1、一个成功的创业者,三个因素,眼光胸怀和实力。 A successful entrepreneur, three factors, vision and strength.

2、不必每分钟都学习,但求学习中每分钟都有收获。 You don't have to learn every minute, but you can learn every minute.

3、不要后悔自己所做的事情,不要为各种错误找借口。 Don't regret what you have done. Don't make excuses for all kinds of mistakes.

4、世上没有一件工作不辛苦,没有一处人事不复杂。 There is no hard work in the world, and there is no complicated personnel.

5、世界上有一种生意,永远是亏本,那就是发脾气。 There is a kind of business in the world that always loses money, that is to lose temper.

6、世界上没有强大的敌人,只有不够强大的自己。 There is no strong enemy in the world, only a weak self.

7、世界那么大,不去闯闯,怎么知道不能成功。 The world is so big that if you don't break into it, how can you know you can't succeed.

8、书蔬鱼猪,一家之生机;少睡多做,一人之生气。 Books, vegetables, fish and pigs are the vitality of a family; sleeping less and doing more makes one angry.

9、人品、学问,俱成于志气,无志气人,一事做不得。 Moral character and learning are all based on ambition. If you have no ambition, you can't do anything.

10、人生不是坐等暴风雨过去,而是学会在雨中起舞。 Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, but learning to dance in the rain.

11、人生如一杯茶,不能苦一辈子,但总是要苦一阵子。 Life is like a cup of tea. It can't be bitter for a lifetime, but it always has to be bitter for a while.

12、人生最遗憾的,莫过于轻易让机会从身边溜走。 The most regretful thing in life is to let the opportunity slip away easily.

13、人生要学会储蓄,你若耕耘,就储存了一次丰收。 Life should learn to save, if you work, you will save a harvest.

14、人的一生就在于打破陈旧的自己,塑造全新的自我。 One's life lies in breaking the old self and shaping a new self.

15、你不能延伸生命的长度,但你可以拓展生命的宽度。 You can't extend the length of life, but you can expand the width of life.

16、你心中的空间越大,生长的花朵就会越繁茂。 The more space you have in mind, the more luxuriant the flowers will grow.

17、利益驱使的并非深交,心神相映的方是至友。 Interests are not driven by deep friendship, but the best friend is the heart and soul.

18、劳动,我们共创和谐的基本,我们建立友谊的桥梁。 Labor, we create a harmonious foundation, we build a bridge of friendship.

19、勇气永远都靠不住,只有暂时的疯狂才有意义! Courage can never be relied on, only temporary madness is meaningful!

20、因那滴答做响的时间脚步,一旦走过,再不回头。 Because of the tick tock do ring time steps, once passed, never look back.

21、在一切日常事务中,非常需要坚强果决的行动。 In all daily affairs, strong and decisive action is needed.

22、在市场竞争的条件下,首先是员工素质的竞争。 Under the condition of market competition, the first is the competition of staff quality.

23、在挫折中坚强,在逆境中前行,在失败中奋起! Be strong in setbacks, advance in adversity, and rise in failure!

24、在茫茫沙漠,唯有前时进的脚步才是希望的象征。 In the vast desert, only the pace of advance is the symbol of hope.

25、天下事难做,天下事易做,天下大事必须细做。 It is difficult to do all things in the world, but it is easy to do things under the world.

26、如果你坚信石头会开花,那么开花的不仅仅是石头。 If you believe that stones will bloom, it's not just stones that bloom.

27、如果,不能运气爆棚。那就,努力实力过人。 If, not luck. Then, try your best.

28、孙燕:成功是努力的结晶,只有努力才会有成功。 Sun Yan: success is the crystallization of hard work. Only through hard work can we have success.

29、学到很多东西的决窍,就是不要一下子学很多。 The trick to learn a lot is not to learn a lot at once.

30、就算被猛击、被刺痛、被打倒,只要继续活下去! Even if you are beaten, stabbed, or knocked down, just keep living!

31、心里若是充满阳光,人生即便下雨,也会变成春雨。 If the heart is full of sunshine, life will become spring rain even if it rains.

32、忏悔是心灵的告白,也能够说是精神污染的大扫除。 Confession is the confession of the mind, and it can also be said that it is the cleaning up of spiritual pollution.

33、愚者用肉体监视心灵,智者用心灵监视肉体。 The fool monitors the mind with the body, while the wise man monitors the body with the mind.

34、成功不是耐不住寂寞,成功是要经得住疯狂。 Success is not that you can't stand loneliness, it's about being crazy.

35、成功等于目标,等于每天进步1%,等于全方位。 Success is equal to goal, equal to 1% progress every day, equal to all directions.

36、成就是谦虚者前进的阶梯,也是骄傲者后退的滑梯。 Achievement is the ladder for the modest to advance and the slide for the proud to retreat.

37、我不愿意忽略自己力所能及的事,之后再后悔。 I don't want to ignore what I can do and regret it later.

38、我们人这一辈子不是别人的楷模,就是别人的借鉴。 We are not the model of others in our life, but the reference of others.

39、我就想配得上我所想,我的肩膀能撑起我想要。 I just want to be worthy of what I want, my shoulders can hold up what I want.

40、我用望远镜也看不到对手,根本不在乎跟谁竞争。 I can't see my competitors with binoculars. I don't care who I compete with.

41、我知道我现在是什么,可是不知道将来时什么。 I know what I am now, but I don't know what I will be in the future.

42、我要把人生变成科学的梦,然后再把梦变成现实。 I want to turn life into a scientific dream, and then turn the dream into reality.

43、所有的生活都是合理的,我们没必要互相理解。 All life is reasonable, we don't have to understand each other.

44、方法始终多多于困难,要学会为解决困难找到方法。 Methods are always more than difficulties. We should learn to find ways to solve them.

45、时间,就象海棉里的水,只要愿挤,总还是有的。 Time, like the water in the sponge, as long as you want to squeeze, there is always.

46、明知是错,还要继续,有些快乐,只能自己去找。 Knowing that it's wrong, we have to continue. We can only find happiness by ourselves.

47、永远以用心乐观的心态去拓展自我和身外的世界。 Always open up the world with your heart and mind.

48、没有人可以做你的双拐,你必须学会独立去闯荡。 No one can be your double crutch. You must learn to be independent.

49、珍惜现在所拥有的,或许下一秒就不再属于你的。 Cherish what you have now, maybe the next second will no longer belong to you.

50、生命的多少用时间计算,生命的价值用贡献计算。 The number of life is calculated by time, and the value of life is calculated by contribution.

51、生活不是林黛玉,不会因为忧伤而风情万种。 Life is not Lin Daiyu, not because of sadness and amorous feelings.

52、看见头顶上灿烂的阳光,便是我牵挂你的视线。 To see the brilliant sunshine above my head is the sight I care about you.

53、聪明的女人知道什么时候该坚强,什么时候该软弱。 Smart women know when to be strong and when to be weak.

54、胜利是不会向我走来的,我必须自己走向胜利。 Victory won't come to me. I must go to it myself.

55、诚信是蜂蜜利人利已,无信是苍蝇害人害已。 Honesty is honey for the benefit of others, and dishonesty is the harm of flies.

56、越是了解世界更多,越是期待自己更加不同。 The more you understand the world, the more you expect yourself to be different.

57、身边围绕着再多人,也没有自己想要的那个人。 No matter how many people are around, there is no one you want.

58、退一步换来的不是海阔天空,而是蹬鼻子上脸。 A step back in exchange for not a broad sky, but a face on the nose.

59、那些因为缘分而来的东西,终有缘尽而别的时候。 Those things that come because of fate will end in the end.

60、顾客不是买产品,他更买你的服务精神和服务态度。 Customers don't buy products, they buy your service spirit and attitude.