1、一生,一条路,一个人走,一个人悟。 Life, a road, a person to walk, a person to understand.

2、一颗不安定的心,已经尘埃落定尽管它曾经饱含风霜。 A restless heart has settled down even though it was once full of wind and frost.I give you gentleness, but indulge you to defect into emptiness.

3、不要被世人的践踏和嘲笑所蒙蔽,你不会知道未来的你有多强大。 Don't be fooled by the trample and ridicule of the world. You don't know how strong you will be in the future.上一页12下一页

4、人生如戏,与日俱增的,除了年龄,还有演技。 Life is like a play, with each passing day, besides age, there are acting skills.

5、人间正道是沧桑,活的不要太嚣张。 The right way on earth is vicissitudes of life. Don't be too arrogant.

6、你也是个作者,何必执愿在别人的故事里当配角。 You are also a writer. Why do you want to play a supporting role in other people's stories?

7、你变成了他喜欢的样子,我变成了连自己都讨厌的疯子。 You became what he liked, and I became a madman I hated.

8、你想要一个关于永久的承诺,我真的给不起。 You want a permanent commitment. I really can't afford it.

9、你是我幸福的回忆,我是你遗忘的过去。 You are my happy memory, I am your forgotten past.

10、偶要学有文化,做文化人,干文化事,讲文化语,写文化字。 Occasionally, we should learn culture, be a cultural person, do cultural affairs, speak cultural language and write cultural characters.

11、其实我以前个子挺高的,只不过后来经常洗澡缩水了而已。 Actually, I used to be tall, but later I often took a bath and shrank.

12、出去走走,别让坏情绪迷乱了世界,慌乱了心。 Go out for a walk. Don't let bad moods confuse the world and your heart.

13、听了很多人的爱情故事,好的坏的,只想感谢,我遇见的是你。 Listen to many people's love stories, good or bad, just want to thank you, I met you.

14、和你在一起时,我就没有羡慕过任何人。 When I was with you, I didn't envy anyone.

15、天下凡人,总爱、以爱之名,互相折磨。 All mortals in the world always love and torture each other in the name of love.

16、如果你能随意的后退一步,那么我也能随意的靠近一步。 If you can take a step back at will, then I can take a step closer at will.

17、如果爱你一开始就是个错误,那么我想一错再错下去。 If loving you is a mistake in the beginning, then I want to make one mistake and make another mistake.

18、宁愿做过了后悔,也不要错过了后悔。 I would rather regret it than Miss it.

19、快乐要懂得分享,才能加倍的快乐。 Happiness can only be doubled if you know how to share it.

20、想你时我像个哑巴,情绪太多无法表达。 When I miss you, I feel like a mute, too emotional to express.

21、我不知道你现在到底爱不爱我,我只知道曾经的我深爱你。 I don't know if you love me now or not. I only know that I used to love you deeply.

22、我们一直沉默,最后,是我开了口。 We kept silent. Finally, I opened my mouth.

23、我们都是近视眼,模糊了离我们最近的幸福。 We are all myopic, blurring our nearest happiness.

24、我只当做是梦一场,醒来后连你的样子都回忆不清。 I just think of it as a dream. I can't remember you when I wake up.

25、我只是难过不能陪你一起老,再也没有机会看到你的笑。 I'm just sad that I can't grow old with you and never have achance to see your smile again.

26、我只爱对你发脾气,因为我潜意识相信你不会离开我。 I only like to be angry with you because I subconsciously believe you won't leave me.

27、我就在想啊,靠你那小脸蛋得到你想要的了? I was just thinking, you got what you wanted with your little face?

28、我想温暖你,无关爱情,却想胜过一切感情。 I want to warm you, not love, but want to surpass all feelings.

29、我是个天真的人、为什么还是有人伤我那么深。 I am a naive person, why someone still hurt me so deeply.


31、挣钱是一种能力,花钱是一种技能,我能力有限,技术却很高。 Earning money is a kind of ability, spending money is a kind of skill, I have limited ability, but I have high technology.

32、无论成功失败,但至少要尝度。生活只有这样才会变得更好。 Success or failure, but at least try. Only in this way can life be better.

33、时光不会倒流,过去的终究是过去了。 Time will not turn back. The past is gone after all.

34、春色满园关不住,我拉红杏出墙来。 Spring is full of garden, I pull red apricots out of the wall.

35、曾经再过美好,也只是曾经,过去的终究要过去。 Once again beautiful, but also only once, the past will eventually pass.

36、最养眼的不是风华正茂的情侣,而是搀扶到老的老夫妇。 The most eye-catching thing is not the beautiful couple, but the old couple.

37、最后说我爱你,是我所能做的唯一。 Finally, saying I love you is the only thing I can do.

38、月下问归人东篱黄昏约,是是非非。 It's right and wrong to ask people to return to Dongfei at dusk next month.

39、有时候,不小心知道了一些事,才发现自己所在乎的事那么可笑。 Sometimes, when I know something carelessly, I find that what I care about is so ridiculous.

40、有的时候,之所以哭泣,并不是因为软弱,而是因为坚强太久。 Sometimes, the reason why we cry is not because we are weak, but because we are strong for too long.

41、望着你突然一阵心痛,一次又一次任那感情放纵。 Looking at you suddenly a burst of heartache, again and again let that emotional indulgence.

42、爱一个人可以不要命,但不可以不要脸。 Love a person can be fatal, but not shameless.

43、独自一人,漫步街头,让雨水浸湿我已伤痕累累的心。 Walking alone in the street, let the rain soak my scarred heart.

44、若有真心,异地恋的爱情,依旧甜蜜如夏花。 If there is true love, love in another place is still sweet as summer flowers.

45、说片面是熬夜,说实在是失眠,说实话是想念。 To say one-sided is to stay up late, to say the truth is insomnia, to tell the truth is to miss.

46、谁说打呵呵就一定是笑,只是不知道该说什么。 Anyone who says haw must laugh, just don't know what to say.

47、谢谢你们那么爱我,我爱那些爱我的人。 Thank you for loving me so much. I love those who love me.

48、还没有来的及懂得爱情,怎么就像学会了怀疑? How can it be like learning to doubt that you haven't come yet and know love?

49、这样会不会真的开心、或许只是需要新鲜感而已。 Does this really make you happy? Maybe it's just a need for freshness.

50、金字塔是用一块块的石头堆砌而成的。 The pyramids are built of blocks of stone.

51、面子是别人给的,脸却是自己挣的。 Face is given by others, but face is earned by oneself.

52、骂人时最痛苦不过于别人用你的话来回骂你,分量也会猛增许多。 The most painful thing about cursing is that when someone uses your words to curse you back and forth, the weight will increase dramatically.
