 Hope in life is like a river flowing down thousands of miles, but there are always whirlpools and countercurrent.

14、人生是否有价值,关键要看活着人还是自己。 Whether life is valuable or not depends on the living person or himself.

15、人生漫长,总会有人同你一起历经漫长岁月。 Life is long, there will always be someone with you through the long years.

16、会有缺憾的时候,也会有完满的那一天,不必担心。 There will be regrets, there will be a perfect day, don't worry.

17、你一定要站在自己所热爱的世界里,闪闪发亮。 You must stand in the world you love and shine.

18、你也是个作者,何必执愿在别人的故事里当配角。 You are also an author. Why do you want to be a supporting role in other people's stories.

19、你可以用爱得到全世界,你也可以用恨失去全世界。 You can get the whole world with love, and you can lose the world with hate.

20、你的负担将变成礼物,你受的苦将照亮你的路。 Your burden will become a gift, and your pain will light your way.

21、倘若失去了勇敢,你的生命等于交给了敌人。 If you lose courage, your life is given to the enemy.

22、做一个比昨天更好的人,是给自己最好的礼物。 To be a better person than yesterday is the best gift for yourself.

23、凡事要求品质,做事的品质决定了你的成就。 Everything requires quality, and the quality of doing determines your achievements.

24、别说你最爱的是谁,人生还很长,无法预知明天。 Don't say who you love the most, life is still very long, can't predict tomorrow.

25、只会在水泥地上走的人,永远不会留下深深的脚印。 People who only walk on the concrete floor will never leave deep footprints.

26、只承诺你能做到的,然后尽力超越你承诺的。 Promise only what you can do, and then try to exceed what you promise.

27、在瞄准遥远目标的同时,不要轻视近处的东西。 While aiming at distant targets, don't despise what is near.

28、坚强是对着伤害你的人说谢谢你给我的一切。 Being strong is to say thank you for everything to me who hurt you.

29、天气影响身体,身体决定思想,思想左右心情。 The weather affects the body, the body determines the mind, and the mind controls the mood.

30、女人最大的败笔就是逞强,而男人,却都信了。 The biggest failure of women is to be brave, but men believe it.

31、如果你现在感觉到累,那是因为你在走上坡路。 If you're tired now, it's because you're going uphill.

32、如果你选错了时机和舞台,就别怪别人忽略你。 If you choose the wrong time and stage, don't blame others for ignoring you.

33、宁愿做一朵篱下的野花,不愿做一朵受恩惠的蔷薇。 I'd rather be a wild flower under the fence than a gracious rose.

34、当有人说你是傻瓜时,证明你离成功不远了。 When someone says you are a fool, you are not far from success.

35、心态要常常保持年轻,头脑要常常保持老练。 Keep your mind young and your mind sophisticated.

36、心量狭小,则多烦恼,心量广大,智慧丰饶。 If the heart is small, there will be more troubles. If the heart is large, it will be rich in wisdom.

37、想要不断的进步,就要不断的批评自己和反思自己。 If you want to make continuous progress, you should constantly criticize yourself and reflect on yourself.

38、愚者用肉体透视心灵,智者用心灵透视肉体。 The fool uses the body to see through the mind, while the wise man uses the mind to see through the body.

39、成功需要具备良好的态度,一流的技巧和能力。 Success requires a good attitude, first-class skills and ability.

40、我们不是没有最好的机会,而是没有好的观念。 It's not that we don't have the best opportunities, but we don't have good ideas.

41、我知道我的实力配不上我的野心,所以我在努力。 I know my strength doesn't match my ambition, so I'm trying.

42、拼,困难向我们低头;再拼,成功向我们招手。 Fight, difficulties bow to us; fight again, success beckons to us.

43、攻击你的人,只会羡慕你的好,所以各种打击。 Attack your people, will only envy your good, so all kinds of attacks.

44、无论有多无助的时候微笑是最好的振作方法。 No matter how helpless you are, smiling is the best way to cheer up.

45、时间摞走了激情。却不小心的又没有带走记忆。 Time pile has gone passion. But not careful and did not take away the memory.

46、智者议论想法,普通人议论事件,小人则议论他人。 Wise people talk about ideas, ordinary people talk about events, and villains talk about others.

47、有了坚定的意志,就等于给双脚添了一双翅膀。 With a firm will, it is equivalent to adding a pair of wings to both feet.

48、有种痛,你不懂,我可以用微笑掩盖,用冷漠包装。 There is a kind of pain, you do not understand, I can cover up with a smile, with indifference packaging.

49、没有足够的努力,就不要去谈未来以及梦想。 Don't talk about the future and dreams without enough effort.

50、生命在于运动,生存在于挑战,生活在于学习。 Life lies in sports, survival lies in challenges, and life lies in learning.

51、用理想作纸,用勤奋作笔,抒写壮丽的青春。 Using ideal as paper and diligence as pen to express magnificent youth.

52、算算用用,一世不穷;不算光用,海干山空。 Calculate and use, a lifetime is not poor; not only use, sea dry mountain sky.

53、终点在不断的改变,我们必须一刻不停的成长。 The destination is constantly changing, we must constantly grow.

54、给别人比他们自已期许的更多,并且用心去做。 Give others more than they expect and do it with heart.

55、置身卓越的环境并追求卓越,你也将变得卓越。 In an environment of excellence and the pursuit of excellence, you will also become outstanding.

56、能坚持别人不能坚持的,才能拥有别人不能拥有的。 If you can insist on what others can't, you can have what others can't.

57、花钱想要上天堂的人,一定后悔没有多行善。 Those who want to go to heaven will regret not doing more good.

58、谎言像一朵盛开的鲜花,外表美丽,生命短暂。 Lies like a blooming flower, beautiful appearance, short life.

59、这个世界根本就没有如果,不要再做无谓的期待。 There is no if in this world. Don't make unnecessary expectations.

60、除了坚定不移的信念可以永垂千古,几乎再没有了。 There is hardly any more than a firm belief that can last forever.