1、一生相伴,永不分离! Life together, never separated!

2、一线相牵,一份思念。 A thread of each other, a missing.

3、久仰一生,幸会有你。 I've heard a lot about you all my life.

4、九五之尊,不如你。 You are not as good as you.

5、以梦为马,不负韶华。 Dream as a horse, live up to your time.

6、你与星月,皆可珍藏。 You and the moon can be treasured.

7、你喜欢我,我允许。 You like me, I allow it.

8、你喜欢,我买给你啊。 You like it. I'll buy it for you.

9、你是我心,中最帅的。 You are the most handsome in my heart.

10、你有病吧,长这么好看。 You're sick. You look so good.

11、你的爱从,不曾改变。 Your love never changed.

12、你的生活,我来陪伴。 I will accompany you in your life.

13、你的脾气,我独家承受。 I'll take your temper.

14、你若安好,便是明天。 If you are well, it will be tomorrow.

15、你若安好,便是晴天。 If you live well,the day will be fine.

16、你身边,始终有我。 You always have me by your side.

17、你过来,来我身边。 You come here, come to me.

18、做你,一辈子的女人。 Be you, a woman for life.

19、别信鬼神,要信我。 Don't believe in ghosts, believe in me.

20、十拿九稳,就差你一吻。 I'm sure I'll need a kiss.

21、字里行间,甜在心头。 Between the lines, sweet in the heart.

22、岁月如歌,陪你蹉跎。 Years of song, accompany you wasted.

23、心在树上,你摘就是。 Heart in the tree, you pick it.

24、心甘情愿,为你迷恋。 Willingly, infatuated with you.

25、思念是你,马不停蹄。 Miss is you, never stop.

26、情书,是我写的。 Love letters, I wrote them.

27、情人眼里,总美丽。 Beauty is always in the eyes of lovers.

28、情比金坚,至死不逾。 Love is stronger than gold till death.

29、想你,用每一次呼吸。 Miss you, with every breath.

30、想顶着一切,去爱你。 I want to love you against everything.

31、愿为甜酿,盈汝之杯。 May it be sweet wine and your cup.

32、我在想你,很想很想。 I'm thinking about you. I want to miss you very much.

33、我怎么舍得,你输呢。 How can I give up? You lose.

34、我想同你,岁岁长相见呢。 I'd like to meet you every year.

35、我愿看你,一辈子。 I'd like to see you all my life.

36、我爱你,不止现在。 I love you more than now.

37、我要亲亲,我就要嘛。 If I want to kiss, I will.

38、我输了,陪你一辈子。 I lost, accompany you all my life.

39、执一人,潋水之滨。 Holding one person is the shore of the river.

40、执着的心间,是你。 Persistent heart, is you.

41、拾尽春花,皆是你。 All spring flowers are you.

42、无怨无悔,生死不渝。 No complaint, no regret, no change in life and death.

43、水上鸳鸯,云中翡翠。 Mandarin ducks on the water, jade in the clouds.

44、永远为期,死亡为界。 Forever, death as the boundary.

45、没有你,花园不美。 The garden is not beautiful without you.

46、灯笼易灭,恩宠难寻。 The * is easy to extinguish, but the favor is hard to find.

47、爱上你,是我今生的唯一。 Falling in love with you is the only one in my life.

48、爱,是心灵不再孤寂。 Love means that the heart is no longer lonely.

49、甜美甜蜜,记住你。 Sweet and sweet, remember you.

50、生活加个你,就甜了。 Life is sweet with you.

51、相濡以沐,共进退。 Each other to bathe, advance and retreat.

52、睡一张床,回一个家。 Sleep in a bed and go home.

53、红尘太浅,思念太深。 The world of mortals is too shallow, missing too deep.

54、美好时光,少个伴。 Good time, little company.

55、若许一世,为何负情。 If Xu Yishi, why is he feeling negative.

56、苦一定没关系,我甜。 It doesn't matter if it's bitter. I'm sweet.

57、请你当我手心里的宝。 Please be the treasure in my hand.

58、超级爱你的抱抱哟。 I love you so much.

59、轻轻地,我会保护你。 Gently, I will protect you.

60、麻烦你,快来烦我。 Please, come and trouble me.