1、m悄然无息A,闯入仂俄A心。 You quietly break into my heart.

2、一悲一喜,为你牵肠挂肚。 I'm worried about you.

3、一意孤行和不坚定,全都是你。 It's all you who are determined and not determined.

4、一江明月,回首少了谁。 A bright moon, looking back who is missing.

5、三生三世,歌尽桃花。 Three lives three generations, the song makes peach blossom.

6、上了我的贼船,就要陪我远航。 If you get on my ship, you will accompany me on a long voyage.

7、为你,花开满城。 For you, flowers bloom all over the city.

8、什么时候我能爱你,你也爱我。 When I can love you, you love me too.

9、你依然,是我的最爱。 You are still my favorite.

10、你如星,我如月。 You are like the star, I am like the moon.

11、你是咱家大功臣,谢谢你。 You are a great hero in our family. Thank you.

12、你是我手心里的优乐美。 You are the beauty in my hand.

13、你是我的,日久生情。 You're mine. I love you.

14、你是我的,谁都抢不走。 You're mine. No one can take it.

15、你是我,思念的良药。 You are the medicine I miss.

16、你是我,梦里的常客。 You are me, a frequent visitor in my dream.

17、你的嘴,只准我亲。 Your mouth, only let me kiss.

18、你的幸福,我来筑造。 I will build your happiness.

19、你的无情,抹去我的温柔。 Your heartless, erase my tenderness.

20、你让我,重新相信了爱情。 You make me believe in love again.

21、借箭十万,戒不了对你的思念。 With a hundred thousand arrows, I can't stop missing you.

22、再等等,山南水北我都陪你去。 Wait a minute. I'll go with you.

23、前生注定,喜结良缘。 Predestined in previous life, married.

24、卖萌的心,永不止步。 Cute heart, never stop.

25、即使心怀怨念,总是不停微笑。 Even with resentment, always smile.

26、去见你的路上,连风都是甜的。 On the way to see you, even the wind is sweet.

27、只有死别,不再生离。 Only death, no rebirth.

28、多少熟悉,多少错觉。 How familiar, how many illusions.

29、夜静谧,想你的心在夜空迷离。 The night is quiet. I miss your heart in the night sky.

30、大家好,这是我的可爱多。 Hello, everyone. This is my beloved.

31、夺我所爱,我凭什么拱手相让。 Take what I love. Why should I give up.

32、安静时,心在想你! Quiet, the heart is thinking of you!

33、小生不才,未得姑娘芳心。 If you are not talented, you can't win a girl's heart.

34、少无适俗韵,性本爱丘山。 Few do not adapt to popular rhyme, love hills and hills.

35、心胸狭隘,只能装一个你。 Narrow-minded, can only install you.

36、心里,总是想你。 In my heart, I always miss you.

37、思念是一枚叶,落得轻护得真。 Miss is a leaf, fall light, protect really.

38、想你,是件很快乐的事。 Miss you, is a very happy thing.

39、感谢遇见,努力向前。 Thank you for meeting, and strive to move forward.

40、我很好胜,却唯独喜欢输给你。 I am very competitive, but only like to lose to you.

41、我心悦你,不问朝夕。 I love you, never ask.

42、我惜的少女,会发亮。 I cherish the girl, will shine.

43、我爱你,你能听见吗? I love you, can you hear me?

44、我爱你,爱你,你。 I love you, I love you, you.

45、旅程中有你,感觉骄傲。 I feel proud to have you on the journey.

46、海上月在天上,心上人在眼前。 The moon on the sea is in the sky, and my sweetheart is in front of you.

47、爱你呦,好爱,好爱。 Love you, good love, good love.

48、爱你如初,岁月可鉴。 Love you as before, years can learn.

49、爱就一个字,我只说一次。 Love is a word, I only say it once.

50、生命虽短,爱却绵长。 Life is short, but love is long.

51、白首不离,你左我右。 White head does not leave, you left me right.

52、百年好合,百年琴瑟。 A hundred years of love, a hundred years of music.

53、糖是甜的,你也是。 Sugar is sweet, so are you.

54、红颜多薄命,多情伤离别。 The beauty of life, sentimental injury parting.

55、自君之出矣,不复理残机。 Since the king's departure, no longer manage the residual opportunity.

56、要么一生,要么陌生。 Either a lifetime or a stranger.

57、贪婪的,想吻着你。 Greedy, want to kiss you.

58、走不完的路,遇不见的你。 You can't be seen in the endless road.

59、问今生,错把来世看。 Ask this life, mistake the afterlife.

60、风风雨雨,有我和你同舟共济。 Ups and downs, I and you in the same boat.