1、FAITH   Napolean Hill   Faith is the “eternal elixir”   Which gives life, power, and action to the impulse of thought!   Faith is the starting point of all accumulation of riches!   Faith is the basis of all “miracles”,   And all mysteries which cannot be analyzed by the rules of science!   Faith is the only known antidote for failure!   Faith is the element, the “chemical” which,   When mixed with prayer, gives one direct communication with Infinite Intelligence.   Faith is the element which transforms the ordinary vibration of thought, created by the finite mind of man, into the spiritual equivalent.   Faith is the only agency through which   the cosmic force of Infinite   Intelligence can be harnessed and used by man.   信念   拿破仑·希尔   信念是“永恒的万应灵药”,   它赋予突发奇想以生命、力量和行动!   信念是所有财富积累的起点!   信念是一切“奇迹”   以及所有科学法则无法分析的奥秘的根基!   信念是惟一已知失败之解药!   信念是重要元素、“化学物质”,   一旦与祈祷结合便会使你与上帝直接沟通。   人类的智慧固然有限,   普通的灵感闪现一经信念指点,   便会转换成精神震撼。   信念是惟一的中介,通过它   上帝的宇宙力会成为人类开发和利用的资源。   

2、FOLLOW YOUR OWN COURSE   Neil Simon   Dont listen to those who say,   “Its not done that way.”   Maybe its not, but maybe you will.   Dont listen to those who say,   “Youre taking too big a chance.”   Michelangelo would have painted the Sistine Floor,   and it would surely be rubbed out by today.   Most importantly, dont listen   When the little voice of fear inside of you   rear its ugly head and says,   “Theyre all smarter than you out there.   Theyre more talented,   Theyre taller, blonder, prettier, luckier and have connections...”   I firmly believe that if you follow a path that interests you,   Not to the exclusion of love, sensitivity, and cooperation with others,   But with the strength of conviction   That you can move others by your own efforts,   And do not make success or failure the criteria by which you live,   The chances are youll be a person worthy of your own respect.   走自己的路   尼尔·西蒙   别听那些人的话,   “这事不能那么做。”   也许是不能那么做,可是也许你就会那么做。   别听那些人的话,   “你这个险冒得太大了。”   米开朗琪罗可能在西斯廷教堂的地板上作过画,   到今天肯定已经被抹掉了。   最重要的是,   当你心中恐惧的'声音,   抬起它丑陋的头说,   “那边那些人都比你聪明,   他们更有才华,   他们更高大、皮肤更白、更漂亮、更幸运,   并且认识各种各样的人…”   你可千万别理会。   我坚信只要选择一条你感兴趣的路,   不排除爱情、敏锐以及与别人的合作,   而是坚定地认为,   通过你自身的努力能够感动他人,   不把成功或者失败作为你生活的标准,   那么你就可能成为值得自己敬佩的人。   

3、ON CHANGES   Irene Dunlap   Change is the only absolute   in the world,   the only thing   that you can depend on.   Nothing stays the same.   Tomorrow will come,   bringing with it   new beginnings and sometimes   unexpected endings.   You can hold on to the past   and get left in the dust;   or, you can choose to   jump on the ride of life   and live a new adventure   with perseverance   and an open mind.   论变化   艾琳·邓莱普   变化是世界上   惟一绝对的东西,   是惟一   你能相信的事情。   没有什么能一成不变,   明天将来临,   它会带来   新的开始,并且有时   还会带来意想不到的结局。   你可以抓住过去,   蒙受遗弃;   或者,你可以选择   跃上生命之车   进行一次新的冒险,   凭借坚持不懈   和广阔的胸怀。   

4、RESULTS AND ROSES   Edgar Albert Guest   The man who wants a garden fair,   Or small or very big,   With flowers growing here and there,   Must bend his back and dig.   The things are mighty few on earth,   That wishes can attain,   Whatever we want of any worth,   Weve got to work to gain.   It matters not what goal you seek,   Its secret here reposes:   Youve got to dig from week to week,   To get results or roses.   硕果和玫瑰   埃德加·阿尔贝特·格斯特   要想有个美丽花园,   面积大小姑且不管,   只要园中长满鲜花,   就必须把汗水挥洒。   有愿望就能实现,   这样的事还真是少见,只要想要的东西有价值,   就得靠努力去创造。   目标是什么并不重要,   秘诀终归只有一条:   周复一周不怕劳累,   才能收获硕果或者玫瑰。

5、中英文励志诗歌赏析   一、THE SIGNIFICANCE OF FAILURE   Robert H. Schuller   Failure doesnt mean you are a failure,   It does mean you havent succeeded yet.   Failure doesnt mean you have accomplished nothing,   It does mean you have learned something.   Failure doesnt mean you have been a fool,   It does mean you had a lot of faith.   Failure doesnt mean youve been disgraced,   It does mean you were willing to try.   Failure doesnt mean you dont have it,   It does mean you have to do something in a different way.   Failure doesnt mean you are inferior,   It does mean you are not perfect.   Failure doesnt mean youve wasted your life,   It does mean you have a reason to start afresh.   Failure doesnt mean you should give up,   It does mean you must try harder.   Failure doesnt mean youll never make it,   It does mean it will take a little longer.   Failure doesnt mean God has abandoned you,   It does mean God has a better idea.   十大策略失败的意义   罗伯特·H·舒勒   失败并不代表你是个失败者,   它只表明你尚未成功。   失败并不代表你一无所获,   它只表明你吸取了一次教训。   失败并不代表你很愚蠢,   它只表明你信心百倍。   失败并不代表你无脸见人,   它只表明你百折不回。   失败并不代表你工夫白费,   它只表明你的做事方法尚待改进。   失败并不代表你低人一等。   它只表明你并非完人。   失败并不代表你浪费生命,   它只表明你有理由重新开始。   失败并不代表你应该放弃,   它只表明你要加倍努力。   失败并不代表成功永不属于你,   它只表明你要付出更多的时间。   失败并不代表上帝已经抛弃你,   它只表明上帝还有更好的主意。   
