1、A 定语从句_____ I was given an opportunity to act in the play修饰先行词the day :先行词the day在从句中做时间状语:在这一天我得到了扮演一个角色的机会。   

2、A. first playing B. to be first played C. first played D. to be first playing 分析:公元前776年被首次举行的奥运会,直到1912年才容纳女运动员。_____in 776 BC做定语修饰The Olympic Games,指过去的内容,表示被动。用done做定语。 答案:C   [例6] The houses _____ for the teachers and the construction work will start soon. A. built B. to be built C. to build D. being built 分析:根据句意房子即将开工。_____ for the teachers and the construction work修饰The houses应为The houses The houses将要为教师和施工修建的房子。 答案:B   [例7] How many of us_____, a meeting that is not important to us would be interested in the discussion? A. attended B. attending C. to attend D. have attended 分析:根据句意:比如说,我们当中参加一个对我们毫不重要的会议的人会有多少人对这个讨论感兴趣呢?_____, say, a meeting that is not important to us修饰How many of us做定语。与全句动作同步. 答案:B   [例8] She has three children, _____ is working in Australia. A. who B. one of whom C. one of them D. none of them 分析:非限定性定语从句__ is working in Australia修饰先行词three children,根据从句中的is判断,是说:三个孩子中的一个在澳大利亚工作。 答案:B   【模拟试题】   

3、C Susan 正是我认为作了好事的那位女孩。先行词the very girl在从句中做think的宾语,同时又是后面宾语从句did the good deed.的主语,所以关系词不能用whom   

4、C 定语从句_____ he could buy a train ticket.修饰先行词money:用这笔钱买火车票。关系词前面需要加介词:with   

5、C 定语从句_____ he devoted much time意思是:他把大量的时间都投入在这本书上了。devote….to sth.关系词前加介词:to   

6、C 现在分词短语reading under the big tree做定语修饰the teacher 表示:正在大树下看书的那位老师。   定语从句的句子2   

7、C 短语_____ tomorrow做定语修饰the question,根据表达的内容:明天即将被讨论的问题。应当用不定式的被动结构做定语。   

8、D 短语_____ at the moment做the food的定语,表示:正在做的食物。Being done 做定语表示:正在被……的……。   

9、Do you know the teacher _____ under the big tree ? A. read B. reads C. reading D. being read。   【试题答案】   

10、Don’t you think the question _____ tomorrow is of great importance. A. being discussed B. discussed C. to be discussed D. to discuss。   

11、Luckily, the poor boy had enough money _____ he could buy a train ticket.   A. by which B. on which C. with which D. for which   

12、Susan is the very girl _____ the good deed.   A. whom I think did B. whom I think she did   C. who I think did D. I think who did   

13、The book _____ he devoted much time is to come out next month.   A. where B. which C. to which D. on which   

14、The day came finally _____ I was given an opportunity to act in the play.   A. when B. in that C. which D. in which   

15、The food _____ at the moment is for the dinner party. A. cooked B. to be cooked C. is being cooked D. being cooked。   

16、两个女儿都是教师的那个老奶奶是我们的邻居.   The old lady whose two daughters are both teachers is our neighbour.

17、他是那个帮助了我的老师.   He is the teacher who helped me.   

18、你昨天错过的会议非常重要.   The meeting that you have missed yesterday was very important.   

19、定语从句的句子   无论在学习、工作或是生活中,许多人都接触过一些比较经典的句子吧,在不同类型的文章里,不同位置的句子的作用也是不同的。你还在找寻优秀经典的句子吗?下面是小编精心整理的定语从句的句子汇集,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。   定语从句的句子1   [例1] Friendship is needed by all, _____ plays an important role in people’s lives.   A. which B. that C. who D. it   分析:_____ plays an important role in people’s lives为非限定性定语从句修饰先行词Friendship用which连接定语从句。   答案:A   [例2] Uncle Li _____ I worked three years ago has retired now.   A. who B. whom C. with whom D. to whom   分析:_____ I worked three years ago作为定语从句修饰先行词Uncle Li,从句完整的表达是:I worked with Uncle Li three years ago. 所以关系词前应加上介词with。   答案:C   [例3] Is this the reason _____ at the meeting for his carelessness in his work ?   A. he explained B. what he explained C. how he explained D. why he explained   分析:定语从句_____ at the meeting for his carelessness in his work修饰先行词the reason指“他在会上就他工作中的'粗心解释的原因。先行词在从句中做宾语。   答案:A   [例4] Teachers, _____ work is rather hard, are being better paid than before.   A. who B. that C. which D. whose   分析:非限定性定语从句_____ work is rather hard修饰先行词teachers, 它与从句中的work是从属关系,关系词用whose 答案:D   [例5 ] The Olympic Games , _____ in 776 BC, didn’t included women players until 19

20、我们很喜欢那个很幽默的演讲者.   We all like that speaker who is very humourous.   

21、我昨天打坏的花瓶是很昂贵的.   The vase that I broke yesterday was very expensive.   

22、昨天帮助了你的男孩是我的邻居.   The boy who helped you yesterday is my neighbour.   

23、正在做演讲的女孩是我们班的班长.   The girl who is making a speech right now is our monitor.   

24、这个话题是我感到厌倦的.   This is the topic/theme that I'm tired of.   

25、这是那个给我提供了宝贵机会的老板.   He is just the boss who gave me that valueable opportunity.   

26、这正是我所感兴趣的话题.   That's just the topic that I'm very interested in.   
