1、一个人,孤单的心,只剩寂寞伴随。 A person, a lonely heart,only accompanied by loneliness.
2、乐意装傻,不代表我心瞎。 Willing to be foolish does not mean that I am blind.上一页12下一页
3、人累了就睡觉,心累了就傻笑。 People sleep when they are tired, and laugh whenthey are tired.
4、人累了有烟陪,心累了又找谁来陪! People tired with smoke, heart tired with whom to accompany!
5、保护一个人,并不是正因钟爱一个人。 Protecting a person is not about loving someone.
6、假如能回到过去,那就不要相识了。 If you can go back to the past, then don't get acquainted.
7、再深的喜欢,也抵挡不住你说要离开。 No matter how much you like it, you can't resist saying you want to leave.
8、回忆的苦涩,是一个人难以忘记的。 The bitterness of memory is hard to forget.
9、在乱世浮沉中,改变的往往是自己的心。 In the ups and downs of troubled times, change is often their own heart.
10、天会黑,人会变,心累了,怎么办。 It will be dark, people will change, tired heart, how to do.
11、孤独的苦涩,只能用眼泪来稀释。 The bitterness of loneliness can only be diluted with tears.
12、安于现状的我们,再也没有感情可言了。 We are satisfied with the status quo, and we have no feelings to speak of.
13、往事并不如烟,只是认真的人有点可怜。 The past is not as bad as smoke, but serious people are a little pitiful.
14、心累才是真的累,讲不清道不明。 Tired heart is really tired, not clear.
15、心酸纵有千百种,沉默不语最难过。 Although there are thousands of kinds of sadness, silence is the most sad.
16、想你的时候有点幸福,幸福的有点难过。 When I miss you, I feel a little happy and a little sad.
17、我不是什么英雄,只是爱你比较奋勇。 I am not a hero, but I love you more bravely.
18、我会记得你,然后爱别人。 I will remember you and love others.
19、我只是突然很想你,就这么简单而已。 I just miss you suddenly. It's so simple.
20、我终生的等候,换不来你刹那的凝眸。 I've waited all my life for your instant stare.
21、放弃太快,大概是因为很难坚持成爱。 Give up too fast, probably because it's hard to stick to love.
22、故事总会结束,只是有人欢喜有人哭。 The story always ends, but some people are happy and others are crying.
23、最深的孤独是,感觉找谁都是种打扰。 The deepest loneliness is that it is a kind of disturbance to find anyone.
24、有些痛,有些疲惫,只有自己懂。 Some pain, some fatigue, only their own understanding.
25、有时候觉得自己好累,真想一了了之。 Sometimes I feel so tired, I really want to think about it.
26、比悲伤更悲伤的是,空欢喜。 More sad than sorrow is empty joy.
27、没关系,反正你也不是第一次让我难过。 It doesn't matter. It's not the first time you've made me sad.
28、没资格吃的醋最酸,先动心的人最惨。 The vinegar that does not qualify for eating is the most sour, the person who takes the initiative is the most miserable.
29、淡了,散了,累了,原来的那个你呢? Faint, scattered, tired, the original you?
30、用自己的光,照明自己的路。 Illuminate your way with your own light.
31、让我心碎,你做得比谁都到位。 Let me break my heart. You've done better than anyone else.
32、越是在乎的人,你就越是猜不透。 The more you care about people, the more you can't guess.
33、遗忘了微笑,胜于记住了悲伤。 It is better to forget to smile than to remember sorrow.
34、除了你,我没什么软肋。 I have no weaknesses except you.