
  The Counting Rule of Age


  At the age of 79, the inventor Adisonannounced with pound and humor: “I am 135 years old.”

  Seemingly, at the age of 40, the popularqueen Madana declared surprised that actually 35 years old might be morereasonable to her then.

  Why Adison thought he was 135 years old butnot 79? This is because he accumulated the double working time than normalpeople: from

  16-year-old to 60-year-old, Adison usually worked 18~20 hoursevery day. At some key point, he might worked all day and all night longwithout thinking of food and rest for several days in a row.; after 60 yearsold, he was suggested to decrease his work, but he insisted to work 16 hoursevery day; after his 80 years old, he still went to his lab

  punctuately andworked all day with another three to five hours’ reading after going home. Thetime that Adison accounted and treasured, if counted as the time scheme thatnormal people, his lifespan has undoubtedly doubled. Therefore, his age was not79 but 135.

  Why Mdana held that she should be aged 35but not 40? This is because she thought that sometime was be wasted in her lifeand of course should eliminated: the marriage time with her pre-husband waswasted in quarrels. This should be cut one year; the time she turned her back to her friend for something. Thisshould reduce two years; she once been a actress in a nonsense film for aworthless year. This should one year; she was spotted with enormous loveaffairs should be cut; in this way, she totally lost five years and from theage of 40 t 35. The counting rule of age, add the treasure time and reduce the wasteful;accumulate the meaningful and worthy years, while cut the meaningless andworthless moment. Good at counting rules, you can carding and check your pastin a wise way; good at counting rules, you can arrange yourself and make a planfor your future in a proper road..




