1、一声何满子,双泪落君前。 He Manzi, tears fall in front of you.

2、一怀愁绪,几年离索。 A sad mood, a few years away.

3、东望鞭芙缥缈,寒光如注。 In the East, the whip Fu is ethereal, and the cold light is like a note.

4、中州遗恨,不知今夜几人愁。 Zhongzhou regret, I do not know how many people worry tonight.

5、乱山残雪夜,孤烛异乡人。 In the night of snow in the disordered mountains, the lonely candle is a stranger.

6、人生亦有命,安能行叹复坐愁? Life also has a life, can an sigh again sit sad?

7、人生如逆旅,我亦是行人。 Life is like an adverse journey, I am also a pedestrian.

8、人脉脉,水悠悠,几多愁。 People pulse, water leisurely, how much worry.

9、今夜~州月,闺中只独看。 I'm only watching in my boudoir.

10、伤心故人去后,冷落新诗。 After the sad old friend left, he left the new poetry in the cold.

11、何时倚虚幌,双照泪痕干。 When to lean on the false front, double light tears dry.

12、佳期怅何许,泪下如流霰。 What's the season of sorrow, tears like flowing graupel.

13、凝眸处,从今又添一段新愁。 Gaze at the place, from now on, add a new worry.

14、判得最长宵,数尽厌厌雨。 Judge the longest night, count tired of rain.

15、别后空愁我,相思一水遥。 Don't worry about me empty, Acacia a water distance.

16、别离在今晨,见尔当何秋。 Farewell in this morning, see you when he autumn.

17、北窗高卧,莫教啼鸟惊著。 The North Window lies high, don't teach the birds to be startled.

18、又到断肠回首处,泪偷零。 To the heartbroken to look back, tears steal zero.

19、发短愁催白,颜衰酒借红。 Hair short worry white, wine borrow red.

20、可怜闺里月,长在汉家营。 Poor girl in the moon, grow up in the Han family camp.

21、君行逾十年,孤妾常独栖。 You have been traveling for more than ten years, and my concubine often lives alone.

22、含情两相向,欲语气先咽。 Affectionate two opposite, want to tone first swallow.

23、夜中不能寐,起坐弹鸣琴。 Can't sleep in the night, sit up and play the harp.

24、天地太无情,日月何无光? Heaven and earth are too merciless, why the sun and the moon have no light?

25、失意还独语,多愁只自知。 When you are frustrated, you can only talk to yourself.

26、孤灯暧不明,寒机晓犹织。 The lonely lamp is not clear, and the cold machine is still weaving.

27、孤舟蓑笠翁,独钓寒江雪。 A lone boat with a coir hat and an old man fishing alone for the snow in the cold river.

28、客心已百念,孤游重千里。 I've been longing for visitors, and I've traveled thousands of miles alone.

29、客愁全为减,舍此复何之? All the worries of guests have been reduced. What can we do without them?

30、寒鸦飞数点,流水绕孤村。 Crows fly a few points, water around the lonely village.

31、待浮花、浪蕊都尽,伴君幽独。 Waiting for floating flowers, wave core all do, accompany you alone.

32、徘徊将何见?忧思独伤心, What will you see in wandering? Sorrow alone,

33、微阳下乔木,远色隐秋山。 Trees under the light sun, far color hidden autumn mountain.

34、愁因薄暮起,兴是清秋发。 Worry because of dusk, Xing is Qing Qiu hair.

35、我歌月徘徊,我舞影零乱。 I sing the moon wandering, I dance in disorder.

36、拜月月无言,问花花不语。 The moon is silent, ask flowers not language.

37、换我心,为你心,始知相忆深。 For my heart, for your heart, I know the deep memories.

38、无人知此意,歌罢满帘风。 No one knows the meaning of the song.

39、明月照空廊,思君夜正长。 The moon shines on the empty corridor, and the night is long.

40、昨日入城市,归来泪满巾。 Yesterday into the city, back full of tears.

41、未老莫还乡,还乡须断肠。 Never return to your hometown before you are old.

42、梨花自寒食,进节只愁余。 Pear from cold food, only worry about the festival.

43、永丰柳,无人尽日飞花雪。 Yongfeng willow, no one to do the day flying snow.

44、海水梦悠悠,君愁我亦愁。 The dream of the sea is long, and you worry about me.

45、独行独坐,独唱独酬还独卧。 Walk alone, sit alone, sing alone, pay alone or lie alone.

46、相思相望不相亲,天为谁春? Acacia, not blind date, who is the day spring?

47、秋至捣罗纨,泪满未能开。 In autumn, when Luo Wan was beaten, her tears were full.

48、竹影和诗瘦,梅花入梦香。 Bamboo shadow and poetry thin, plum blossom dream fragrance.

49、羹饭一时熟,不知贻阿谁! I don't know who the soup and rice will be cooked for a while!

50、蛛丝暗锁红楼,燕子穿帘处。 Spider silk locks the red chamber, swallows wear the curtain.

51、西风鸣络纬,不许愁人睡。 The wind in the west is singing, and no one should worry about sleeping.

52、语来江色暮,独自下寒烟。 Words to the river dusk, alone under the cold smoke.

53、轻衫未揽,犹将泪点偷藏。 The light clothes have not been taken, but the tears are hidden.

54、遇酒且呵呵,人生能几何! Encounter wine and ha ha, life can be geometry!

55、酷怜娇易散,燕子学偎红。 Cool pity easy to loose, swallow learn to cuddle red.

56、采莲时,小娘红粉对寒浪。 When picking lotus, little Niang red powder to cold wave.

57、雁尽书难寄,愁多梦不成。 Wild geese do not send books, worry more than dream.

58、青门一分手,难见杜陵人。 As soon as Qingmen broke up, it was hard to see the people of duling.

59、鸟啼官路静,花发毁垣空。 The birds sing, the road is quiet, and the flowers destroy the wall.

60、麦浪翻晴风s柳,已过伤春候。 The wheat wave turns clear, the wind blows the willow, has already passed the wound spring.