1、一年之计在于春,一日之计在于晨。 A year's plan is in spring, and a day's plan is in the morning.

2、一日无二晨,时间不重临。 There are no two mornings in a day.

3、不要为已消逝之年华叹息,须正视欲匆匆溜走的时光。 Don't sigh for the time that has passed, but face up to the time that you want to slip away in a hurry.

4、光阴似箭,日月如梭。 Time flies like an arrow.

5、叹岁月流年,留不住知己红颜,恨昔时少年,守不住旦旦誓言。 Sigh years, can not stay confidant beauty, hate the past youth, can not keep the Dan Dan oath.

6、向往成功的桂冠,就别空费每一天。 Looking forward to the laurel of success, don't waste every day.

7、如果不想在世界上虚度一生,那就要学习一辈子。 If you don't want to waste your life in the world, you have to learn for a lifetime.

8、少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。 A young idler, an old beggar.

9、尽可多创造快乐去填满时间,哪可活活缚着时间来陪着快乐。 As much as possible to create happiness to fill time, which can be bound to time to accompany happiness.

10、岁月催人老,时间流逝,只留下那岁月的痕迹,刻在小伙伴们的脸上。 Time urges people to grow old, time passes, leaving only the traces of the years, engraved on the faces of friends.

11、岁月无痕,流水时光,却容不下我这一只残破孤零的扁舟。 No trace of the years, water time, but I can not accommodate this broken boat.

12、岁月流经,流年缱绻,我爱的人,像极了你。 Years flow through, love time, I love the people, like you.

13、岁月流走,蓦然回首,有我们相守,不离左右。 Years flow away, suddenly look back, there are us together, do not leave the left and right.

14、岁月流逝只令容颜苍老,激情不再却使心灵枯萎。 Years go by only make the face old, passion no longer makes the heart wither.

15、岁月流逝,不知不觉中,记忆里多少了春秋离去。 Years passed, unconsciously, how many spring and autumn leaves in memory.

16、岁月流逝,惟有记忆中的那张面孔永不老去。 As time goes by, only the face in my memory will never grow old.

17、当你在感慨时间的流逝的时候,你已经在开始变老了。 When you are feeling the passage of time, you are already getting old.

18、当有时间时要利用时间,因为时间稍纵即逝。 Make use of time when you have time, for time is fleeting.

19、惊风飘白日,光景西驰流。 The wind is blowing in the day, and the scenery is flowing in the West.

20、我现在只能做的,便是以一段拙劣的文字来祭奠我那段流逝的岁月。 What I can do now is to commemorate the passing years with a piece of poor words.

21、无可奈何花落去,似曾相识燕归来。 The flowers fall and the swallow returns.

22、时光在不经意中流逝,翻开旧日的笔记,字里行间充满着情深意境的交错。 Time passes by inadvertently. Turning over the old notes, the lines are filled with the intertwining of deep feelings and artistic conception.

23、时间乃是万物中最宝贵的东西,但如果浪费了,那就是最大的浪费。 Time is the most precious thing in all things, but if it is wasted, it is the greatest waste.

24、时间如流水,半点不等人。 Time is like running water.

25、时间如雨后的彩虹,缓缓悄悄的消逝于蔚蓝天际。 Time is like a rainbow after rain, slowly and quietly disappearing in the blue sky.

26、时间是一个伟大的作者,它会给每个人写出完美的结局来。 Time is a great writer, it will give everyone a perfect ending.

27、时间是一笔贷款,即使在守信用的借贷者也还不起。 Time is a loan, which can't be paid even by a trustworthy borrower.

28、时间的脚步是无声的,它在不经意间流逝,春去秋来,青春年华刹那方休。 The pace of time is silent, it inadvertently elapses, spring and autumn, the moment of youth rest.

29、曾经一度想要得到的东西,随着时间的流逝,多年以后却觉得索然无味。 Once wanted to get things, with the passage of time, many years later feel dull.

30、有些事情不是说不想就能不想的,有些话不是看过之后就会忘记的。 Some things can't be ignored if you don't want to, and some words can't be forgotten after reading them.

31、有些人,有些事,在岁月流逝后,会变得更加刻骨铭心。 Some people, some things, after the passage of time, will become more unforgettable.

32、流光容易把人抛,红了樱桃,绿了芭蕉。 Streamer easy to throw people, red cherry, green banana.

33、流年,在等谁的相濡以沫。 Fleeting time, waiting for whose mutual help.

34、盛年不重来,一日难再晨。及时当勉励,岁月不待人。 If you don't have a good year, it's hard to get morning again. Encourage in time, time waits for no man.

35、等时间的人,就是浪费时间的人。 He who waits for time is a waste of time.

36、艺术长存,光阴易逝。 Art lasts forever and time is fleeting.

37、花有重开日,人无再少年。 Flowers have a new day, people no longer young.

38、记得珍惜那些还在身边的人,记得珍惜那些流过的时间。记得珍惜你自己。 Remember to cherish those who are still around, remember to cherish those who flow through the time. Remember to cherish yourself.

39、随着岁月流逝,记忆会被淡忘,你所有胜利都会褪色。 As time goes by, memories will fade, and all your victories will fade.