1、A truly humorous people don't have understanding, readily only laugh, smile for cold, dreary life breath. -- Qian Zhongshu   一个真有幽默的人别有会心,欣然独笑,冷然微笑,替沉闷的人生透一口气。——钱钟书   

2、I believe that a sense of humor is part of the charm. Has a sense of humor, people can in a very harmonious atmosphere exchanges of ideas and opinions with each other. The lack of a sense of humor, life becomes monotonous and boring. -- I Sophia Naran   我相信幽默感也是魅力的一个组成部分。有了幽默感,人们可以在一种非常融洽的气氛中彼此交流思想和看法。缺乏幽默感,生活就变得非常单调和枯燥。——意·索菲亚·名兰   

3、I doubt whether the world has experienced the importance of humor humor, or to change our entire culture life possibility of humor in politics, in science, in life position. Its function with the said material, still be inferior to saying is chemistry. The fundamental organization it changed our thinking and experience. We must default to its importance in national life. -- Lin Yutang   我很怀疑世人是否曾体验过幽默的重要性,或幽默对于改变我们整个文化生活的可能性——幽默在政治上,在学术上,在生活上的地位。它的机能与其说是物质上的,还不如说是化学上的。它改变了我们的思想和经验的根本组织。我们须默认它在民族生活上的`重要。——林语堂   

4、The joke to deal with the enemy, is a natural good tactics, but the contact point, must be the opponent's fatal injury, otherwise, the end is nothing but a joke just kidding. -- Lu Xun   用玩笑来应付敌人,自然也是一种好战法,但触着之处,须是对手的致命伤,否则,玩笑终不过是一种单单的玩笑而已。——鲁迅   

5、The last bus 4, happiness is not missed, but do not get crowded.   幸福的末班车不是没赶上,而是挤不上去。   

6、a lot of money, but can not find the seed money, can cause.   赚钱之道很多,但是找不到赚钱的种子,便成不了事业家。   

7、a successful person is a sense of humor to deal with setbacks. -- James Pam   一个成功的人是以幽默感对付挫折的。——詹姆斯·潘

8、a successful person is a sense of humor to deal with setbacks. -- James Pam   一个成功的人是以幽默感对付挫折的。——詹姆斯·潘   

9、a truly humorous people don't have understanding, readily only laugh, smile for cold, dreary life breath. -- Qian Zhongshu   一个真有幽默的人别有会心,欣然独笑,冷然微笑,替沉闷的人生透一口气。——钱钟书   

10、action is good medicine to cure fear, and hesitation, delay will continue to nourish the fear.   行动是治愈恐惧的良药,而犹豫、拖延将不断滋养恐惧。   

11、but two people meet, the next is not the story is accident.   但两个人相遇,接下来的不是故事就是事故。   

12、do not and I than lazy, I'm too lazy and than you.   不要和我比懒,我懒得和你比。   

13、even climb the highest mountain, one can only stand on solid ground to a step.   即使爬到最高的山上,一次也只能脚踏实地地迈一步。   

14、for the abstract thinking to take away from the attitude, which is very deeply rooted, and sensitive nose, a smell of humour and satire will wrinkle. Know now that with this nose people read the morning paper, and set up a bonus for satire, so they will say: I want to get this prize, than I do it more smoothly, because I can immediately to speak their mind, but don't play any tricks. -- Hagel   对于抽象思维采取敬而远之的态度,这是非常根深蒂固的,以至灵敏的鼻子,一嗅到幽默和讽刺准会皱起来。既然长着这种鼻子的人都读晨报,而且知道,为讽刺文学设立了奖金,所以他们会说:我想得到这种奖金,要比我做这桩事情来得顺当,因为我立刻可以说出自己的想法,而且不用耍什么诡计。——黑格尔   

15、good humor is not just to make you laugh, but also let you cry! The cry more tears will decline in value, so the tears do happy and laughing and being still can see the soul of the solemn and sincere. Maybe humour pain does not suffering the pain of weak. -- Wang Meng   好的幽默并不只是让你笑,还让你哭呢!哭多了眼泪就会跌价,于是乎泪尽则喜,嬉笑之中仍然可以看到作者那庄严赤诚的灵魂。也许幽默的痛苦并不比痛苦的痛苦弱。——王蒙   

16、humor and serious mutual inspection stone, because is not willing to accept the good jokes, which have doubts, but could not resist to joke must also be wisdom. -- Gaulke Asia   幽默与严肃互为验石,因为不愿接受善意的玩笑,其中必有疑处,而经不住审度的玩笑也一定是智慧。——高尔克亚   

17、humor is a beautiful, healthy quality. May you make up your own humor. Lenin -- the former Soviet Union   幽默是一种优美的、健康的品质。愿你让自己幽默起来。——前苏联·列宁   

18、humor is all the light of wisdom, shining in the middle of the ancient and modern philosophers spirituality. Where the quality of humor, are smart perspicacious. They will solve all the difficult problems with the humorous wrist, and every kind of things arranged to take it leisurely and unoppressively, be just perfect. -- Qian Renkang   幽默是一切智慧的光芒,照耀在古今哲人的灵性中间。凡有幽默的素养者,都是聪敏颖悟的。他们会用幽默手腕解决一切困难问题,而把每一种事态安排得从容不迫,恰到好处。——钱仁康   

19、humor is not willing to institutional absurdity. - Usher   幽默是不肯正经其事的荒谬感。——厄谢尔   

20、humor is so gorgeous costumes, is how loyal guard! It is always better than the poet and writer's wisdom; it is itself a talent, it can eliminate ignorance. -- Scott   幽默是多么艳丽的服饰,又是何等忠诚的卫士!它永远胜过诗人和作家的智慧;它本身就是才华,它能杜绝愚昧。——司各特   

21、humor is that workers have confidence in their own career and show the advantage of the signs of their own. -- Engels   幽默是表明工人对自己事业具有信心并且表明自己占着优势的标志。——恩格斯   

22、humor is the life waves buoy. -- spreading   幽默是生活波涛中的救生圈。——拉布   

23、humor is the nature of man, it might change one of the atmosphere, but can not change the life of pain. -- Guo Chen   幽默是人的本性,它或许可以改变一时的气氛,却改变不了一生的痛苦。——郭辰   

24、humor is the wisdom, moral education and the excellent performance of. -- de Engels   幽默是具有智慧、教育和道德上优越的表现。——德·恩格斯   

25、humor, can saying is give people a subtle sense of dispensing the spice of life. For some light humor, can make the atmosphere of the time to change, make the stalled suddenly solve unsolved. - Masayoshi Ohira   幽默:可以说是能给人以微妙感的调剂生活的佐料。由于某种轻巧的幽默,就可以使当时的气氛为之改观,使陷于僵局的悬案豁然解决。——日·大平正芳   

26、if not to their limits, there is no restriction on the life of the fence you play.   若不给自己设限,则人生中就没有限制你发挥的藩篱。   

27、is like pregnancy, a long time can let a person see.   怀才就像怀孕,时间久了才能让人看出来。 (99句教你学会幽默英语名言警句)   

28、make you laugh, funny. You want to a want to laugh, humor. -- George Bunus   使你发笑的人,滑稽。使你想了一想笑的人,幽默。   

29、money is not a problem, the problem is no money! People can not hang in a tree, to near a few tree die again and try.   钱不是问题,问题是没钱!人不能在一棵树上吊死,要在附近几棵树上多死几次试试。   

30、not change quickly, but you too much food.   不是变化快,而是你太菜。   

31、not everyone can have a humorous attitude. It is a praiseworthy for one's excellent conduct talent, many people do not even have the ability to enjoy the people to present their happiness. -- O Floyd   并不是每个人都能具有幽默态度。它是一种难能可贵的天赋,许多人甚至没有能力享受人们向他们呈现的快乐。——奥·弗洛伊德   

32、people can not the same, some people will humor, some people will not, not humor person had better not reluctantly. -- Lao She   人的才能不一样,有的人会幽默,有的人不会,不会幽默的人最好不必勉强。——老舍   

33、positive thinking leads to positive life, negative thinking negative life.   积极思考造成积极人生,消极思考造成消极人生。   

34、rather than for, rather than retreat webs.   与其临渊羡鱼,不如退而结网。   

35、the humor and wit is the flash of wisdom. -- Indira Shakespeare   幽默和风趣是智慧的闪现。——英·莎士比亚   

36、the humor comes from wisdom, verbal abuse from incompetence. - pine forest   幽默来自智慧,恶语来自无能。——松林   

37、the most effective capital is our credibility, it is 24 hours non-stop work for us.   最有效的资本是我们的信誉,它24小时不停为我们工作。   

38、the rogue is not terrible, the afraid rascal have culture......   流氓不可怕,就怕流氓有文化……   

39、the sense of humour is a sense. Li, Ji Bolun   幽默感就是分寸感。——黎·纪泊伦   

40、there are many real word of in joke. -- Swift   有许多真实的话都是在笑话中讲出来的。——斯威夫特   

41、there are many real word of in joke. -- Swift   有许多真实的话都是在笑话中讲出来的。——斯威夫特   

42、there is no innate confidence, and only continue to nurture confidence.   没有天生的信心,只有不断培养的信心。   

43、there must be a useful material to be useful, I ascended to heaven!   天生我材必有用、材必有用我升天!   

44、to go its own way, let others take the taxi to go.   走自己的路,让别人打车去吧。   

45、to the definition of humor and humor analysis, is the lack of sense of humor pastime. -- Benchley   给幽默下定义和对幽默作分析,是欠缺幽默感的人的消遣。——本奇利   

46、today the mood is not good. I only have four words to say. Including this and previous two. I finished saying.   今天心情不好。我只有四句话想说。包括这句和前面的两句。我的话说完了。   

47、understand the humor of humor people in general will be very happy. - quiet   懂幽默会幽默的人一般都会很快乐。——宁静   

48、you are not financial, financial ignore you.   你不理财,财不理你。   

49、you can't keep a straight face in dealing with people. Sense of humor is the most important, it will make your job easier, to bring the popular sun will also give you the staff of life. -- Indira Parkinson Rustmogi   你不能老是板着面孔与人相处。幽默感到是最重要的,它会使你的工作变得更为容易,同时也会给你的职工的生活带来深受欢迎的阳光。——英·帕金森·鲁斯特莫吉   

50、you let me roll, I roll. You let me come back, sorry, roll away the.   你让我滚,我滚了。你让我回来,对不起,滚远了。   

51、关于英文幽默句子   幽默,形容有趣或可笑而意味深长。它是外来词,由英文Humor音译而来的,小编整理了关于英文幽默句子合集,希望大家看完后会笑。   
