1、一举一动,都是承诺,会被另一个人看在眼里,记在心上的。 Every move, is a promise, will be another person to see in the eyes, remember in the heart.

2、一生一梦一忆韶;兀自醉叹芳华尽,天还未暮人却老。 In my life, I have a dream and a memory of Shao; I am drunk and sigh that my youth is gone, but I am old before dusk.

3、上帝从不埋怨人们的愚蠢,人们却抱怨上帝的不公正。 God never complains about people's stupidity, but people complain about God's injustice.

4、上帝给予我吃货的属性,却没有给我土豪的身份。 God gave me the attribute of food, but he didn't give me the identity of local tyrant.

5、不畏过往,不惧将来。 No fear of the past, no fear of the future.

6、不要试图给你的生命增加时间,而要给你的时间赋予生命。 Don't try to add time to your life. Give life to your time.

7、人心都是相对的,以真换真;感情都是相互的,用心暖心。 People's hearts are relative, exchanging truth for truth; feelings are mutual, warming heart with heart.

8、你想找我想逃,倒不如分道扬镳。 If you want to run away from me, you might as well go your separate ways.

9、你放心敷衍我,借口我帮你找。 Don't worry about perfunctory me, I'll help you find an excuse.

10、分手了,不是我配不上你,而是你配不上我。 Break up, not I don't deserve you, but you don't deserve me.

11、原谅我太贪心,陪你情窦初开,还妄想陪你白头到老。 Forgive me for being too greedy to accompany you, but also delusion to accompany you forever.

12、口口声声想要的幸福,真正降临的时候,却没人去珍惜。 The happiness that I want, when it comes, no one will cherish it.

13、在忘记与记住里,我孤零零的徘徊,彷徨在夜寂的深渊。 In forgetting and remembering, I wander alone in the abyss of night loneliness.

14、多少人曾用一颗赤诚之心,喂养一只虚情假意的畜生。 How many people have used a sincere heart to feed a false animal.

15、天使只会为全世界杀了你,恶魔却可以为你杀了全世界。 Angels will only kill you for the world, but demons can kill the world for you.

16、太多的话语在喉咙中哽咽,终究还是无言以对。 Too many words choked in the throat, after all, still speechless.

17、失去的回不来,就像遗憾没法弥补。 Lost can't come back, just like regret can't make up.

18、夸你坚强的都是不了解你的人,了解的都会说,别硬撑了。 Praise your strong people do not understand you, understand will say, don't hold on.

19、如果全世界都对你恶语相加,我就对你说上一世情话。 If the whole world speaks ill of you, I will tell you the truth of the past.

20、妄想着能和你在一起,却不想你离开的那么干脆。 Delusion to be with you, but do not want you to leave so simply.

21、少年,你在我左胸第四根助骨往里一寸的地方。 Young man, you are one inch inside the fourth auxiliary bone on my left chest.

22、并非我天生薄情内心如冰,只是你走以后我懒得动心。 It's not that I'm naturally fickle, but I'm too lazy to move after you leave.

23、当有人说你是傻瓜时,证明你离成功不远了。 When someone says you are a fool, it proves that you are not far away from success.

24、心之所向,行之所倚,随心随性,这才是自己想要生活方式。 The way you want to live is the way you want to live.

25、想想那时的不开心,像是两个没有安全感的小孩互相折磨。 Think about the unhappiness at that time, like two insecure children torturing each other.

26、感情让我难过,生活一样没放过我。 Feelings make me sad, life did not let me go.

27、我不能让所有人满意,因为不是所有的人都是人。 I can't satisfy everyone because not everyone is human.

28、我喜欢你不过是一个借口,一个走进你心底的借口。 I like you just an excuse, an excuse to enter your heart.

29、我并未否定你无感情,只因每次的相信你却从未认真听。 I did not deny that you have no feelings, just because every time I believe you never listen carefully.

30、我找不到天堂,也摘不到月亮,对不起,让你失望。 I can't find heaven and I can't pick the moon. I'm sorry to disappoint you.

31、我每天都在努力让自己过得好些,不被现在击垮。 Every day I try to make myself better and not be defeated by the present.

32、我爱你,不是让别人都不许爱你,而是让你只爱我。 I love you, not let others not love you, but let you only love me.

33、我莫名奇妙的笑了,只因为想到了你。 I smile inexplicably, just because I think of you.

34、我试着放开你的手,但是却没有找到一个合适的理由。 I tried to let go of your hand, but I didn't find a suitable reason.

35、我,不怕路太远找不到终点,就怕两个世界画不成一个圆。 I'm not afraid that the road is too far to find the end, just afraid that the two worlds can't make a circle.

36、打败我的不是天真而是天真热。 It's not naivety that beats me, it's naivety.

37、执手画年华,青春纵然远去,唯有留你在身边啦。 Hand in hand painting time, youth even if far away, only to stay with you.

38、摇曳在笔尖的舞姿,是聚光灯下最浓烈的一抹艳红。 Swaying in the nib of the dance, is the spotlight the most intense touch of red.

39、撕心裂肺的挽留,都是心有不甘的表现。 The retention of tearing heart and splitting lung is the expression of unwilling heart.

40、无论何时何地,只要你朝我走来,春天就来了。 Whenever and wherever you come to me, spring will come.

41、时间如手指,再也撩不起心底的琴弦。 Time, like fingers, can no longer lift the strings of my heart.

42、有时候宁愿睁一只眼闭一只眼,说穿了看太透的反而不快乐。 Sometimes I prefer to turn a blind eye to the one that is too transparent to be happy.

43、有时候站在路边看着人来人往,会觉得城市比沙漠还要荒凉。 Sometimes when you stand on the side of the road and watch people coming and going, you will feel that the city is more desolate than the desert.

44、有木有人跟我一样,笑。笑不起来、哭。哭不出来。 There are people like me, laugh. I can't laugh or cry. I can't cry.

45、期待太多,是否要等到别人全部踩碎之后才会清醒过来。 Expect too much, whether to wait until others all crushed before waking up.

46、永远别以为敷衍很简单,它会让你把得到的变成失去的。 Never think perfunctory is very simple, it will let you get into the lost.

47、沉默不一定是金,有时也会错过好多好多。 Silence doesn't have to be gold, sometimes it will miss a lot.

48、没有热忱,世间便无进步。 Without enthusiasm, there is no progress.

49、没有看见我,你心里是否有那么一点失落。 If you don't see me, is there a little loss in your heart.

50、爱一个人,是只属于自己的,卑微而神秘的存在。 Love a person, is only their own, humble and mysterious existence.

51、物情今已见,从此愿忘言。 Now that the material situation has been seen, I would like to forget my words.

52、独特的味道,恬美的微笑,一切都明了。 Unique taste, beautiful smile, everything is clear.

53、现在很痛苦,等过阵子回头看看,会发现其实那都不算事。 It's very painful now. When you look back later, you will find that it's nothing.

54、生活,不需要太多的符号去代替。 Life, do not need too many symbols to replace.

55、结婚是爱情的坟墓,但是如果不结婚,爱情就死无葬身之地。 Marriage is the grave of love, but if you don't marry, love will die.

56、落落晨星,斜雨竹林,皆不如姑娘眉眼动人。 The setting of the morning star, the slanting rain and the bamboo grove are not as touching as the girl's eyes.

57、要是你在我身边,我一分钟手机都不想碰。 If you're by my side, I don't want to touch my cell phone for a minute.

58、说我丑,你咋不美到天,和太阳肩并肩。 Say I'm ugly, why don't you beautiful to the sky, side by side with the sun.

59、谁说世界不大,明明才分开一下,就再也不能遇见。 Who said the world is not big, clearly just separated, can never meet again.

60、醒来翻身闭眼你将继续做梦,醒来去奋斗你将圆梦。 Wake up, turn over and close your eyes, you will continue to dream, wake up to struggle, you will realize your dream.