1、七月十五鬼节,八月十五人节。 July 15 Ghost Festival, August 15 people's day.

2、七月半鸭,八月半芋。 Half duck in July and half taro in August.

3、云遮中秋月,雨沃上元灯。 The clouds cover the autumn moon, and the rain shines on the *.

4、五月回港扒龙舟,六月割禾有钱收。 Go back to * in May and pick up dragon boats, and reap grain in June.

5、八月中秋雨,节后雨水多。 It rains in mid autumn in August, and there is much rain after the festival.

6、八月十五停活的,冬至节,教学的。 It's closed on August 15, winter solstice, teaching.

7、八月十五,听香食芋。 On August 15, listen to sweet potato.

8、八月摸个秋,摘柚抱瓜不算偷。 It's autumn in August. Picking grapefruit and holding melon is not stealing.

9、几处笙歌留朗月,万家箫管乐中秋。 Several Sheng songs stay in Langyue, and the Mid Autumn Festival is filled with thousands of Xiao and tube music.

10、到中秋,赛摸秋。 To the Mid Autumn Festival, the competition touch autumn.

11、地得清秋一半好,窗含明月十分圆。 The ground is half as good as autumn, and the window is full of bright moon.

12、好中秋,好稳稻。 Good mid autumn, good rice stability.

13、男不拜月,女不祭灶。 Men don't worship the moon, women don't sacrifice the kitchen.

14、过了中秋暗暝,一暝较寒一暝。 After the mid autumn dark, one day is colder and one day is darker.

15、过了八月十五,家家关门闭户。 After August 15, the family was closed.

16、过了八月半,巷头巷尾无相看。 After August and a half, there was no look at the end of the alley.

17、食中秋,厝内蟆 Eat the Mid Autumn Festival and live in the house.