
  Five Observation Ways to Just a Talent


  The Chinese ancestors have accumulated a serious of experience to justand adopt talents, i.e., five observations.

  To observation who to be with: Know more details about his companies. 重用 if e groups withtalents; be cautious if he together with villain.

  To observe how to conduct with: See how he would conduct his fortune. Heis not supposed to (be) 重用 if he isjust satisfy himself, waste fortune and covet self-enjoyment.

  To observe how to select: See how he select his potential sub-manager ina leading position. The man who is 任人唯贤,量才录用 must be the promising ones who broad in mindand just in business.

  To observe what to avoid: Know more about his integrity while introuble: 若虽身处困境,却不做任何苟且之事,这样的人就可以放心地委以重任。

  To observe what to deny: Know more about his choice when he is in poverty.The ideal one is不取不义之财,甘守清贫,则品性高洁。若见钱眼开,如蝇逐臭,就万不可重用。


  古人在实践中积累了一套识人、用夕、的'经验,归纳起来为“五视”,即: 居视其所亲。注意观察一个人平时跟谁在一起。如与贤人相近,则可重用;相反,若与小人为伍,就要加以当心。



