1、一个人的毅力,会支持你能够走多远。 One's perseverance will support how far you can go.
2、一千个愿望,一千个计划,一千个决心,不如一个行动! A thousand wishes, a thousand plans and a thousand resolutions are better than one action!
3、丈夫志不大,何以佐乾坤。 How can a husband help heaven and earth if he has little ambition.
4、不奋斗,世界这么大你靠什么去看看。 If you don't fight, the world is so big. What do you rely on to see.
5、不怕客户来揭短,就怕自己砸饭碗。 Not afraid of customers to expose the shortcomings, afraid of their own job.
6、不论你在什么时候开始,重要的是开始之后就不好停止。 No matter when you start, it's important to stop after you start.
7、世界很大,梦想很多,想做什么,任你去闯。 The world is very big, dreams a lot, what do you want to do, you can go.
8、人之所以烦恼,在于记忆。 The reason why people are upset lies in memory.
9、人生如戏,戏如人生,每个人都在上演着不同的角色。 Life is like drama and drama is like life. Everyone is playing different roles.
10、人生就像选择题,总有一个答案适合你。 Life is like a multiple choice question. There is always an answer for you.
11、人的活动假如没有理想的鼓舞,就会变得空虚而渺小。 If there is no ideal encouragement, people's activities will become empty and insignificant.
12、人类因梦想,而变的伟大。 Human beings become great because of their dreams.
13、任凭风浪起,稳坐钓鱼船。 Let the wind and waves rise, and sit on the fishing boat.
14、你的生命一如他人,每个生命都会下雨。 Your life is like others, every life will rain.
15、你还年轻,别凑活过接下来的人生,还有万万种可能。 You are still young. Don't make ends meet for the rest of your life. There are thousands of possibilities.
16、做人可以没天赋,但不能没斗志。 You can be a man without talent, but you can't be without fighting spirit.
17、光辉的人生中,一个忙迫的钟头,胜于无意义的人生的一世。 A busy hour in a glorious life is better than a life without meaning.
18、再短的路,不迈开双脚也无法到达。 No matter how short the road is, you can't reach it without opening your feet.
19、再难的道,也有尽头;再长的路,也有出口,坚持就会有光明! No matter how difficult the road is, there will be an end; no matter how long the road is, there will be exits, and if we persist, there will be light!
20、决定我们一生的不是我们的能力,而是我们的选择。 What determines our life is not our ability, but our choice.
21、勤奋是幸运的右手,世俭是幸运的左手。 The thrifty is the right hand.
22、发明的秘诀,在不断的努力。 The secret of invention, in constant efforts.
23、只要风停了,什么猪都得摔死。 As long as the wind stops, any pig will fall to death.
24、坚强的信心,能使平凡的人做出惊人的事业。 Strong confidence can make ordinary people make amazing career.
25、太过美好的的东西都不适合去经历,因为一旦经历后就无法忘记。 Too beautiful things are not suitable to experience, because once experienced, it can not be forgotten.
26、如果一辈子都做事的话,忘了做人,将来一定会后悔。 If you do things all your life, if you forget to be a man, you will regret it in the future.
27、如果你想推销成功,那就一定要按下客户的心动钮。 If you want to sell successfully, you must press the customer's heart button.
28、寻找揣摩自己所不知道的东西,只要自己不知道的,我就去学。 Look for and guess what I don't know. As long as I don't know, I will learn.
29、当大难临头,需要协助时,你才会看出谁是真正的朋友。 When there is a disaster and you need help, you can see who your true friend is.
30、当眼泪流尽的时候,留下的就应是坚强。 When the tears run out, what is left should be strong.
31、德厚者流光,业勤者流芳。 Virtue and diligence are the best.
32、我们经历挫折,是因为上天不允许我们停止努力。 We experience setbacks because God doesn't allow us to stop trying.
33、我决定以后狠低调,不会再给那些惦记我的人机会! I decided to keep a low profile and not give those who care about me a chance again!
34、扶摇直上气贯长虹,百折不挠扭转乾坤。 It is full of vitality and perseverance to turn the world around.
35、把自己活成一道光,自信坦荡,光芒万丈。 Live yourself as a light, confident and magnanimous.
36、改善命运航道的力量就是思考,思考就是任何成功的第一个原因。 The power to improve the destiny channel is thinking, and thinking is the first reason for any success.
37、无论做什么,你都要勇往直前。 No matter what you do, you have to move forward.
38、既然对手已经放下,那我便必要在炫耀自我。 Since the opponent has put down, then I need to show off myself.
39、是金子总会发光、是镜子总会反光、是人渣最好死光。 Is the gold always luminous, is the mirror always to reflect, is the scum best dead light.
40、是鱼,你就到深水中去畅游。 If it's a fish, you can swim in the deep water.
41、最不宜结婚的是浪子,最适宜结婚的也是浪子。 The most unfit for marriage is the prodigal son, and the most suitable for marriage is the prodigal son.
42、机会就最没有耐心的客人,只敲一次门就走了。 Opportunity is the most impatient guest who knocks at the door and leaves.
43、气质一半是与生俱来,一半是生活积淀。 Temperament is half born, half is life accumulation.
44、没什么高低之分,只要自己过得开心就好。 There is no difference between high and low, as long as you have a good time.
45、独立强大,才能获得心安。 Only when we are independent and strong can we have peace of mind.
46、生活没有太多的十全十美,所有的酸甜苦辣都是最好的回忆。 Life is not too perfect, all the ups and downs are the best memories.
47、真话没有假话动听,事实没有故事生动。 The truth is not as pleasant as lies, and the fact is not as vivid as the story.
48、知之为知之,不知为不知。 To know is to know; to know is to know.
49、缘分像一本书,翻的不经意会错过童话,读得太认真会流干眼泪。 Fate is like a book, turn inadvertently will miss the fairy tale, read too seriously will dry tears.
50、自信,就是成功的第一秘决。 Confidence is the first secret of success.
51、行为改变了,能力就会改变。 When behavior changes, ability changes.
52、让努力与梦想并肩共行,让汗水与喜悦伴梦同飞。 Let efforts and dreams go together, let sweat and joy fly with dreams.
53、让想象飞起来,让勤劳的双手把计划做起来。 Let the imagination fly, let the industrious hands do the plan.
54、识得进退,懂得回归,以平常心对待人生,人生将无处不是坦途。 If you know how to advance and retreat, know how to return, and treat life with an ordinary mind, life will be smooth.
55、读书补自然之不足,经验又补读书之不足。 Reading makes up for the lack of nature, and experience makes up for the lack of reading.
56、走自己的路,让别人去说吧。 Go your own way and let others speak.
57、起点可以相同,但是选择了不同的拐点,终点就会大大不同! The starting point can be the same, but choose a different inflection point, the end point will be greatly different!
58、过去属于死神,未来属于你自己。 The past belongs to death, and the future belongs to you.
59、迎接未来,未来是无限风光。 To meet the future, the future is infinite.
60、销售要主动出击,不要守株待兔。 Sales should take the initiative, not wait for a rabbit.