1、一个人,经得起挫折,受得起委屈,方能为自己赢得美好的人生。 A person who can stand setbacks and grievances can win a better life for himself.

2、不要害怕你面前有阴影,那是因为你背后有阳光。 Don't be afraid of a shadow in front of you, because there is sunshine behind you.

3、为了将来美一点,如今务必苦一点。 In order to be more beautiful in the future, we must be bitter now.

4、为了明天的希望,让我们忘了今天的痛苦。 For the hope of tomorrow, let us forget the pain of today.

5、人之所以痛苦,在于追求错误的东西。在于追求得不到的东西。 The reason why people suffer is that they pursue the wrong things. It's about pursuing what you can't get.

6、人人都讲理时有理可走遍天下,人人不讲理时有理将寸步难行。 When everyone is reasonable, he can go all over the world. If everyone is unreasonable, he will not be able to do anything.

7、人生如一支歌,应该多一些昂扬的吟唱,少一些哀婉的咏叹。 Life is like a song, we should sing more high spirited and less sorrowful aria.

8、人生就要活得漂亮,走得铿锵。自己不奋斗,终归是摆设。 Life is going to be beautiful and sonorous. If you don't struggle, you'll end up with decoration.

9、人生要有热情,要成功先发疯,头脑简单向前冲。 Life should have passion, to succeed first crazy, simple head forward.

10、人生路上,目标有多大,希望有多远。 On the road of life, how big is the goal and how far is the hope.

11、今天乃是我们惟一可以生存时间。我们不要庸人自扰。 Today is the only time we can live. Let's not fuss.

12、你是医生,在我重伤的时候,你是白痴,陪着我讲梦话。 You are a doctor, when I am seriously injured, you are an idiot, accompany me to talk in my sleep.

13、你跟你想要的东西越协调一致,就越有力量吸引这些东西。 The more consistent you are with what you want, the more powerful it is to attract it.

14、做最好的自己,不为天不为天只为明天的自己。 Be the best of yourself, not for the day, not for the day, only for tomorrow's own.

15、再高的人有时也需踮足,再矮的人有时也需屈身。 No matter how tall a person is, sometimes he has to stand on tiptoe, and sometimes he has to bend down.

16、别只顾着向后看,却没看到前面的路有多长。 Don't just look back and don't see how long the road ahead is.

17、别总说“还有时间”,毕竟还有“来不及了”这一说。 Don't always say "there's still time". After all, there is a saying that "it's too late".

18、努力的时候别停下,总有一天会看到自己以后的样子。 Don't stop when you try, you'll see what you'll look like one day.

19、可以追求财富,却是不能挥霍无度。 You can pursue wealth, but you can't spend too much.

20、在青春的世界里,沙粒要变成珍珠,石头要化作黄金。 In the world of youth, sand turns into pearl and stone turns into gold.

21、多一点快乐,少一点烦恼。累了就睡觉,醒了就微笑。 More happiness, less worry. Sleep when you are tired, smile when you wake up.

22、失去金钱事小,失去名誉事大,失去了勇气就失去了一切。 Losing money is little, losing reputation is big, losing courage is losing everything.

23、将自己磨炼成弹簧吧,让那些困难与挫折怎样来再怎样回去! Grind yourself into a spring, and let those difficulties and setbacks come and go back!

24、常识是本能,有足够的常识便是天才。 Common sense is instinct, enough common sense is genius.

25、年华一去不复返,事业放弃在难成。 The years are gone and never come back. It's hard to give up your career.

26、怀揣着朝气蓬勃的心迎接每一个黎明与黄昏。 With a vigorous heart to meet every dawn and dusk.

27、思想是行动的先导,心理问题直接作用并影响人的思想。 And action is the leading role of thought.

28、想要坚持就要克服刚开始的挫折感,回避诱惑,眼不见先不烦。 If you want to persist, you have to overcome the frustration at the beginning, avoid temptation, and get rid of trouble before you see it.

29、成你做了什么,而要问你为别人做了什么。 Ask what you have done for others.

30、成功与失败常常在于一念之差,继续拼搏还是妥协放弃。 Success and failure often lie in the difference between one thought, continue to struggle or compromise and give up.

31、成功就是凭着勇气和努力,不断地超越自己,做最好的自己。 Success means constantly surpassing yourself and being the best of yourself with courage and effort.

32、我之所以写作,不是我有才华,而是我有感情。 The reason why I write is not that I have talent, but that I have feelings.

33、我们无法选择自己的脑袋,但可以选择自己喜欢的思想。 We can't choose our heads, but we can choose the thoughts we like.

34、批评一定要接受,侮辱绝对不能接受。 Criticism must be accepted, and insults must not be accepted.

35、无人帮你是命运,学会坦然面对与承担。 No one to help you is fate, learn to face and bear calmly.

36、无农不稳,无工不富,无商不活。 No agriculture, no work, no wealth, no business, no life.

37、昨天已过去,明天还未来,把握好今天。 Yesterday is the past, tomorrow is the future. Grasp today.

38、有一种落差是,你总是羡慕别人的成功,自己却不敢开始。 There is a gap is that you always envy others' success, but you dare not start.

39、正确地做正确的事,这是真正的成功者。 To do the right thing correctly is a real winner.

40、母亲的眼睛,是我奋进的动力;母亲的皱纹,是我成长的阶梯。 My mother's eyes are my driving force; my mother's wrinkles are my ladder of growth.

41、每一次的细心付出,都会在需要帮助时,有着巨大的价值意义。 Every time you pay carefully, you will have great value when you need help.

42、气质是关键,如果时尚学不好,宁愿纯朴。 Temperament is the key. If you don't learn fashion well, you'd rather be simple.

43、没有人能够帮你一辈子,要想走得精彩又坦荡,唯有独立坚强。 No one can help you all your life. If you want to be wonderful and magnanimous, you have to be independent and strong.

44、爱情是一种幸福的体验,而不应该是担心和煎熬。 Love is a happy experience, not worry and suffering.

45、生中最大的成就,是从失败中站起来。 The greatest achievement in life is to stand up from failure.

46、生活不为任何人停留,你的生活只有现在! Life does not stay for anyone, your life only now!

47、用他、就要信任他;不信任他,就不要用他。 If you use him, trust him; if you don't trust him, don't use him.

48、真正懂得追求的人是决不允许自己输给过去的。 People who really know how to pursue will never allow themselves to lose to the past.

49、眼光可以看多远,你就能走多远。 You can go as far as your eyes can see.

50、稳定市场,重在回访,精心打理,休养生息。 To stabilize the market, it is important to pay a return visit, take care of it carefully and recuperate.

51、笑一笑,爱笑的人最漂亮,爱笑的人运气也不会差。 Smile, love to smile the most beautiful people, love to laugh people luck will not be bad.

52、箭装满袋大象踩不断,团结起来的力量胜过大象。 Arrow bag full of elephants trample on, unity of strength is better than the elephant.

53、纵然泪水盈满眼眶,也要找寻属于自己的阳光。 Even if tears fill our eyes, we should also find our own sunshine.

54、背后夸奖你的人,知道了要珍藏在心里,这里面很少有水分。 The person who praises you behind knows to treasure it in the heart. There is little water in it.

55、让珊瑚远离惊涛骇浪的侵蚀吗?那无异是将它们的美丽葬送。 Keep corals away from the erosion of rough seas? It's like burying their beauty.

56、诚信是人最美丽的外套,是心灵最圣洁的鲜花。 The most pure and honest person is the most beautiful coat.

57、趁你现在还有时间,尽你自己最大的努力。 Do your best while you still have time.

58、越成熟的稻子,头就会越低,意味着更多地为别人付出。 The more mature the rice, the lower the head, which means more to pay for others.

59、通过辛勤工作获得财富才是人生的大快事。 Wealth through hard work is the great joy of life.

60、锲而舍之,朽木不折;锲而不舍,金石可镂。 If you persevere, you will never break a rotten wood; if you persevere, you can carve out gold and stone.