1、No news are good or bad.   乌龟师傅又说:选择的角度决定了看问题的.好坏。好有老庄式的思维奥妙噢!   

2、There are not accidents.   乌龟师傅再次讲明世间万物的必然性!的确,万物皆有本然!   

3、There is a saying, Yesterday is a history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift, that is why it is called Present (the gift) .   智者乌龟师傅最经典的话!为何不把握现在?这才是最重要的!   俗语说,既往者之不鉴,来著尤可追!那就是为什麼今天是present(现在 )   

4、There is not secret ingredients.

5、We all have our places in the world.   鸭子老爸说得极对,我们为何苦苦随大流地争夺不属于自己的东西呢?找到自己的位置,人人生而有其价值!需要发现!   

6、We are not trying to stop you, but coming with you.   这就是使命和团队精神。五个徒弟在面对强敌的时候,选择了主动出击,其实是自我牺牲!伟大!   

7、You eat when you are upset.   师傅的这句很触动人心。吃东西也会成为一种解压的方式,电影的注解在此是第一次见到,很兴奋!   

8、You just need to believe.   让我想起了一句卓别林的名言:You must believe in yourself. That is the secret of success.经典无比!   

9、You must believe.   无论是于人还是于己,信任和自信都是重要的!   

10、You must continue your journey without me.   没有人可以陪你走一辈子,我们都要学会好好照顾自己。这句对那些小皇帝小公主来说,更重要!   

