1、一个推销员的个性,是他最大的资本。 The personality of a salesman is his greatest capital.
2、不怪誓言太轻薄只是时间太现实。 No wonder the oath is too frivolous, but the time is too realistic.
3、不肯为自己的梦想而奋斗是懦弱的表现。 It is a sign of cowardice not to fight for one's dream.
4、不要丧气要争气,不要心动要行动! Don't lose heart, strive for success, don't be excited, take action!
5、世事总不能万般如意,有舍才有得。 The world can't be as good as it is. Only when you give up can you get it.
6、五分钟得到的收获,五分钟也会失去。 Five minutes gain, five minutes lose.
7、人如秋风之过客,胸怀坦荡做好人。 People are like passers-by of autumn wind. They are magnanimous and good people.
8、人生之苦,在于追求了错误的东西。 The bitterness of life lies in the pursuit of the wrong things.
9、人生就像弈棋,一步失误,全盘皆输。 Life is like playing chess. If you make a mistake, you lose the whole game.
10、人生最重要的并不是努力,而是方向。 The most important thing in life is not hard work, but direction.
11、人生自古谁无死,人间往来成古今。 Since ancient times, there is no death in human life.
12、人生自古谁无死?留取丹心照汗青。 Who has no death since ancient times? Keep a loyal heart for history.
13、你可以引导自己在任何方向,你选择。 You can guide yourself in any direction you choose.
14、你唯一应该超越的人,是昨天的自己。 The only person you should surpass is yesterday's self.
15、你既认准这条路,又何必在意要走多久。 Since you know this road, why do you care how long you will go.
16、你看着我在,演、嘴在笑泪在掉的表情。 You look at me in, acting, mouth in smile, tears in the expression.
17、你要相信,只要你去做,你也可以的。 You have to believe that as long as you do it, you can do it.
18、信仰决不是知识,而是使知识有效。 Faith is not knowledge, but making knowledge effective.
19、充分自信、完全自给的人是最幸福的。 The happiest are those who are fully confident and self-sufficient.
20、别人给的都是施舍,自己闯的才是辉煌! What others give is alms, what you create is brilliant!
21、别假装很努力,毕竟结果不会陪你演戏。 Don't pretend to work hard, after all, the result will not be with you.
22、别靠人,因为只有自己最可靠。 Don't rely on people, because only you are the most reliable.
23、努力不必须成功,但放下必须失败。 Efforts do not have to succeed, but to put down must fail.
24、善用内在潜能,你就是走运的人。 Make good use of your inner potential, and you are lucky.
25、回忆多么无奈,把握机会,才没有后悔。 How helpless memories, seize the opportunity, there is no regret.
26、困难象弹簧,你强它就弱,你若它就强。 Difficulties are like springs. If you are strong, they are weak. If you are strong, they are strong.
27、大鹏一日乘风起,扶摇直上九万里。 One day, the ROC took advantage of the wind and soared to 90000 Li.
28、天才无非是长久的忍耐,努力吧。 Genius is nothing more than long-term patience. Work hard.
29、太阳落山了,人才感到阳光的可贵。 When the sun sets, people feel the value of sunshine.
30、失去了诚信,就等同于敌人毁灭了自己。 The loss of integrity is equivalent to the destruction of the enemy.
31、好方法事半功倍,好习惯受益终生。 Good methods get twice the result with half the effort, and good habits benefit a lifetime.
32、如果你想快点长智,那么就得慢点骄傲。 If you want to grow up quickly, you have to be proud slowly.
33、如果坚持并努力,下一个成功者就是你。 If you persist and work hard, you will be the next winner.
34、孤独足够让人有无所畏惧的勇气。 Loneliness is enough to make one have the courage to be fearless.
35、实力塑造性格,性格决定命运。 Strength shapes character, character decides destiny.
36、志士惜年,贤人惜日,圣人惜时。 Scholars cherish the year, the sage cherish the day, the sage cherish the time.
37、想要人参的效果,不可能花买萝卜的价! If you want the effect of ginseng, you can't buy the price of radish!
38、愿你工作顺利,心情开朗,工资多加! Wish you a smooth job, a cheerful mood and more salary!
39、愿你有勇气和想象力,还能赚点钱。 May you have the courage and imagination and make some money.
40、成功不在于有无天资,而在与无理想。 Success lies not in talent, but in the absence of ideals.
41、成功不在难易,而在于是否采取行动。 Success lies not in the difficulty, but in taking action.
42、成功决不喜欢会见懒汉,而是唤醒懒汉。 Success does not like to meet lazy people, but to wake them up.
43、成功是战胜艰难险阻的奋斗结晶。 Success is the crystallization of struggle to overcome difficulties and obstacles.
44、成功的人虚怀若谷,并且无所畏惧。 Successful people are open-minded and fearless.
45、成功这件事,你自己才就是老板! You are the boss if you succeed!
46、我可以做乞丐,我也可以做皇帝。 I can be a beggar and I can be an emperor.
47、批评别人错误时,更要加入一些赞美。 When criticizing other people's mistakes, add some praise.
48、把悲伤压在心底,把笑容挂在脸上。 Press the sadness in the bottom of my heart and smile on my face.
49、拥抱时代趋势,借势换道超车。 Embrace the trend of the times and take advantage of the opportunity to overtake.
50、改变人的是方法,改造人的是思维。 It is the method that changes people and the thinking that transforms people.
51、有心创业岂畏难,立足起点莫等闲。 If you want to start a business, don't be afraid of difficulties.
52、望着别人幸福的笑容、心里总觉得不安! Looking at the happy smile of others, I always feel uneasy!
53、江东子弟多才俊,卷土重来未可知。 Jiangdong's children are so talented and talented that they will make a comeback.
54、没有永远的失败,只是暂时没有成功。 There is no permanent failure, just temporary failure.
55、没有目标的生活是向机会投降! Life without goals is surrender to opportunity!
56、清晨,阳光擦干了我思念你的泪水。 In the morning, the sun dried my tears of missing you.
57、生活的梦想,就是为了梦想的生活。 The dream of life is the life for dream.
58、登山则情满于山,观海则意溢于海。 Mountaineering is full of mountains, while watching the sea means overflowing the sea.
59、真心不如红钞票,感情之为性需要! Heart is not as good as red money, emotion is sexual need!
60、花时间去解释,不如花时间去证明。 Taking time to explain is not like taking time to prove.
61、虽有参天古木之强,不如枝多叶茂之久。 Although there are towering ancient trees, it is not as long as many branches and luxuriant leaves.
62、认真的人改变自己,执着的人改变命运。 Serious people change themselves, persistent people change fate.
63、让勤奋打败懒惰,让坚强打败脆弱。 Let diligence defeat laziness, let strength defeat vulnerability.
64、闻过则喜,知过不讳,改过不惮。 If you hear something, you will be happy. If you know something, you will not be afraid to change it.
65、除了汗水,什么水都不要浪费。 Don't waste anything but sweat.