1、一年之计在于春,一日之计在于晨。——萧绎 A year's plan is in spring, and a day's plan is in the morning.

2、一春鱼雁无消息,则见双燕斗衔泥。——关汉卿 One spring, fish and geese have no news, then see two swallows fighting mud.

3、世情薄,人情恶,雨送黄昏花易落。——唐婉 The world is thin, the human relationship is bad, the rain sends the evening flower to fall easily.

4、为门庭增添光彩的是来做客的朋友。——爱默生 It is the friends who come here to add luster to the courtyard.

5、书痴者文必工,艺痴者技必良。——蒲松龄 A bookworm must be skilled in literature, while an art buff must be good at skill.

6、云厚者,雨必猛,弓劲者,箭必远。——葛洪 If the clouds are thick, the rain will be fierce; if the bow is strong, the arrow will be far away.

7、人不能两次踏进同一条河流。——德谟克利特 One cannot step into the same river twice.

8、人才进行工作,而天才进行创造。——舒曼 Talent works, genius creates.

9、人是按美的规律造形的。——马克思 Man is shaped according to the law of beauty.

10、人类的心灵需要理想甚于需要物质。——雨果 The human mind needs ideals more than matter.

11、他们把水搅混,以使其看上去更深。——尼采 They mixed the water to make it look deeper.

12、兴来每独往,胜事空自知。——王维 When you come and go alone, you are better than knowing things by yourself.

13、出门看天色,进门看脸色。——增广贤文 Go out to see the sky, go in and look at your face.

14、别院深深夏席清,石榴开遍透帘明。——苏舜钦 Other courtyard deep summer Xi Qing, pomegranate open through the curtain Ming.

15、去年花里逢君别,今日花开已一年。——韦应物 Last year I saw you leave, but today it has been a year.

16、古之人,有高世之才,必有遗俗之累。——苏轼 The ancient people, with the talent of the world, must be tired of the legacy.

17、夏条绿已密,朱萼缀明鲜。——韦应物 Summer green has been dense, Zhu calyx decorated bright fresh.

18、大家做事寻常,小家做事慌张。——增广贤文 We do things in a normal way, and my family is in a hurry.

19、天阶夜色凉如水,卧看牵牛织女星。——杜牧 the steps seem steeped in water when cold grows the night. she lies to watch two stars in love meet in the sky.

20、好把音书凭过雁。——李清照 Well, let's pass the wild goose by the sound book.

21、家人闲坐,灯火可亲。——汪曾祺 The family is sitting around and the lights are friendly.

22、尊重别人的心意,才是最重要的心意。——庞颖 Respect for the will of others is the most important one.

23、山色遥连秦树晚,砧声近报汉宫秋。——韩 The mountains are far away from the Qin trees, and the sound of the anvil is close to the autumn of the Han Palace.

24、平岸小桥千嶂抱。柔蓝一水萦花草。——王安石 There are many small bridges on the flat bank. Soft blue water lingers on flowers and plants.

25、弟妹萧条各何在,干戈衰谢两相催!——杜甫 Where are the younger brothers and sisters in depression!

26、徐郎老,恨断肠声在,离镜孤鸾。——吴文英 Xu Lang old, hate heartbroken voice in, from the mirror lonely Luan.

27、忠诚是通向荣誉之路。——左拉 Loyalty is the road to honor.

28、悬飞竟不下,乱起未成行。——沈约 Hang fly actually not to go down, disorderly rise not to make a line.

29、悲哉梦仙人,一梦误一生。——白居易 Sad dream fairy, a dream miss life.

30、情之所钟,虽丑不嫌。——沈复 Love, though ugly.

31、所志在功名,离别何足叹。——陆龟蒙 What a pity to be separated from you.

32、斟酌嫦娥,九秋宫殿冷。——史达祖 Considering Chang'e, the palace is cold in autumn.

33、明人自断,愚人官断。——增广贤文 A wise man will judge himself, but a fool will judge him.

34、昨夜江边春水生,艨艟巨舰一毛轻。——朱熹 Last night, the river side spring water, the giant ship a hair light.

35、是节东篱菊,纷披为谁秀。——杜甫 Is the section of the East fence chrysanthemum, who is covered for show.

36、望上国,山呼鳌\,遥k炉香。——柳永 Looking at the country, the mountain called Ao, distant fire incense.

37、朝阳和落日相比,人们更赞美前者。——恰普曼 People praise the sunrise more than the sunset.

38、楚天魂梦与香消,青山暮暮朝朝。——纳兰性德 The soul dream and fragrance of Chu sky disappear, and the Castle Peak is in the twilight.

39、楼头客子杪秋后,日落君山元气中。——陈与义 At the end of the building, after autumn, when the sun sets, the mountain is in its vitality.

40、死并不新鲜,但活着更不稀罕。——叶赛宁 Death is not new, but living is not rare.

41、水色渌且明,令人思镜湖。——李白 The water color is lush and bright, which makes people think of mirror lake.

42、沅有芷兮澧有兰,思公子兮未敢言。——贾谊 Yuan Zhi Xi Li Lan, think childe Xi not dare to speak.

43、满载一船秋色,平铺十里湖光。——张孝祥 Full load of autumn, tile ten miles of lake light.

44、灞原风雨定,晚见雁行频。——马戴 Bahuan wind and rain, late see geese frequency.

45、白眼观天下,丹心报国家。——宋教仁 White eye view of the world, loyal to the country.

46、相思不管年华,唤酒吴娃市。——吴文英 Acacia regardless of time, call wine Wuwa city.

47、真诚是处世行事的最好方法。——怀特 Sincerity is the best way to do things.

48、着破荷衣,笑西风吹我,又落西湖。——赵汝 Wearing broken lotus clothes, laughing at the west wind blowing me, and falling on the West Lake.

49、知事少时烦恼少,识人多处是非多。——增广贤文 When there are few governors, there are few worries, and many people know what is right and wrong.

50、秩序,只有秩序才能产生*。——法国 Order, only order can produce freedom.

51、胆怯之心随着时间的消失而消失。——埃斯库罗斯 As time goes by, timidity disappears.

52、落日暴风雨,归路绕汀湾。——苏舜钦 Sunset storm, return to the way around Ting Wan.

53、试浇桥下水,今夕到湘中。——陈与义 Try to pour the bridge into the water and arrive in central Hunan this evening.

54、谁吝啬时间,时间对谁就慷慨。——俄罗斯谚语 Time is generous to those who are stingy.

55、谦让别人就是处世之道。——野口英世 Humility is the way of life.

56、辛勤的蜜蜂永远没有时间的悲哀。——布莱克 Industrious bees never have the sorrow of time.

57、远芳侵古道,晴翠接荒城。——白居易 Yuanfang invades the ancient road, and Qingcui meets the desolate city.

58、逆运不就是性格的试金石吗?——巴尔扎克 Is not adversity the touchstone of character?

59、霜华满地,欲跨彩云飞起。——文征明 Frost all over the ground, want to fly across the clouds.