1、Be sure than I am happy only been made in vain I am embarrassed to exit   

2、Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, loving someone deeply gives you courage.   

3、Everything ought to be beautiful in a human being: face, dress, soul and idea.   

4、I would like weeping with the smile rather than repenting with the cry,when my heart is broken ,is it needed to fix?

5、If we can only encounter each other rather than stay with each other,then I wish we had never encountered.   

6、If you weeped for the missing sunset,you would miss all the shining stars.   

7、Kind hearts are the gardens, kind thoughts are the roots, kind words are flowers and kind deeds are the fruits.   

8、Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain.   

9、Love is not looking for a person to live with but find a life he had no   

10、Love makes you stupid : whispers of love is a bunch of stupid, a love letter is silly talk, valentine is a little fool.   

11、No matter the ending is perfect or not, you cannot disappear from my world.   

12、Precious things are very few in this world. That is the reason there is just one you.   

13、Some people we clearly know to think he is wrong, but still insist to think, because it’s not alive.   

14、The best and most beautiful things in the world can not be seen or even touched, they must be felt with heart.   

15、There's always that one song that brings back old memories.   

16、To feel the flame of dreaming and to feel the moment of dancing,when all the romance is far away,the eternity is always there.   

17、When alive ,we may probably offend some people.However, we must think about whether they are deserved offended.   

18、When falling in love, some lose their head, others lose their heart.   

19、Why I have never catched the happiness? Whenever I want you ,I will be accompanyed by the memory of...   

20、You don’t love a girl because she is beautiful, but she is beautiful because you love her!   

21、You will have it if it belongs to you,whereas you don't kvetch for it if it doesn't appear in your life.   

22、coming days would be long. After all do not grow, grey-haired.   

23、the mighty desert is burning for the love of a bladeof grass who shakes her head and laughs and flies away.   

24、the sands in your way beg for your song and your movement, dancing water. will you carry the burden of their lameness?   

25、the world puts off its mask of vastness to its lover.it becomes small as one song, as one kiss of the eternal.   

