1、一万年太长,和你在一起,只争朝夕。 Ten thousand years is too long to be with you.

2、一生最奢侈的事,就是途中与你相遇,然后相濡以沫。 The most luxurious thing in life is to meet you on the way, and then to help each other.

3、不可自拔的,除了别人地里的萝卜,还有我对你的爱。 Can not extricate themselves, in addition to other people's field radish, and I love you.

4、不管我本人多么平庸,我总觉得对你的爱很美。 No matter how mediocre I am, I always feel my love for you is beautiful.

5、世上之事,皆难如意,世间之人,都不如你。 All things in the world are hard to achieve, and the people in the world are not as good as you.

6、也想不相思,可免相思苦。几度细思量,情愿相思苦。 Also want not to Acacia, can avoid Acacia bitter. After a few careful consideration, I am willing to suffer from Acacia.

7、人是很贪心的,当初我也只是想和你说说话。 People are very greedy, at the beginning I just want to talk to you.

8、从前我姓张,现在姓福,不为什么,遇到你我很幸福。 I used to be Zhang, but now I'm Fu. I'm very happy to meet you.

9、你主动找我的时候,我激动的都能做完整套广播体操。 When you come to me on your own initiative, I can do a complete set of radio gymnastics.

10、你向我走来,整个世界都在为我发光。 You come to me, and the whole world shines for me.

11、你应该很会夹娃娃,一下子就抓住了我的心。 You should be very good at holding dolls. You can hold my heart.

12、你想我吗?估计不会吧,不然怎么会不给我联系呢? do you miss me? I don't think so. Otherwise, why don't you contact me?

13、你我暮年,静坐庭前,赏花落,浅话浮生流年。 You and I are old, sitting in front of the court, watching the flowers fall, talking about the floating time.

14、你是我这白开水的日子里,偷偷加的一颗糖。 You are my day of boiled water, secretly add a sugar.

15、你最好喜欢我,明目张胆,深情款款的那种。 You'd better like me, blatant and affectionate.

16、你逃不出我的无底洞,还逃不出我的手掌心。 You can't get out of my bottomless hole. You can't escape from my palm.

17、做腻了可爱的女孩子,我有点想做你的太太。 Tired of being a lovely girl, I want to be your wife.

18、别人再好都是别人的,我不一样,我是你的。 No matter how good others are, I'm different. I'm yours.

19、地球仍然转着,世间依旧善变,但我对你爱永远不变。 The earth is still rotating, the world is still changeable, but my love for you will never change.

20、多亲亲你身边的风,说不定哪天它就吹到我的脸上了。 Kiss the wind around you more, maybe one day it will blow to my face.

21、好好照顾自己,我不想等到下辈子再来爱你。 Take good care of yourself. I don't want to love you again in my next life.

22、如果在你的世界上没有想过爱,你就只会喜欢我一生。 If you don't think of love in your world, you will only like me all my life.

23、如果说最奢侈的事,我愿用我整个青春去等你。 If the most extravagant thing, I would like to use my whole youth to wait for you.

24、如果陪我到最后的是你,一路风雨也没关系。 If you accompany me to the end, it doesn't matter all the way.

25、小熊给你,糖糖给你,草莓给你,你跟我回家好不好。 Bear for you, sugar for you, strawberry for you, you go home with me, OK.

26、希望能牵先生的手,谈一场白头到老的爱情。 I hope I can hold my husband's hand and talk about a lifelong love.

27、总会有人想宠你,他还没来,先照顾好自己。 There will always be someone who wants to spoil you. Before he comes, take care of yourself.

28、想抱你,隔着个烂屏幕,委屈的要死。 Want to hold you, across a rotten screen, aggrieved to die.

29、我一不小心没关好心门,让你走进来我心里。 I accidentally did not close the door, let you into my heart.

30、我不会说温暖感人的话,只有一生简单的陪伴。 I will not say warm and touching words, only a simple accompany of life.

31、我不知道为什么爱你,却知道爱你不为什么。 I don't know why I love you, but I know why I love you.

32、我不知道遇见你是对是错,但我知道遇见你我很开心。 I don't know if it's right or wrong to meet you, but I know I'm happy to meet you.

33、我也只有一个一生,不能慷慨赠给不爱的人。 I have only one life and can't give generously to those I don't love.

34、我也想遇见一个人,为他花开满城,为他明灯三千。 I also want to meet a person, for his flowers all over the city, for his light 300

35、我会煮各种味道的方便面,你真的不要和我在一起嘛。 I can cook all kinds of instant noodles. You really don't want to be with me.

36、我会用最美的画框,装起你二十年后的模样。 I will use the most beautiful picture frame to install your appearance in 20 years.

37、我希望到我满脸褶子的时候、陪在我身边的依旧是你。 I hope that when I am full of wrinkles, you are still with me.

38、我想你一定很忙吧,那你就看前三个字好啦。 I think you must be very busy, then you can look at the first three words.

39、我愿陪你从春至冬,从黑发飘飘到白发苍苍。 I would like to accompany you from spring to winter, from black hair to white hair.

40、我打算爱你很久很久,没有想要放弃的念头。 I intend to love you for a long time without the thought of giving up.

41、我最喜欢你的拥抱,因为你身上的味道是我的解药。 I like your hugs best, because the smell on you is my antidote.

42、我有整个宇宙想讲给你听,张嘴却吐不出半粒星辰。 I have the whole universe to tell you, but I can't spit out half a star when I open my mouth.

43、我要做你床头的小熊,为你打败梦里的恶龙。 I want to be the bear at the head of your bed and defeat the dragon in your dream.

44、我觉得你就像谷歌一样,我想要找的,在你身上都有。 I think you're like Google, and what I'm looking for is in you.

45、春风十里,不及相遇有你;晴空万里,不及心中有你。 Spring wind ten miles, not meet you; clear sky, not enough to have you in your heart.

46、有一种爱情,叫白头偕老,有一种幸福,叫有你相伴。 There is a kind of love, called a long life, there is a kind of happiness, called you accompany.

47、每个没心没肺的人,都有一段为某人掏心掏肺的曾经。 Every heartless person has a period of time for someone.

48、没什么特别的事,只想听听你的声音。 Nothing special. I just want to hear your voice.

49、浪荡一生,钟情一人,微风十里,只想要你。 Wandering life, love a person, breeze ten miles, just want you.

50、现在你是我的人了,再有人欺负你,请报上俺的大名。 Now you are my man. If someone bullies you again, please report my name.

51、答案很长,我准备用一生时间来回答,你准备听了吗? The answer is very long. I'm going to spend my whole life answering. Are you ready to listen?

52、荣华是你,心底温柔是你,目光所至也是你。 Ronghua is you, the bottom of my heart is you, the eyes are also you.

53、遇见你,是我一生的幸运,喜欢你,是我做过特好的事。 Meet you, is my life's luck, likes you, is I have done specially good matter.

54、青梅枯萎,竹马老去,从此我爱上的人都像你。 The green plum withers, the bamboo horse is old, from now on I fall in love with the person all like you.

55、鲸给大自然的是温柔,我能给予你的是如初。 What whales give nature is gentleness, what I can give you is the same as before.