1、人怕伤心,树怕伤根。 People are afraid of sadness, trees are afraid of roots.
2、光栽不护,白费功夫。 It's no use planting without protecting.
3、多种树,郁郁葱葱百鸟鸣。 A variety of trees, lush, 100 birds.
4、年年义务植树,无山不翠。 Every year, trees are planted voluntarily.
5、我们共植树,四海皆绿荫。 We plant trees together, and the world is green.
6、拥抱春天,播种绿色。 Embrace spring and plant green.
7、春律行将半,繁枝忽竞芳。 The spring rhythm is about to be half full, and the branches are blooming.
8、树木棵棵种,绿荫点点阴。 The trees are planted one by one, with shade.
9、植下希望,让梦想发芽。 Plant hope and let dreams germinate.
10、植树不仅是,而应当是。 Planting trees is not only, but should be.
11、植树造林,创造新天地。 Afforestation, create a new world.
12、爱护地球,由我做起。 It's up to me to take care of the earth.
13、环保最快乐,相约植树节! Environmental protection is the happiest, tree planting day!
14、留下一棵树,鸟儿一个家。 Leave a tree, a bird, a home.
15、种槐栽柳,富水长流。 Planting locust and willow is rich in water.
16、种草栽花,赤县更增光。 Planting grass and flowers makes chixian more glorious.
17、移苗带老土,活棵就发粗。 Transplanting seedlings with old soil makes living trees thick.
18、移风易俗,改变旧乾坤。 Change customs, change the old world.
19、绿化环境,美化人生。 Green environment, beautify life.
20、绿化环境,美化人生! Green environment, beautify life!
21、美化环境,清新空气。 Beautify the environment and clean the air.
22、若要地增产,山山撑绿伞。 If we want to increase production, we should have a green umbrella.
23、要得聚宝盆,荒山变绿林。 If you want a cornucopia, barren hills will become green forests.
24、造林即造福,栽树即栽富。 Afforestation is benefit, and planting trees is wealth.
25、阳光育生命,树木亦树人。 Sunshine breeds life, and trees nurture people.