1、余生,唯愿讨好自己! For the rest of my life, I wish to please myself!

2、只愿身边,蝴蝶翩跹。 I just want to be around, butterflies dance.

3、愿一切努力终有收获。 May all efforts be rewarded.

4、愿一切如你所愿。 May everything be as you wish.

5、愿一生平安,幸福美满! Wish a life of peace and happiness and happiness!

6、愿与草木,随遇而安。 Wish to be safe with grass and wood.

7、愿人生精彩,快乐幸福! Wish life wonderful, happy and happy!

8、愿人生静好,岁岁含香。 Wish life is quiet and fragrant at the age of age.

9、愿你去往之处皆为热土。 May you go to all the places with hot soil.

10、愿你善良,带着锋芒。 May you be kind and bright.

11、愿你天天都有好心情! May you have a good mood every day!

12、愿你娑婆途总有感动。 May you always be moved in the way of SATA.

13、愿你安好,幸福如意。 May you be well and happy.

14、愿你快乐事有始无终。 May you be happy and happy.

15、愿你快乐又吉祥。 May you be happy and auspicious.

16、愿你快乐无忧! May you be happy and carefree!

17、愿你成为自己的太阳。 May you be your own sun.

18、愿你所愿,终能实现。 May you achieve what you wish.

19、愿你所愿,都能实现! May all you wish will be realized!

20、愿你所遇之人皆为挚友。 May all you meet be friends.

21、愿你有前进一寸的勇气。 May you have the courage to move forward an inch.

22、愿你每天开心。 May you have a good day.

23、愿你活的像自己。 May you live like yourself.

24、愿你的人生阳光灿烂。 May your life be sunny.

25、愿你的人生,十全十美。 May your life be perfect.

26、愿你的成熟不是逼迫。 May your maturity be not forced.

27、愿你秒秒都快乐! Wish you a happy second and second!

28、愿你越来越好。 May you get better and better.

29、愿你,一切安好。 May everything be safe for you.

30、愿只争朝夕,不负韶华。 I hope I can only fight for the night and not take time.

31、愿孤独的人,都会唱歌。 May all lonely people sing.

32、愿岁月不老,你我都好。 May years be old, you and I are all good.

33、愿岁月不老,你我都好! May years not be old, you and I are all good!

34、愿您冬不寒,体安康。 May you be cold in winter and healthy.

35、愿我岁岁,常欢愉。 May I be happy when I am old.

36、愿时光安暖,幸福常在。 May time be warm and happy.

37、愿时间能缓,故人不散。 May time be slow, so that people will not be scattered.

38、愿有人陪你颠沛流离。 May someone accompany you in exile.

39、愿每个等待,都有归期。 I hope every waiting will have a return date.

40、愿现实安稳,岁月静好。 May the reality be stable and the years will be quiet.

41、愿生有去处,苍有归途。 May life have a place, and heaven will return.

42、愿等待的人,都有回答。 All those who wish to wait have answers.

43、愿,余生无悔。 May, there is no regrets for the rest of my life.

44、明月依旧,愿灯火无恙。 The moon is still, and may the light be well.

45、来世,我愿为一枝莲。 I will be a lotus in the future.

46、这一生,只愿做自己。 This life, just want to be oneself.