1、一个人是否有成就只有看他是否具有自尊心和自信心两个条件。 Whether a person has achieved only depends on whether he has self-esteem and self-confidence.

2、一个人,无论怎样杰出和卓越,他都不是无所不能的超人。 A person, no matter how outstanding and outstanding, he is not omnipotent Superman.

3、一直陪伴你的,是那个了不起的自己。 It's the amazing self that accompanies you all the time.

4、不为失败找理由,要为成功找方法。 Don't find a reason for failure, but find a way for success.

5、不要随意发脾气,谁都不欠你的。 Don't lose your temper at will. No one owes you.

6、人生不接受平淡,命运只收藏精彩。 Life does not accept plain, destiny only collects wonderful.

7、人生伟业的创建,不在能知,乃在能行。 The creation of the great cause of life lies not in knowing, but in being able to do.

8、人生如棋,我愿为卒,动作虽慢,可谁见我后退一i。 Life is like chess. I'd like to be a pawn. Though the action is slow, who can see me step back.

9、人生没有彩排,每一天都是现场直播。 Life has no rehearsal, every day is live.

10、人生的价值,即以其人对于当代所做的工作为尺度。 The value of life is measured by the work they have done for the present age.

11、人生的每一个清晨,都该努力,不能拖延。 Every morning of life, we should work hard and not delay.

12、人踏实,执着坚定肯承载,能抚平。 People are down-to-earth, persistent and firm, willing to bear, and can be smoothed.

13、优点一天比一天多,缺点一天比一天少。 With each passing day, there are more advantages and fewer disadvantages.

14、你不漂亮,你不美丽,但你像太阳一样熠熠生辉。 You are not beautiful, you are not beautiful, but you are shining like the sun.

15、你不能支配天气,但你能改动你的神色。 You can't control the weather, but you can change your look.

16、你要追求工作,别让工作追求你。 You should pursue your work, don't let it pursue you.

17、只有足够努力,才能懂得汗水的真谛。 Only if you work hard enough, can you understand the true meaning of sweat.

18、和对自己有恶意的人绝交。人有绝交,才有至交。 Break up with people who are hostile to you. Only when a man has a good friend, can he have a close friend.

19、善于利用机遇的人,成功的机率也会很大。机不可失,时不再来。 People who are good at taking advantage of opportunities have a great chance of success. Opportunity never comes again.

20、因为不敢正视现实,人们总是可以地回想一些悲惨的旧事。 Because they dare not face up to the reality, people can always recall some tragic old things.

21、因为我们不甘心,我们想要自己的生活多姿多彩。 Because we are not willing, we want our own life colorful.

22、在多说无益的时候,也许沉默就是最好的解释。 When it's no use saying more, maybe silence is the best explanation.

23、好问的人,只做了五分种的愚人;耻于发问的人,终身为愚人。 A man who asks questions is a fool for five minutes; a man who is ashamed of asking questions is a fool all his life.

24、宁可枝头抱香死,何曾吹落北风中。 I'd rather die with incense in the branches than in the north wind.

25、宁愿自己偷偷流泪,也不愿被别人看到我的狼狈。 I'd rather shed tears secretly than be seen by others.

26、实行起来是有困难的,但是吸引着我的,正是这个困难本身。 It is difficult to implement, but it is the difficulty itself that attracts me.

27、尽力而为了,还是做得不够好,那就竭尽全力。 Try your best. If you don't do well enough, do your best.

28、平和是生活的姿态,从容是永恒的情怀。 Peace is the attitude of life, calm is the eternal feelings.

29、年轻的时候不努力,以后的生活不要怪别人! If you don't work hard when you are young, don't blame others for your future life!

30、弱者让情绪左右行为,强者让行为控制情绪。 The weak let emotion control behavior, the strong let behavior control emotion.

31、当你懈怠了,想一想父母期待的眼神! When you slack off, think about the look your parents look forward to!

32、往后的日子都是崭新的,不要回头看了。 The days ahead are brand new. Don't look back.

33、心里放不下自己,是没有智慧;心里容不下别人,是没有慈悲。 If you can't put yourself in your heart, you don't have wisdom; if you can't accommodate others, you don't have compassion.

34、想一千次,不如去做一次;华丽的跌倒,胜过无谓的徘徊。 It's better to do it once if you think about it a thousand times. A gorgeous fall is better than a useless wandering.

35、感恩抛弃我的人,因为他让我学会独立! I am grateful to the person who abandoned me, because he let me learn to be independent!

36、我们要,学会主宰自己命运,做自己的主人。 We should learn to master our own destiny and be our own masters.

37、我只愿蓬勃生活在此时此刻,无所谓去哪,无所谓见谁。 I just want to live vigorously at this moment. It doesn't matter where I go or who I see.

38、我很自信,自已的未来将绚丽多彩。 I am confident that my future will be colorful.

39、我想我能行,即使现在不行,通过努力,将来也一定能行。 I think I can do it. Even if I can't do it now, I will be able to do it in the future through hard work.

40、抬头看、多洁白的云朵;傻瓜,努力微笑。 Look up, more white clouds; fool, try to smile.

41、抬头,藏纳奋进与不屈,乃骨气。 Looking up, hiding and accepting, striving and unyielding is the backbone.

42、故书不厌百回读,熟读深思子自知。 Old books never tire of a hundred times to read, read and Ponder on one's own knowledge.

43、既然认准了一条路,何必去打听要走多久。 Since we have identified a road, why ask how long it will take.

44、时间在走,没有回头,只有路口! Time in the walk, no turning back, only intersection!

45、月光依旧是清幽,只是多了一抹黯淡。 The moonlight is still quiet, but a little more dim.

46、有些事情失去了,就不再需要挽回。 Some things are lost, they don't need to be retrieved.

47、有些事情,不是看到希望才去坚持,而是坚持了才看得到希望。 Some things, not to see hope to adhere to, but to adhere to see hope.

48、有人感激过你的善良吗,貌似他们只会得寸进尺。 Has anyone ever appreciated your kindness? It seems that they will only push their luck.

49、有喜有悲才是人生,有苦有甜才是生活。 Happiness and sorrow is life, and bitterness and sweetness are life.

50、有目标的人在奔跑,没目标的人在流浪,因为不知道要去哪里! People with goals are running, people without goals are wandering, because they don't know where to go!

51、有钱说什么都是硬道理,没钱说什么都是吹牛逼。 What you say with money is hard truth. What you say without money is bragging.

52、每天迎来的不是漫长黑夜,是奏起的黎明。 Every day ushers in is not the long night, is playing the dawn.

53、每天醒来时,给自己定个目标:今天一定要比昨天好。 When you wake up every day, set a goal for yourself: today must be better than yesterday.

54、治得了你脾气的人是你爱的人,受得了你脾气的人是爱你的人。 The one who can cure your temper is the one you love; the one who can stand it is the one who loves you.

55、淡泊明志,宁静致远,团结友爱,顽强拼搏。 Calm, peaceful and far-reaching, unity and friendship, tenacious struggle.

56、生如夏花之灿烂,死如秋叶之静美。 Let life be beautiful like summer flowers and death like autumn leaves.

57、竭力履行你的义务,你应该就会知道,你到底有多大价值。 Try to fulfill your obligations and you should know how valuable you are.

58、自己不逼自己,别人迟早会逼你。 If you don't force yourself, others will force you sooner or later.

59、要想有一个成功的人生,就必须有非常明确的奋斗目标。 If you want to have a successful life, you must have a very clear goal.

60、高兴至极时不要妄自答应别人,悲愤至极时不要随便做出决定。 When you are extremely happy, don't promise others. When you are extremely sad, don't make a decision at will.